001package jmri.jmrit.operations.trains;
003import java.awt.*;
004import java.util.ArrayList;
005import java.util.List;
007import javax.swing.*;
009import jmri.InstanceManager;
010import jmri.jmrit.operations.*;
011import jmri.jmrit.operations.locations.Location;
012import jmri.jmrit.operations.locations.LocationManager;
013import jmri.jmrit.operations.rollingstock.RollingStock;
014import jmri.jmrit.operations.rollingstock.cars.*;
015import jmri.jmrit.operations.rollingstock.engines.*;
016import jmri.jmrit.operations.routes.*;
017import jmri.jmrit.operations.setup.Control;
018import jmri.jmrit.operations.setup.Setup;
019import jmri.jmrit.operations.trains.tools.*;
020import jmri.util.swing.JmriJOptionPane;
023 * Frame for user edit of a train
024 *
025 * @author Dan Boudreau Copyright (C) 2008, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014
026 */
027public class TrainEditFrame extends OperationsFrame implements java.beans.PropertyChangeListener {
029    TrainManager trainManager = InstanceManager.getDefault(TrainManager.class);
030    RouteManager routeManager = InstanceManager.getDefault(RouteManager.class);
032    public Train _train = null;
033    List<JCheckBox> typeCarCheckBoxes = new ArrayList<>();
034    List<JCheckBox> typeEngineCheckBoxes = new ArrayList<>();
035    List<JCheckBox> locationCheckBoxes = new ArrayList<>();
036    JPanel typeCarPanelCheckBoxes = new JPanel();
037    JPanel typeEnginePanelCheckBoxes = new JPanel();
038    JPanel roadAndLoadStatusPanel = new JPanel();
039    JPanel locationPanelCheckBoxes = new JPanel();
040    JScrollPane typeCarPane;
041    JScrollPane typeEnginePane;
042    JScrollPane locationsPane;
044    // labels
045    JLabel textRouteStatus = new JLabel();
046    JLabel textModel = new JLabel(Bundle.getMessage("Model"));
047    JLabel textRoad2 = new JLabel(Bundle.getMessage("Road"));
048    JLabel textRoad3 = new JLabel(Bundle.getMessage("Road"));
049    JLabel textEngine = new JLabel(Bundle.getMessage("Engines"));
051    // major buttons
052    JButton editButton = new JButton(Bundle.getMessage("ButtonEdit")); // edit route
053    JButton clearButton = new JButton(Bundle.getMessage("ClearAll"));
054    JButton setButton = new JButton(Bundle.getMessage("SelectAll"));
055    JButton resetButton = new JButton(Bundle.getMessage("ResetTrain"));
056    JButton saveTrainButton = new JButton(Bundle.getMessage("SaveTrain"));
057    JButton deleteTrainButton = new JButton(Bundle.getMessage("DeleteTrain"));
058    JButton addTrainButton = new JButton(Bundle.getMessage("AddTrain"));
060    // alternate buttons
061    JButton loadOptionButton = new JButton(Bundle.getMessage("AcceptAll"));
062    JButton roadOptionButton = new JButton(Bundle.getMessage("AcceptAll"));
064    // radio buttons
065    JRadioButton noneRadioButton = new JRadioButton(Bundle.getMessage("None"));
066    JRadioButton cabooseRadioButton = new JRadioButton(Bundle.getMessage("Caboose"));
067    JRadioButton fredRadioButton = new JRadioButton(Bundle.getMessage("FRED"));
068    ButtonGroup group = new ButtonGroup();
070    // text field
071    JTextField trainNameTextField = new JTextField(Control.max_len_string_train_name);
072    JTextField trainDescriptionTextField = new JTextField(30);
074    // text area
075    JTextArea commentTextArea = new JTextArea(2, 70);
076    JScrollPane commentScroller = new JScrollPane(commentTextArea);
077    JColorChooser commentColorChooser = new JColorChooser(Color.black);
079    // for padding out panel
080    JLabel space1 = new JLabel(" "); // before hour
081    JLabel space2 = new JLabel(" "); // between hour and minute
082    JLabel space3 = new JLabel(" "); // after minute
083    JLabel space4 = new JLabel(" "); // between route and edit
