001package jmri.jmrit.vsdecoder;
003import com.jogamp.openal.AL;
004import com.jogamp.openal.ALException;
005import com.jogamp.openal.util.ALut;
006import java.io.InputStream;
007import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
008import java.nio.ByteOrder;
009import java.util.ArrayList;
010import java.util.Arrays;
011import java.util.List;
012import jmri.jmrit.audio.AudioFactory;
013import jmri.jmrit.audio.AudioBuffer;
014import org.slf4j.Logger;
015import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
018 * Utility class for doing "VSD-special" things with the JMRI Audio classes.
019 *
020 * <hr>
021 * This file is part of JMRI.
022 * <p>
023 * JMRI is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
024 * terms of version 2 of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
025 * Software Foundation. See the "COPYING" file for a copy of this license.
026 * <p>
027 * JMRI is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
028 * WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR
029 * A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
030 *
031 * @author Mark Underwood copyright (c) 2009, 2013
032 */
033public class AudioUtil {
034    //------------------------
035    // New Methods to allow creating a set of (sub)Buffers built off a single
036    // input stream.  Should probably look closely at this and see if it could
037    // be pushed up to AbstractAudioBuffer.  Or better yet, moved OVER to AbstractAudioFactory.
039    /**
040     * Split the WAV data from an InputStream into a series of ByteBuffers
041     * of size (approximately) between max_time and min_time, split on zero
042     * crossings.
043     *
044     * The method will try to create Buffers of max_time length (plus whatever's
045     * needed to hit the next zero crossing), until there's not enough bytes
046     * left in the InputStream. The last Buffer will be of at least min_time
047     * length, else the remaining data (less than min_time length) will be
048     * discarded. Buffers will be cut on zero-crossing boundaries.
049     *
050     * @param stream   : Input Stream, assumed to be WAV-format data
051     * @param max_time : maximum (target) length of each split Buffer, in
052     *                 milliseconds
053     * @param min_time : minimum length of buffer to return, in milliseconds.
054     *                 Any buffer that would be smaller than this will be
055     *                 discarded.
056     *
057     * @return (List<ByteBuffer>) List of ByteBuffers containing the
058     *         (split-up) data from stream
059     */
060    private static List<ByteBuffer> splitInputStream(InputStream stream, int max_time, int min_time) {
061        List<ByteBuffer> rlist = new ArrayList<>();
062        int[] format = new int[1];
063        ByteBuffer[] data = new ByteBuffer[1];
064        int[] size = new int[1];
065        int[] freq = new int[1];
066        int[] loop = new int[1];
068        // Pull the WAV data into the "data" buffer.
069        try {
070            ALut.alutLoadWAVFile(stream, format, data, size, freq, loop);
071        } catch (ALException e) {
072            log.warn("Error loading JoalAudioBuffer", e);
073            return null;
074        }
076        // OK, for now, we're only going to support 8-bit and 16-bit Mono data.
077        // I'll have to figure out later how to extend this to multiple data formats.
078        if ((format[0] != AL.AL_FORMAT_MONO8) && (format[0] != AL.AL_FORMAT_MONO16)) {
079            log.warn("Invalid Format for splitting! Failing out.{}", parseFormat(format[0]));
080            return null;
081        }
083        while (data[0].remaining() > 0) {
084            log.debug("while loop. Source: {}", data[0]);
085            ByteBuffer ab = getSubBuffer(data[0], max_time, min_time, format[0], freq[0]);
086            // getSubBuffer returning null isn't necessarily an error.  It could mean there weren't enough bytes left, so we truncated.
087            // In this case, we will have already gotten (via get()) the remaining bytes from data[0], so we should exit the while loop
088            // normally.
089            if (ab != null) {
090                ab.rewind();
091                rlist.add(ab);
092            }
093        }
094        return rlist;
095    }
097    public static ByteBuffer getWavData(InputStream stream) {
098        int[] format = new int[1];
099        int[] size = new int[1];
100        ByteBuffer[] data = new ByteBuffer[1];
101        int[] freq = new int[1];
102        int[] loop = new int[1];
104        // Pull the WAV data into the "data" buffer.
105        try {
106            ALut.alutLoadWAVFile(stream, format, data, size, freq, loop);
107        } catch (ALException e) {
108            log.warn("Error loading JoalAudioBuffer from stream", e);
109            return null;
110        }
111        log.debug("WAV data: {}, order: {}, size: {}", data[0], data[0].order(), size[0]);
112        return data[0];
113    }
115    public static int[] getWavFormats(InputStream stream) {
116        int[] format = new int[1];
117        int[] size = new int[1];
118        ByteBuffer[] data = new ByteBuffer[1];
119        int[] freq = new int[1];
120        int[] loop = new int[1];
122        int[] formats = new int[3];
124        // Pull the WAV data into the "data" buffer.
