JMRI can use a QSI Solutions Quantum Programmer module to read and write CV's in DCC decoders.
The Quantum Programmer hardware is capable of driving one (low-current) locomotive in "Ops Mode". This lets the user run the engine, test the lights, etc. JMRI does not yet have code to do this, but if there's enough interest we can certainly add it.
We currently don't have enough information to download sounds to the decoder through the Quantum Programmer. If we get the information, we'll certainly write this code.
Note that when using JMRI with the Quantum Programmer, the Quantum CV Manager (Windows only) program must not be running. If it is, you'll get obscure errors and JMRI won't be able to access the decoder.
JMRI and the Quantum Programmer generally work well with QSI decoders. Some people have had trouble using JMRI and the Quantum Programmer with non-QSI decoders, particularly other kinds of sound decoders. In those cases, the solution has usually been to use a programming track booster such as the PowerPax or PTB-100.
To access the Quantum Programmer from JMRI, you need to install a driver on your computer. This section describes how to do that for several popular computer types.
For JMRI to talk to the Quantum Programmer, a driver has to be installed so that the Quantum Programmer appears to be a serial port (a Virtual Com Port, or VCP). These drivers are compatible with the most recent version of the QSI Quantum Programmer software, so you can alternate between using JMRI and the Quantum Programmer application (though not at the same time, of course).
Max Ettinger has provided detailed instructions for how to install these.
You should now be able to start a JMRI application and access the Quantum Programmer. It will appear as "Quantum Programmer" in the Preferences windows.
This is still being worked on.
sudo ./load_qsi_prog
You configure JMRI to use a Quantum Programmer similarly to the way all other Connection types are configured.
DecoderPro is now configured. Restart it, and you should be ready to use the Quantum Programmer.