084    JLabel space5 = new JLabel(" "); // after edit
086    // combo boxes
087    JComboBox<String> hourBox = new JComboBox<>();
088    JComboBox<String> minuteBox = new JComboBox<>();
089    JComboBox<Route> routeBox = routeManager.getComboBox();
090    JComboBox<String> roadCabooseBox = new JComboBox<>();
091    JComboBox<String> roadEngineBox = new JComboBox<>();
092    JComboBox<String> modelEngineBox = InstanceManager.getDefault(EngineModels.class).getComboBox();
093    JComboBox<String> numEnginesBox = new JComboBox<>();
095    JMenu toolMenu = new JMenu(Bundle.getMessage("MenuTools"));
097    public static final String DISPOSE = "dispose"; // NOI18N
099    public TrainEditFrame(Train train) {
100        super(Bundle.getMessage("TitleTrainEdit"));
101        // Set up the jtable in a Scroll Pane..
102        locationsPane = new JScrollPane(locationPanelCheckBoxes);
103        locationsPane.setVerticalScrollBarPolicy(ScrollPaneConstants.VERTICAL_SCROLLBAR_AS_NEEDED);
104        locationsPane.setBorder(BorderFactory.createTitledBorder(Bundle.getMessage("Stops")));
106        typeCarPane = new JScrollPane(typeCarPanelCheckBoxes);
107        typeCarPane.setBorder(BorderFactory.createTitledBorder(Bundle.getMessage("TypesCar")));
108        typeCarPane.setVerticalScrollBarPolicy(ScrollPaneConstants.VERTICAL_SCROLLBAR_AS_NEEDED);
110        typeEnginePane = new JScrollPane(typeEnginePanelCheckBoxes);
111        typeEnginePane.setVerticalScrollBarPolicy(ScrollPaneConstants.VERTICAL_SCROLLBAR_AS_NEEDED);
112        typeEnginePane.setBorder(BorderFactory.createTitledBorder(Bundle.getMessage("TypesEngine")));
114        _train = train;
116        getContentPane().setLayout(new BoxLayout(getContentPane(), BoxLayout.Y_AXIS));
118        // Set up the panels
119        JPanel p = new JPanel();
120        p.setLayout(new BoxLayout(p, BoxLayout.Y_AXIS));
121        JScrollPane pPane = new JScrollPane(p);
122        pPane.setMinimumSize(new Dimension(300, 5 * trainNameTextField.getPreferredSize().height));
123        pPane.setBorder(BorderFactory.createTitledBorder(""));
125        // Layout the panel by rows
126        // row 1
127        JPanel p1 = new JPanel();
128        p1.setLayout(new BoxLayout(p1, BoxLayout.X_AXIS));
129        // row 1a
130        JPanel pName = new JPanel();
131        pName.setLayout(new GridBagLayout());
132        pName.setBorder(BorderFactory.createTitledBorder(Bundle.getMessage("Name")));
133        addItem(pName, trainNameTextField, 0, 0);
134        // row 1b
135        JPanel pDesc = new JPanel();
136        pDesc.setLayout(new GridBagLayout());
137        pDesc.setBorder(BorderFactory.createTitledBorder(Bundle.getMessage("Description")));
138        trainDescriptionTextField.setToolTipText(Bundle.getMessage("TipTrainDescription"));
139        addItem(pDesc, trainDescriptionTextField, 0, 0);
141        p1.add(pName);
142        p1.add(pDesc);
144        // row 2
145        JPanel p2 = new JPanel();
146        p2.setLayout(new BoxLayout(p2, BoxLayout.X_AXIS));
147        // row 2a
148        JPanel pdt = new JPanel();
149        pdt.setLayout(new GridBagLayout());
150        pdt.setBorder(BorderFactory.createTitledBorder(Bundle.getMessage("DepartTime")));
152        // build hour and minute menus
153        hourBox.setPrototypeDisplayValue("0000"); // needed for font size 9
154        minuteBox.setPrototypeDisplayValue("0000");
155        for (int i = 0; i < 24; i++) {
156            if (i < 10) {
157                hourBox.addItem("0" + Integer.toString(i));
158            } else {
159                hourBox.addItem(Integer.toString(i));
160            }
161        }
162        for (int i = 0; i < 60; i += 1) {
163            if (i < 10) {
164                minuteBox.addItem("0" + Integer.toString(i));