125        try {
126            ALut.alutLoadWAVFile(stream, format, data, size, freq, loop);
127        } catch (ALException e) {
128            log.warn("Error loading JoalAudioBuffer from stream", e);
129            return formats;
130        }
131        // OK, for now, we're only going to support 8-bit and 16-bit Mono data.
132        // I'll have to figure out later how to extend this to multiple data formats.
133        if ((format[0] != AL.AL_FORMAT_MONO8) && (format[0] != AL.AL_FORMAT_MONO16)) {
134            log.warn("Invalid Format! Failing out.{}", parseFormat(format[0]));
135            return formats;
136        }
137        formats[0] = format[0];
138        formats[1] = freq[0];
139        formats[2] = frameSize(format[0]);
140        return formats;
141    }
143    static public boolean isAudioRunning() {
144        AudioFactory af = jmri.InstanceManager.getDefault(jmri.AudioManager.class).getActiveAudioFactory();
145        if (af == null) {
146            return false;
147        } else {
148            return ((jmri.jmrit.audio.AudioThread) af.getCommandThread()).isThreadAlive();
149        }
150    }
152    public static List<ByteBuffer> getByteBufferList(InputStream stream, int max_time, int min_time) {
153        return splitInputStream(stream, max_time, min_time);
154    }
156    // This is here only because the AbstractAudioBuffer.getFrameSize() doesn't look
157    // at the AL versions of the format strings.  And because it must be static.
158    private static int frameSize(int format) {
159        int frameSize;
160        switch (format) {
161            case AudioBuffer.FORMAT_16BIT_7DOT1:
162                frameSize = 16;
163                break;
164            case AudioBuffer.FORMAT_8BIT_7DOT1:
165                frameSize = 8;
166                break;
167            case AudioBuffer.FORMAT_16BIT_6DOT1:
168                frameSize = 14;
169                break;
170            case AudioBuffer.FORMAT_8BIT_6DOT1:
171                frameSize = 7;
172                break;
173            case AudioBuffer.FORMAT_16BIT_5DOT1:
174                frameSize = 12;
175                break;
176            case AudioBuffer.FORMAT_8BIT_5DOT1:
177                frameSize = 6;
178                break;
179            case AudioBuffer.FORMAT_16BIT_QUAD:
180                frameSize = 8;
181                break;
182            case AudioBuffer.FORMAT_8BIT_QUAD:
183            case AudioBuffer.FORMAT_16BIT_STEREO:
184                frameSize = 4;
185                break;
186            case AL.AL_FORMAT_MONO16:
187            case AL.AL_FORMAT_STEREO8:
188                frameSize = 2;
189                break;
190            case AL.AL_FORMAT_MONO8:
191            default:
192                // Note this will be wrong for all the modes we don't support.
193                frameSize = 1;
194        }
195        return frameSize;
196    }
198    private static String parseFormat(int fmt) {
199        switch (fmt) {
200            case AL.AL_FORMAT_MONO8:
201                return "8-bit mono";
202            case AL.AL_FORMAT_MONO16:
203                return "16-bit mono";
204            case AL.AL_FORMAT_STEREO8:
205                return "8-bit stereo";
206            case AL.AL_FORMAT_STEREO16:
207                return "16-bit stereo";
208            default:
209                return "Something Multichannel: val=" + fmt;
210        }
211    }
213    /**
214     * Calculates the number of bytes offset that corresponds to the given time
215     * interval, with the given data format and sample frequency.
216     *
217     * bytes = frame_size * time_ms * sample_frequency / 1000
218     *
219     * @param fmt     : audio data format
220     * @param freq    : sample frequency in Hz
221     * @param time_ms : time interval in milliseconds
222     *
223     * @return (int) number of bytes.
224     */
225    private static int calcTimeIndex(int fmt, int freq, int time_ms) {
226        // freq == samples per second.  time_us = microseconds to calculate.
227        // samples = time_us * freq / 1e3.
228        // This will be approximate due to integer rounding.
229        int rv = frameSize(fmt) * (time_ms * freq / 1000);
230        log.debug("calcTimeIndex: freq = {} time_us = {} rv = {}", freq, time_ms, rv);
231        return rv;
232    }
234    /**
235     * Looks at the (last) three samples in buf (with sample size defined by
236     *
237     * @format) and determines whether they represent a positive-going zero
238     * crossing event.
