001package jmri.jmrix.dcc4pc;
003import java.io.DataInputStream;
004import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException;
005import java.util.Calendar;
007import jmri.jmrix.AbstractMRListener;
008import jmri.jmrix.AbstractMRMessage;
009import jmri.jmrix.AbstractMRReply;
010import jmri.jmrix.AbstractMRTrafficController;
011import jmri.jmrix.dcc4pc.serialdriver.SerialDriverAdapter;
013import org.slf4j.Logger;
014import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
017 * Converts Stream-based I/O to/from DCC4PC messages. The "Dcc4PcInterface" side
018 * sends/receives message objects.
019 * <p>
020 * The connection to a Dcc4PcPortController is via a pair of *Streams, which
021 * then carry sequences of characters for transmission. Note that this
022 * processing is handled in an independent thread.
023 * <p>
024 * This handles the state transitions, based on the necessary state in each
025 * message.
026 *
027 * @author Bob Jacobsen Copyright (C) 2001
028 */
029public class Dcc4PcTrafficController extends AbstractMRTrafficController implements Dcc4PcInterface {
031    /**
032     * Create a new DccPcTrafficController instance.
033     */
034    public Dcc4PcTrafficController() {
035        super();
036        if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
037            log.debug("creating a new Dcc4PcTrafficController object");
038        }
039        this.setAllowUnexpectedReply(false);
040    }
042    public void setAdapterMemo(Dcc4PcSystemConnectionMemo memo) {
043        adaptermemo = memo;
044    }
046    Dcc4PcSystemConnectionMemo adaptermemo;
048    @Override
049    public synchronized void addDcc4PcListener(Dcc4PcListener l) {
050        this.addListener(l);
051    }
053    @Override
054    public synchronized void removeDcc4PcListener(Dcc4PcListener l) {
055        this.removeListener(l);
056    }
058    public static final int RETRIEVINGDATA = 100;
060    /**
061     * Forward a Dcc4PcMessage to all registered Dcc4PcInterface listeners.
062     */
063    @Override
064    protected void forwardMessage(AbstractMRListener client, AbstractMRMessage m) {
065        ((Dcc4PcListener) client).message((Dcc4PcMessage) m);
066    }
068    /**
069     * Forward a Dcc4PcReply to all registered Dcc4PcInterface listeners.
070     */
071    @Override
072    protected void forwardReply(AbstractMRListener client, AbstractMRReply r) {
073        ((Dcc4PcListener) client).reply((Dcc4PcReply) r);
074    }
076    @Override
077    protected AbstractMRMessage pollMessage() {
078        return null;
079    }
081    @Override
082    protected AbstractMRListener pollReplyHandler() {
083        return null;
084    }
086    /**
087     * Forward a preformatted message to the actual interface.
088     */
089    @Override
090    public void sendDcc4PcMessage(Dcc4PcMessage m, Dcc4PcListener reply) {
091        sendMessage(m, reply);
092    }
094    protected boolean unsolicitedSensorMessageSeen = false;
096    //Dcc4Pc doesn't support this function.
097    @Override
098    protected AbstractMRMessage enterProgMode() {
099        return Dcc4PcMessage.getProgMode();
100    }
102    //Dcc4Pc doesn't support this function!
103    @Override
104    protected AbstractMRMessage enterNormalMode() {
105        return Dcc4PcMessage.getExitProgMode();
106    }
108    @Override
109    protected void addTrailerToOutput(byte[] msg, int offset, AbstractMRMessage m) {
110    }
112    Dcc4PcMessage mLastMessage;  //Last message requested with a reply listener ie from external methods
113    Dcc4PcMessage mLastSentMessage; //Last message actually sent from within the code, ie getResponse.
115    @Override
116    synchronized protected void forwardToPort(AbstractMRMessage m, AbstractMRListener reply) {
117        if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
118            log.debug("forwardToPort message: [{}]", m);
119        }
120        if (port == null) {
121            return;
122        }
123        // remember who sent this
124        mLastSender = reply;
125        mLastMessage = (Dcc4PcMessage) m;
127        // forward the message to the registered recipients,
128        // which includes the communications monitor, except the sender.