165            } else {
166                minuteBox.addItem(Integer.toString(i));
167            }
168        }
170        addItem(pdt, space1, 0, 5);
171        addItem(pdt, hourBox, 1, 5);
172        addItem(pdt, space2, 2, 5);
173        addItem(pdt, minuteBox, 3, 5);
174        addItem(pdt, space3, 4, 5);
175        // row 2b
176        // BUG! routeBox needs its own panel when resizing frame!
177        JPanel pr = new JPanel();
178        pr.setLayout(new GridBagLayout());
179        pr.setBorder(BorderFactory.createTitledBorder(Bundle.getMessage("Route")));
180        addItem(pr, routeBox, 0, 5);
181        addItem(pr, space4, 1, 5);
182        addItem(pr, editButton, 2, 5);
183        addItem(pr, space5, 3, 5);
184        addItem(pr, textRouteStatus, 4, 5);
186        p2.add(pdt);
187        p2.add(pr);
189        p.add(p1);
190        p.add(p2);
192        // row 5
193        locationPanelCheckBoxes.setLayout(new GridBagLayout());
195        // row 6
196        typeCarPanelCheckBoxes.setLayout(new GridBagLayout());
198        // row 8
199        typeEnginePanelCheckBoxes.setLayout(new GridBagLayout());
201        // status panel for roads and loads
202        roadAndLoadStatusPanel.setLayout(new BoxLayout(roadAndLoadStatusPanel, BoxLayout.X_AXIS));
203        JPanel pRoadOption = new JPanel();
204        pRoadOption.setBorder(BorderFactory.createTitledBorder(Bundle.getMessage("RoadOption")));
205        pRoadOption.add(roadOptionButton);
206        roadOptionButton.addActionListener(new TrainRoadOptionsAction(this));
208        JPanel pLoadOption = new JPanel();
209        pLoadOption.setBorder(BorderFactory.createTitledBorder(Bundle.getMessage("LoadOption")));
210        pLoadOption.add(loadOptionButton);
211        loadOptionButton.addActionListener(new TrainLoadOptionsAction(this));
213        roadAndLoadStatusPanel.add(pRoadOption);
214        roadAndLoadStatusPanel.add(pLoadOption);
215        roadAndLoadStatusPanel.setVisible(false); // don't show unless there's a restriction
217        // row 10
218        JPanel trainReq = new JPanel();
219        trainReq.setLayout(new GridBagLayout());
220        trainReq.setBorder(BorderFactory.createTitledBorder(Bundle.getMessage("TrainRequires")));
222        for (int i = 0; i < Setup.getMaxNumberEngines() + 1; i++) {
223            numEnginesBox.addItem(Integer.toString(i));
224        }
225        numEnginesBox.addItem(Train.AUTO);
226        numEnginesBox.setMinimumSize(new Dimension(100, 20));
227        numEnginesBox.setToolTipText(Bundle.getMessage("TipNumberOfLocos"));
228        addItem(trainReq, textEngine, 1, 1);
229        addItem(trainReq, numEnginesBox, 2, 1);
230        addItem(trainReq, textModel, 3, 1);
231        modelEngineBox.insertItemAt(NONE, 0);
232        modelEngineBox.setSelectedIndex(0);
233        modelEngineBox.setMinimumSize(new Dimension(120, 20));
234        modelEngineBox.setToolTipText(Bundle.getMessage("ModelEngineTip"));
235        addItem(trainReq, modelEngineBox, 4, 1);
236        addItem(trainReq, textRoad2, 5, 1);
237        roadEngineBox.insertItemAt(NONE, 0);
238        roadEngineBox.setSelectedIndex(0);
239        roadEngineBox.setMinimumSize(new Dimension(120, 20));
240        roadEngineBox.setToolTipText(Bundle.getMessage("RoadEngineTip"));
241        addItem(trainReq, roadEngineBox, 6, 1);
243        JPanel trainLastCar = new JPanel();
244        trainLastCar.setLayout(new GridBagLayout());
245        trainLastCar.setBorder(BorderFactory.createTitledBorder(Bundle.getMessage("TrainLastCar")));
247        addItem(trainLastCar, noneRadioButton, 2, 2);
248        noneRadioButton.setToolTipText(Bundle.getMessage("TipNoCabooseOrFRED"));
249        addItem(trainLastCar, fredRadioButton, 3, 2);