239     *
240     * Works only for AL.AL_FORMAT_MONO8 or AL.AL_FORMAT_MONO16. Returns false
241     * otherwise.
242     *
243     * @param buf    : (minimum) 3-sample buffer of WAV data
244     * @param len    : size of buf. Minimum 3 bytes for 8-bit, 6 bytes for
245     *               16-bit mono data.
246     * @param format : AL.format identifier.
247     * @param order  : ByteOrder of data in buf
248     *
249     * @return true if a zero crossing is detected.
250     */
251    private static Boolean isZeroCross(byte[] buf, int len, int format, ByteOrder order) {
252        switch (format) {
253            case AL.AL_FORMAT_MONO8:
254                if (len < 3) {
255                    return false;
256                } else {
257                    return (((0xFF & buf[len - 3]) < 128) && ((0xFF & buf[len - 2]) < 128) && ((0xFF & buf[len - 1]) >= 128));
258                }
259            case AL.AL_FORMAT_MONO16:
260                if (len < 6) {
261                    return false;
262                }
263                short[] sbuf = new short[len / 2];
264                // Below assumes little-endian
265                ByteBuffer bb = ByteBuffer.wrap(buf);
266                bb.order(order);
267                //bb.reset();
268                sbuf[0] = bb.getShort();
269                sbuf[1] = bb.getShort();
270                sbuf[2] = bb.getShort();
271                return ((sbuf[0] < 0) && (sbuf[1] < 0) && (sbuf[2] >= 0));
272            default:
273                return false;
274        }
275    }
277    /**
278     * Extract a sub-buffer of (at least) specified size, extended to nearest
279     * zero crossing, from the given ByteBuffer.
280     *
281     * Returns null if there are fewer than (min_time * sample rate) samples in
282     * "source" Returns between min_time and (max_time + samples to next zero
283     * crossing) samples if enough bytes are available.
284     *
285     * @param source   : ByteBuffer of source data.
286     * @param max_time : time interval (ms) to slice the source buffer.
287     * @param min_time : minimum size (ms) of the output buffer.
288     * @param format   : audio format of source data
289     * @param freq     : sample frequency of source data (in Hz)
290     *
291     * @return ByteBuffer of data copied from "source". Note: source position
292     *         will be incremented by the number of bytes copied.
293     */
294    private static ByteBuffer getSubBuffer(ByteBuffer source, int max_time, int min_time, int format, int freq) {
295        int time_size = calcTimeIndex(format, freq, max_time);
296        int bufcount;
297        int frameSize = frameSize(format);
298        ByteBuffer retbuf;
299        byte[] retbytes = new byte[source.remaining() + 1];
301        log.debug("Creating sub buffer.  interval = {} freq = {} time_size = {} sample size= {}", max_time, freq, time_size, frameSize(format));
302        log.debug("\tBefore: Source = {}", source);
304        if (time_size < source.remaining()) {
305            log.debug("Extracting slice.  Remaining = {}", source.remaining());
306            // Enough bytes remaining to pull out a chunk.
307            // First, copy over time_size bytes
308            source.get(retbytes, 0, time_size);
309            bufcount = time_size;
310            // Now, find the zero crossing and add bytes up to it
311            // Loop until we run out of samples or find a zero crossing
312            while ((!isZeroCross(Arrays.copyOfRange(retbytes, bufcount - 6, bufcount), 6, format, source.order())) && (source.remaining() >= frameSize)) {
313                source.get(retbytes, bufcount, frameSize);
314                bufcount += frameSize;
315            }
316        } else {
317            log.debug("Not enough bytes.  Copying remaining bytes = {}", source.remaining());
318            // Not enough bytes remaning to pull out a chunk. Just copy/return the rest of the buffer.
319            bufcount = source.remaining();
320            source.get(retbytes, 0, bufcount);
321        }
322        // Now create the ByteBuffer for return... IF there's enough bytes to mess with.  If the size of the array
323        // is smaller than the specified minimum time interval, return null.
324        if (bufcount > calcTimeIndex(format, freq, min_time)) {
325            retbuf = ByteBuffer.allocate(bufcount);
326            retbuf.order(source.order()); // set new buffer's byte order to match source buffer.
327            retbuf.put(retbytes, 0, bufcount);
328            log.debug("\tAfter: source= {}bufcount={} retbuf= {}", source, bufcount, retbuf);
329        } else {
330            log.debug("Remaining bytes less than minimum time interval.  Discarding.");
331            return null;
332        }
333        return retbuf;
334    }
336    private static final Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(AudioUtil.class);