JMRI: ECoS Preferences

The ECoS User Preferences allows you to control the way that the ECoS interacts with JMRI for different features:


Add Locos to the ECoS
When a new roster entry is created in JMRI, this option allows you to set whether the loco should be added to the ECoS.

Remove Locos from the ECoS
When a roster entry is deleted in JMRI, this option allows you to set whether the loco should be deleted from the ECoS or not.

Add Locos to JMRI Roster
When JMRI detects that a new loco has been added in the ECoS Database, this option allows you to set whether the loco should be added into the roster or not.

Remove Locos from JMRI Roster
When JMRI detect that a loco has been removed from the ECoS Database, this option allows you to set whether the loco should be deleted from the roster or not. Note: Currently if a loco has been removed from the ECoS when it is not connected to JMRI, this removal is not detected.

ECoS Loco Description Template
Enter a combination of plain text and one or more of the special field-codes shown below this field to use as a template for display of Loco information.


Temporary Locos
The ECoS requires an entry in its database before it is possible to control a loco. When you select either a roster entry or enter in an address of loco in the address box of a throttle and that addresses doesn't already exist in the ECoS database, JMRI will automatically create an entry to match with a description of "Created By JMRI". When JMRI is shutdown, these temporary locos can either be left on the ECoS or removed. This setting allows you set how this works.

Loss of Control
If another controller has exclusive control over a loco, then it is not possible for JMRI to take control or operate that loco. JMRI will make three attempts at trying to gain over the loco, if the third attempt fails, the user will be presented with a prompt on whether to force control over loco. Here you can set whether to always force a controlled take over, never force a controlled take over or to always prompt.


Remove Turnouts from the ECoS
If a turnout is removed from the turnout table in JMRI, this determines whether the turnout should be deleted from the ECoS.

Add Turnouts to JMRI
If JMRI receives a notification that a turnout or accessory has been added to the ECoS while JMRI is running, this setting determines how JMRI should react.
Note: That this does not prevent JMRI from populating the turnout table when the application is first opened.

Remove Turnouts from JMRI
If JMRI receives a notification that a turnout or accessory has been removed from the ECoS, this setting determines how JMRI should react.