250        fredRadioButton.setToolTipText(Bundle.getMessage("TipFRED"));
251        addItem(trainLastCar, cabooseRadioButton, 4, 2);
252        cabooseRadioButton.setToolTipText(Bundle.getMessage("TipCaboose"));
253        addItem(trainLastCar, textRoad3, 5, 2);
254        roadCabooseBox.setMinimumSize(new Dimension(120, 20));
255        roadCabooseBox.setToolTipText(Bundle.getMessage("RoadCabooseTip"));
256        addItem(trainLastCar, roadCabooseBox, 6, 2);
257        group.add(noneRadioButton);
258        group.add(cabooseRadioButton);
259        group.add(fredRadioButton);
260        noneRadioButton.setSelected(true);
262        // row 13 comment
263        JPanel pC = new JPanel();
264        pC.setBorder(BorderFactory.createTitledBorder(Bundle.getMessage("Comment")));
265        pC.setLayout(new GridBagLayout());
266        addItem(pC, commentScroller, 1, 0);
267        if (_train != null) {
268            addItem(pC, OperationsPanel.getColorChooserPanel(_train.getCommentWithColor(), commentColorChooser), 2, 0);
269        } else {
270            addItem(pC, OperationsPanel.getColorChooserPanel("", commentColorChooser), 2, 0);
271        }
273        // adjust text area width based on window size less color chooser
274        Dimension d = new Dimension(getPreferredSize().width - 100, getPreferredSize().height);
275        adjustTextAreaColumnWidth(commentScroller, commentTextArea, d);
277        // row 15 buttons
278        JPanel pB = new JPanel();
279        pB.setLayout(new GridBagLayout());
280        addItem(pB, deleteTrainButton, 0, 0);
281        addItem(pB, resetButton, 1, 0);
282        addItem(pB, addTrainButton, 2, 0);
283        addItem(pB, saveTrainButton, 3, 0);
285        getContentPane().add(pPane);
286        getContentPane().add(locationsPane);
287        getContentPane().add(typeCarPane);
288        getContentPane().add(typeEnginePane);
289        getContentPane().add(roadAndLoadStatusPanel);
290        getContentPane().add(trainReq);
291        getContentPane().add(trainLastCar);
292        getContentPane().add(pC);
293        getContentPane().add(pB);
295        // setup buttons
296        addButtonAction(editButton);
297        addButtonAction(setButton);
298        addButtonAction(clearButton);
299        addButtonAction(resetButton);
300        addButtonAction(deleteTrainButton);
301        addButtonAction(addTrainButton);
302        addButtonAction(saveTrainButton);
304        addRadioButtonAction(noneRadioButton);
305        addRadioButtonAction(cabooseRadioButton);
306        addRadioButtonAction(fredRadioButton);
308        // tool tips
309        resetButton.setToolTipText(Bundle.getMessage("TipTrainReset"));
311        // build menu
312        JMenuBar menuBar = new JMenuBar();
313        menuBar.add(toolMenu);
314        loadToolMenu(toolMenu);
315        setJMenuBar(menuBar);
316        addHelpMenu("package.jmri.jmrit.operations.Operations_TrainEdit", true); // NOI18N
318        if (_train != null) {
319            trainNameTextField.setText(_train.getName());
320            trainDescriptionTextField.setText(_train.getRawDescription());
321            routeBox.setSelectedItem(_train.getRoute());
322            modelEngineBox.setSelectedItem(_train.getEngineModel());
323            commentTextArea.setText(TrainCommon.getTextColorString(_train.getCommentWithColor()));
324            cabooseRadioButton.setSelected(_train.isCabooseNeeded());
325            fredRadioButton.setSelected(_train.isFredNeeded());
326            updateDepartureTime();
327            enableButtons(true);
328            // listen for train changes
329            _train.addPropertyChangeListener(this);
331            Route route = _train.getRoute();
332            if (route != null) {
333                if (_train.getTrainDepartsRouteLocation() != null &&