129        // Schedule notification via the Swing event queue to ensure order
130        if (!mLastMessage.isGetResponse()) {
131            //Do not forward on the get response packets, saves filling up the monitors with chaff
132            Runnable r = new XmtNotifier(m, mLastSender, this);
133            javax.swing.SwingUtilities.invokeLater(r);
134        }
135        forwardToPort(m);
137    }
139    //this forward to port is also used internally for repeating commands.
140    private void forwardToPort(AbstractMRMessage m) {
141        mLastSentMessage = (Dcc4PcMessage) m;
142        // stream to port in single write, as that's needed by serial
143        byte msg[] = new byte[lengthOfByteStream(m)];
145        // add data content
146        int len = m.getNumDataElements();
147        for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) {
148            msg[i] = (byte) m.getElement(i);
149        }
151        try {
152            if (ostream != null) {
153                if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
154                    StringBuilder f = new StringBuilder();
155                    for (int i = 0; i < msg.length; i++) {
156                        f.append(Integer.toHexString(0xFF & msg[i]));
157                        f.append(" ");
158                    }
159                    log.debug("formatted message: {}", f);
160                }
161                while (m.getRetries() >= 0) {
162                    if (portReadyToSend(controller)) {
163                        port.setDTR(true);
164                        ostream.write(msg);
165                        try {
166                            Thread.sleep(20);
167                        } catch (InterruptedException ex) {
168                            Thread.currentThread().interrupt();
169                        } catch (Exception ex) {
170                            log.warn("sendMessage: Exception: {}", ex.toString());
171                        }
172                        ostream.flush();
173                        port.setDTR(false);
174                        break;
175                    } else if (m.getRetries() >= 0) {
176                        log.debug("Retry message: {} attempts remaining: {}", m, m.getRetries());
177                        m.setRetries(m.getRetries() - 1);
178                        try {
179                            synchronized (xmtRunnable) {
180                                xmtRunnable.wait(m.getTimeout());
181                            }
182                        } catch (InterruptedException e) {
183                            Thread.currentThread().interrupt(); // retain if needed later
184                            log.error("retry wait interrupted");
185                        }
186                    } else {
187                        log.warn("sendMessage: port not ready for data sending: {}", java.util.Arrays.toString(msg));
188                    }
189                }
190            } else {
191                // ostream is null
192                // no stream connected
193                connectionWarn();
194            }
195        } catch (java.io.IOException | RuntimeException e) {
196            // TODO Currently there's no port recovery if an exception occurs
197            // must restart JMRI to clear xmtException.
198            xmtException = true;
199            portWarn(e);
200        }
201    }
202    jmri.jmrix.purejavacomm.SerialPort port;
204    @Override
205    public void connectPort(jmri.jmrix.AbstractPortController p) {
207        super.connectPort(p);
208        port = ((SerialDriverAdapter) controller).getSerialPort();
210    }
212    @Override
213    protected AbstractMRReply newReply() {
214        Dcc4PcReply reply = new Dcc4PcReply();
215        return reply;
216    }
218    // for now, receive always OK
219    @Override
220    protected boolean canReceive() {
221        return true;
222    }
224    @Override
225    protected boolean endOfMessage(AbstractMRReply msg) {
226        if (port.isDSR()) {
227            return false;
228        }
229        try {
230            if (controller.getInputStream().available() > 0) {
231                if (port.isRI()) {
232                    log.debug("??? Ringing true ???");
233                }
234                return false;
235            }
237            //log.debug("No more input available " + port.isDSR());
238            if (port.isRI()) {
239                log.debug("??? Ringing true ???");
240            }
241            return true;
242        } catch (java.io.IOException ex) {
243            log.error("IO Exception{}", ex.toString());
244        }
245        return !port.isDSR();
246    }
248    @Override
249    protected void handleTimeout(AbstractMRMessage msg, AbstractMRListener l) {
250        if(l != null){
251            ((Dcc4PcListener) l).handleTimeout((Dcc4PcMessage) msg);
252        }
253        super.handleTimeout(msg, l);
254    }
256    Dcc4PcReply lastIncomplete;
257    boolean waitingForMore = false;
258    boolean loading = false;
260    final int GETMOREDATA = 0x01;
262    /**
263     * Handle each reply when complete.
