JMRI Defense: Papers from Second Appeal to the Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit
Most of our legal defense is happening in the
Northern District of Calfornia federal court.
Papers from there are available on our
main docket page.
On this page, we're providing copies of the court papers from
our second appeal to the Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit, located in
Washington DC.
This is taking place during 2009.
If you're interested
in papers from the first appeal, during 2008, they're on a
separate page.
Key Appeal Documents
Note that these are presented in a "logical" order, not
necessarily the chronological order in which they were filed.
This is to intended to make it easier to understand how the
key documents are interrelated.
The hearing is currently set for 10AM Monday January 4th
in Courtroom 201 of the Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit.
The Court's address is
717 Madison Pl, Washington, DC.
The Complete Appeal Docket
The Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit mostly works with paper documents.
The Court of Appeals only uses the PACER system for lists of documents, and
an occasional formal certification. We provide copies of the relevant
PACER index pages from this case below. The primary documents are available