334                        _train.getTrainDepartsRouteLocation().getLocation() != null &&
335                        !_train.getTrainDepartsRouteLocation().getLocation().isStaging())
336                    numEnginesBox.addItem(Train.AUTO_HPT);
337            }
338            numEnginesBox.setSelectedItem(_train.getNumberEngines());
339        } else {
340            setTitle(Bundle.getMessage("TitleTrainAdd"));
341            enableButtons(false);
342        }
344        modelEngineBox.setEnabled(!numEnginesBox.getSelectedItem().equals("0"));
345        roadEngineBox.setEnabled(!numEnginesBox.getSelectedItem().equals("0"));
347        // load route location checkboxes
348        updateLocationCheckboxes();
349        updateCarTypeCheckboxes();
350        updateEngineTypeCheckboxes();
351        updateRoadAndLoadStatus();
352        updateCabooseRoadComboBox();
353        updateEngineRoadComboBox();
355        // setup combobox
356        addComboBoxAction(numEnginesBox);
357        addComboBoxAction(routeBox);
358        addComboBoxAction(modelEngineBox);
360        // get notified if combo box gets modified
361        routeManager.addPropertyChangeListener(this);
362        // get notified if car types or roads gets modified
363        InstanceManager.getDefault(CarTypes.class).addPropertyChangeListener(this);
364        InstanceManager.getDefault(CarRoads.class).addPropertyChangeListener(this);
365        InstanceManager.getDefault(EngineTypes.class).addPropertyChangeListener(this);
366        InstanceManager.getDefault(EngineModels.class).addPropertyChangeListener(this);
367        InstanceManager.getDefault(LocationManager.class).addPropertyChangeListener(this);
369        initMinimumSize(new Dimension(Control.panelWidth600, Control.panelHeight600));
370    }
372    private void loadToolMenu(JMenu toolMenu) {
373        toolMenu.removeAll();
374        // first 5 menu items will also close when the edit train window closes
375        toolMenu.add(new TrainEditBuildOptionsAction(this));
376        toolMenu.add(new TrainLoadOptionsAction(this));
377        toolMenu.add(new TrainRoadOptionsAction(this));
378        toolMenu.add(new TrainManifestOptionAction(this));
379        toolMenu.add(new TrainCopyAction(_train));
380        toolMenu.addSeparator();
381        toolMenu.add(new TrainScriptAction(this));
382        toolMenu.add(new TrainConductorAction(_train));
383        toolMenu.addSeparator();
384        toolMenu.add(new TrainByCarTypeAction(_train));
385        toolMenu.addSeparator();
386        toolMenu.add(new PrintTrainAction(false, _train));
387        toolMenu.add(new PrintTrainAction(true, _train));
388        toolMenu.add(new PrintTrainManifestAction(false, _train));
389        toolMenu.add(new PrintTrainManifestAction(true, _train));
390        toolMenu.add(new PrintTrainBuildReportAction(false, _train));
391        toolMenu.add(new PrintTrainBuildReportAction(true, _train));
392        toolMenu.add(new PrintSavedTrainManifestAction(false, _train));
393        toolMenu.add(new PrintSavedTrainManifestAction(true, _train));
394        toolMenu.add(new PrintSavedBuildReportAction(false, _train));
395        toolMenu.add(new PrintSavedBuildReportAction(true, _train));
396    }
398    // Save, Delete, Add, Edit, Reset, Set, Clear
399    @Override
400    public void buttonActionPerformed(java.awt.event.ActionEvent ae) {
401        Train train = trainManager.getTrainByName(trainNameTextField.getText().trim());
402        if (ae.getSource() == saveTrainButton) {
403            log.debug("train save button activated");
404            if (_train == null && train == null) {
405                saveNewTrain(); // this can't happen, Save button is disabled
406            } else {