264     * <p>
265     * (This is public for testing purposes) Runs in the "Receive" thread.
266     *
267     */
268    @Override
269    public void handleOneIncomingReply() throws java.io.IOException {
270        // we sit in this until the message is complete, relying on
271        // threading to let other stuff happen
273        // Create message off the right concrete class
274        AbstractMRReply msg = newReply();
276        // message exists, now fill it
277        loadChars(msg, istream);
278        if (mLastSentMessage != null) {
279            ((Dcc4PcReply)msg).setOriginalRequest(mLastMessage);
280            //log.debug(mLastMessage.getElement(0));
281            if (mLastSentMessage.isForChildBoard()) {
282                if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
283                    log.debug("This is a message for a child board {}", ((Dcc4PcReply) msg).toHexString());
284                    log.debug("Originate {}", mLastMessage.toString());
285                }
286                if ((mLastSentMessage.getNumDataElements() - 1) == msg.getElement(1)) {
287                    log.debug("message lengths match");
288                    waitingForMore = true;
289                    try {
290                        Thread.sleep(10);
291                    } catch (InterruptedException ex) {
292                        log.debug("InterruptedException", ex);
293                    }
294                    //log.debug("We do not forward the response to the listener as it has not been formed");
295                    lastIncomplete = null;
296                    forwardToPort(Dcc4PcMessage.getResponse());
298                    return;
299                } else {
300                    if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
301                        log.debug("Not all of the command was sent, we need to figure out a way to resend the bits");
302                        log.debug("Original Message length {}", mLastSentMessage.getNumDataElements());
303                        log.debug("What CID has procced in size {}", (byte) msg.getElement(1));
304                        log.debug("Reply is in error {}", ((Dcc4PcReply) msg).toHexString());
305                    }
306                }
307            } else if (mLastSentMessage.getElement(0) == 0x0C) {
308                if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
309                    log.debug("last message was a get response {}", ((Dcc4PcReply) msg).toHexString());
310                }
311                if (msg.getElement(0) == Dcc4PcReply.SUCCESS) {
312                    ((Dcc4PcReply) msg).strip();
313                    if (lastIncomplete != null) {
314                        //log.debug("Need to add the new reply to this message");
315                        //log.debug("existing : " + lastIncomplete.toHexString());
317                        //Append this message to the last incomplete message
318                        if (msg.getNumDataElements() != 0) {
319                            int iOrig = lastIncomplete.getNumDataElements();
320                            int iNew = 0;
321                            while (iNew < msg.getNumDataElements()) {
322                                lastIncomplete.setElement(iOrig, msg.getElement(iNew));
323                                iOrig++;
324                                iNew++;
325                            }
326                        }
327                        //set the last incomplete message as the one to return
328                        log.debug("Reply set as lastIncomplete");
329                        msg = lastIncomplete;
330                    }
331                    ((Dcc4PcReply) msg).setError(false);
332                    ((Dcc4PcReply)msg).setOriginalRequest(mLastMessage);
333                    lastIncomplete = null;
334                    waitingForMore = false;
335                    mLastMessage = null;
336                    mLastSentMessage = null;
337                } else if (msg.getElement(0) == Dcc4PcReply.INCOMPLETE) {
338                    waitingForMore = true;
339                    ((Dcc4PcReply) msg).strip();
340                    if (lastIncomplete != null) {
341                        //Append this message to the last incomplete message
342                        if (msg.getNumDataElements() != 0) {
343                            int iOrig = lastIncomplete.getNumDataElements();
344                            int iNew = 0;
345                            while (iNew < msg.getNumDataElements()) {
346                                lastIncomplete.setElement(iOrig, msg.getElement(iNew));
347                                iOrig++;
348                                iNew++;
349                            }
350                        }
352                    } else if (msg.getNumDataElements() > 1) {
353                        lastIncomplete = (Dcc4PcReply) msg;
354                    }
355                    //We do not forward the response to the listener as it has not been formed
356                    forwardToPort(Dcc4PcMessage.getResponse());
358                    return;
360                } else {
361                    log.debug("Reply is an error mesage");
362                    ((Dcc4PcReply) msg).setError(true);
363                    mLastMessage.setRetries(mLastMessage.getRetries() - 1);
364                    if (mLastMessage.getRetries() >= 0) {
365                        synchronized (xmtRunnable) {
366                            mCurrentState = AUTORETRYSTATE;
367                            replyInDispatch = false;
368                            xmtRunnable.notify();
369                        }
370                        return;
371                    }
372                }
373            }
374        } else {
375            log.debug("Last message sent was null {}", ((Dcc4PcReply) msg).toHexString());
376        }
378        // message is complete, dispatch it !!
