Class WiFiConsist

    • Method Detail

      • add

        public void add​(DccLocoAddress loco,
                        boolean dirNorm)
        Description copied from class: DccConsist
        Add a Locomotive to an Advanced Consist
        Specified by:
        add in interface Consist
        add in class DccConsist
        loco - is the Locomotive address to add to the locomotive
        dirNorm - is True if the locomotive is traveling the same direction as the consist, or false otherwise.
      • sendConsistCommand

        public void sendConsistCommand​(DccLocoAddress loco,
                                       boolean dirNorm,
                                       WiFiConsist consist)
        Send an NMRA consisting command to add or remove a loco from a consist
        loco - The loco to add or remove
        dirNorm - true for normal, false for reverse
        consist - The short consist address for a loco, null to remove