407                if (train != null && train != _train) {
408                    reportTrainExists(Bundle.getMessage("save"));
409                    return;
410                }
411                // check to see if user supplied a route
412                if (!checkRoute() || !saveTrain()) {
413                    return;
414                }
415            }
416            if (Setup.isCloseWindowOnSaveEnabled()) {
417                dispose();
418            }
419        }
420        if (ae.getSource() == deleteTrainButton) {
421            log.debug("train delete button activated");
422            if (train == null) {
423                return;
424            }
425            if (!_train.reset()) {
426                JmriJOptionPane.showMessageDialog(this,
427                        Bundle.getMessage("TrainIsInRoute",
428                                train.getTrainTerminatesName()),
429                        Bundle.getMessage("CanNotDeleteTrain"), JmriJOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE);
430                return;
431            }
432            if (JmriJOptionPane.showConfirmDialog(this,
433                    Bundle.getMessage("deleteMsg", train.getName()),
434                    Bundle.getMessage("deleteTrain"), JmriJOptionPane.YES_NO_OPTION) != JmriJOptionPane.YES_OPTION) {
435                return;
436            }
437            routeBox.setSelectedItem(null);
438            trainManager.deregister(train);
439            for (Frame frame : children) {
440                frame.dispose();
441            }
442            _train = null;
443            enableButtons(false);
444            // save train file
445            OperationsXml.save();
446        }
447        if (ae.getSource() == addTrainButton) {
448            if (train != null) {
449                reportTrainExists(Bundle.getMessage("add"));
450                return;
451            }
452            saveNewTrain();
453        }
454        if (ae.getSource() == editButton) {
455            editAddRoute();
456        }
457        if (ae.getSource() == setButton) {
458            selectCheckboxes(true);
459        }
460        if (ae.getSource() == clearButton) {
461            selectCheckboxes(false);
462        }
463        if (ae.getSource() == resetButton) {
464            if (_train != null) {
465                if (!_train.reset()) {
466                    JmriJOptionPane.showMessageDialog(this,
467                            Bundle.getMessage("TrainIsInRoute",
468                                    _train.getTrainTerminatesName()),
469                            Bundle.getMessage("CanNotResetTrain"), JmriJOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE);
470                }
471            }
472        }
473    }
475    @Override
476    public void radioButtonActionPerformed(java.awt.event.ActionEvent ae) {
477        log.debug("radio button activated");
478        if (_train != null) {
479            if (ae.getSource() == noneRadioButton ||
480                    ae.getSource() == cabooseRadioButton ||
481                    ae.getSource() == fredRadioButton) {
482                updateCabooseRoadComboBox();
483            }
484        }
485    }
487    private void saveNewTrain() {
488        if (!checkName(Bundle.getMessage("add"))) {
489            return;
490        }
491        Train train = trainManager.newTrain(trainNameTextField.getText());
492        _train = train;
493        _train.addPropertyChangeListener(this);
495        // update check boxes
496        updateCarTypeCheckboxes();
497        updateEngineTypeCheckboxes();
498        // enable check boxes and buttons
499        enableButtons(true);
500        saveTrain();
501        loadToolMenu(toolMenu);
502    }
504    private boolean saveTrain() {