379        replyInDispatch = true;
380        if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
381            log.debug("dispatch reply of length {} contains {} state {}", msg.getNumDataElements(), msg.toString(), mCurrentState);
382        }
383        // forward the message to the registered recipients,
384        // which includes the communications monitor
385        // return a notification via the Swing event queue to ensure proper thread
386        Runnable r = newRcvNotifier(msg, mLastSender, this);
387        try {
388            javax.swing.SwingUtilities.invokeAndWait(r);
389        } catch (InterruptedException | InvocationTargetException e) {
390            log.error("Unexpected exception in invokeAndWait:", e);
391        }
393        if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
394            log.debug("dispatch thread invoked");
395        }
396        if (!msg.isUnsolicited()) {
397            // effect on transmit:
398            switch (mCurrentState) {
399                case WAITMSGREPLYSTATE: {
400                    // check to see if the response was an error message we want
401                    // to automatically handle by re-queueing the last sent
402                    // message, otherwise go on to the next message
403                    if (msg.isRetransmittableErrorMsg()) {
404                        if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
405                            log.debug("Automatic Recovery from Error Message: {}", msg.toString());
406                        }
407                        synchronized (xmtRunnable) {
408                            mCurrentState = AUTORETRYSTATE;
409                            replyInDispatch = false;
410                            xmtRunnable.notify();
411                        }
412                    } else {
413                        // update state, and notify to continue
414                        synchronized (xmtRunnable) {
415                            mCurrentState = NOTIFIEDSTATE;
416                            replyInDispatch = false;
417                            xmtRunnable.notify();
418                        }
419                    }
420                    break;
421                }
422                case WAITREPLYINPROGMODESTATE: {
423                    // entering programming mode
424                    mCurrentMode = PROGRAMINGMODE;
425                    replyInDispatch = false;
427                    // check to see if we need to delay to allow decoders to become
428                    // responsive
429                    int warmUpDelay = enterProgModeDelayTime();
430                    if (warmUpDelay != 0) {
431                        try {
432                            synchronized (xmtRunnable) {
433                                xmtRunnable.wait(warmUpDelay);
434                            }
435                        } catch (InterruptedException e) {
436                            Thread.currentThread().interrupt(); // retain if needed later
437                        }
438                    }
439                    // update state, and notify to continue
440                    synchronized (xmtRunnable) {
441                        mCurrentState = OKSENDMSGSTATE;
442                        xmtRunnable.notify();
443                    }
444                    break;
445                }
446                case WAITREPLYINNORMMODESTATE: {
447                    // entering normal mode
448                    mCurrentMode = NORMALMODE;
449                    replyInDispatch = false;
450                    // update state, and notify to continue
451                    synchronized (xmtRunnable) {
452                        mCurrentState = OKSENDMSGSTATE;
453                        xmtRunnable.notify();
454                    }
455                    break;
456                }
457                default: {
458                    replyInDispatch = false;
459                    unexpectedReplyStateError(mCurrentState,msg.toString());
460                }
461            }
462            // Unsolicited message
463        } else {
464            if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
465                log.debug("Unsolicited Message Received {}", msg.toString());
466            }
467            replyInDispatch = false;
468        }
469    }
471    boolean normalFlushReceiveChars = false;
473    //Need a way to detect that the dsr has gone low.
474    @Override
475    protected void loadChars(AbstractMRReply msg, DataInputStream istream)
476            throws java.io.IOException {
477        int i;
478        readingData = false;
479        MAINGET:
480        {
481            for (i = 0; i < msg.maxSize(); i++) {
482                boolean waiting = true;
483                while (waiting) {
484                    if (controller.getInputStream().available() > 0) {
485                        readingData = true;
486                        byte char1 = readByteProtected(istream);
487                        waiting = false;
489                        //potentially add in a flush here that is generated by the transmit after a command has been sent, but this is not an error type flush.l
490                        // if there was a timeout, flush any char received and start over
491                        if (flushReceiveChars) {
492                            lastIncomplete = null;
493                            waitingForMore = false;
494                            mLastMessage = null;
495                            mLastSentMessage = null;
496                            readingData = false;
497                            log.warn("timeout flushes receive buffer: {}", ((Dcc4PcReply) msg).toHexString());
498                            msg.flush();
499                            i = 0;  // restart
500                            flushReceiveChars = false;
501                            waiting = true;
502                        } else {
503                            if (canReceive()) {
504                                if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
505                                    log.debug("Set data {}, {}", i, char1 & 0xff);
506                                }
507                                msg.setElement(i, char1);
508                                waiting = false;
509                                if (port.isRI()) {
510                                    log.debug("Ring high error");
511                                    ((Dcc4PcReply) msg).setError(true);
512                                    break MAINGET;
513                                }
514                                if (endOfMessage(msg)) {
515                                    break MAINGET;
516                                }
517                            } else {
518                                i--; // flush char
519                                log.error("unsolicited character received: {}", Integer.toHexString(char1));
520                            }
521                        }
522                    } else if (!port.isDSR()) {
523                        if (i == 0) {
524                            waiting = true;
525                        } else {
526                            log.debug("We have data so will break");
527                            waiting = false;
528                            break MAINGET;
529                        }
530                    } else {
531                        //As we have no data to process we will set the readingData flag false;
532                        readingData = false;
533                    }
534                }
535            }
536        }
537    }
539    boolean readingData = false;
541    @Override
542    protected void transmitWait(int waitTime, int state, String InterruptMessage) {
543        // wait() can have spurious wakeup!
544        // so we protect by making sure the entire timeout time is used
545        long currentTime = Calendar.getInstance().getTimeInMillis();
546        long endTime = currentTime + waitTime;
547        while (endTime > (currentTime = Calendar.getInstance().getTimeInMillis())) {
548            long wait = endTime - currentTime;
549            try {
550                synchronized (xmtRunnable) {
551                    // Do not wait if the current state has changed since we
552                    // last set it.
554                    if (mCurrentState != state) {
555                        return;
556                    }
557                    xmtRunnable.wait(wait); // rcvr normally ends this w state change
558                    //If we are in the process of reading the data then do not time out.
559                    if (readingData) {
560                        endTime = endTime + 10;
561                    }
562                    //if we have received a packet and a seperate message has been sent to retrieve
563                    //the reply we will add more time to our wait process.
564                    if (waitingForMore) {
565                        waitingForMore = false;
566                        //if we are in the process of retrieving data, then we shall increase the endTime by 200ms.
567                        endTime = endTime + 200;
568                    }
570                }
571            } catch (InterruptedException e) {
572                Thread.currentThread().interrupt(); // retain if needed later
573                log.error("{} from {}", InterruptMessage, e.getMessage());
574            }
575        }
576        log.debug("TIMEOUT in transmitWait, mCurrentState:{} {} port dsr {} wait time {}", mCurrentState, state, port.isDSR(), waitTime);
577    }
579    private final static Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(Dcc4PcTrafficController.class);