505        if (!checkName(Bundle.getMessage("save"))) {
506            return false;
507        }
508        if (!checkModel() || !checkEngineRoad() || !checkCabooseRoad()) {
509            return false;
510        }
511        if (!_train.getName().equals(trainNameTextField.getText().trim()) ||
512                !_train.getRawDescription().equals(trainDescriptionTextField.getText()) ||
513                !_train.getCommentWithColor().equals(
514                        TrainCommon.formatColorString(commentTextArea.getText(), commentColorChooser.getColor()))) {
515            _train.setModified(true);
516        }
517        _train.setDepartureTime(hourBox.getSelectedItem().toString(), minuteBox.getSelectedItem().toString());
518        _train.setNumberEngines((String) numEnginesBox.getSelectedItem());
519        if (_train.getNumberEngines().equals("0")) {
520            modelEngineBox.setSelectedIndex(0);
521            roadEngineBox.setSelectedIndex(0);
522        }
523        _train.setEngineRoad((String) roadEngineBox.getSelectedItem());
524        _train.setEngineModel((String) modelEngineBox.getSelectedItem());
525        if (cabooseRadioButton.isSelected()) {
526            _train.setRequirements(Train.CABOOSE);
527        }
528        if (fredRadioButton.isSelected()) {
529            _train.setRequirements(Train.FRED);
530        }
531        if (noneRadioButton.isSelected()) {
532            _train.setRequirements(Train.NO_CABOOSE_OR_FRED);
533        }
534        _train.setCabooseRoad((String) roadCabooseBox.getSelectedItem());
535        _train.setName(trainNameTextField.getText().trim());
536        _train.setDescription(trainDescriptionTextField.getText());
537        _train.setComment(TrainCommon.formatColorString(commentTextArea.getText(), commentColorChooser.getColor()));
538        // save train file
539        OperationsXml.save();
540        return true;
541    }
543    /**
544     *
545     * @return true if name isn't too long and is at least one character
546     */
547    private boolean checkName(String s) {
548        String trainName = trainNameTextField.getText().trim();
549        if (trainName.isEmpty()) {
550            log.debug("Must enter a train name");
551            JmriJOptionPane.showMessageDialog(this, Bundle.getMessage("MustEnterName"),
552                    Bundle.getMessage("CanNot", s), JmriJOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE);
553            return false;
554        }
555        if (trainName.length() > Control.max_len_string_train_name) {
556            JmriJOptionPane.showMessageDialog(this,
557                    Bundle.getMessage("TrainNameLess",
558                            Control.max_len_string_train_name + 1),
559                    Bundle.getMessage("CanNot", s), JmriJOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE);
560            return false;
561        }
562        if (!OperationsXml.checkFileName(trainName)) { // NOI18N
563            log.error("Train name must not contain reserved characters");
564            JmriJOptionPane.showMessageDialog(this,
565                    Bundle.getMessage("NameResChar") + NEW_LINE + Bundle.getMessage("ReservedChar"),
566                    Bundle.getMessage("CanNot", s), JmriJOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE);
567            return false;
568        }
570        return true;
571    }
573    private boolean checkModel() {
574        String model = (String) modelEngineBox.getSelectedItem();
575        if (numEnginesBox.getSelectedItem().equals("0") || model.equals(NONE)) {
576            return true;
577        }
578        String type = InstanceManager.getDefault(EngineModels.class).getModelType(model);
579        if (!_train.isTypeNameAccepted(type)) {
580            JmriJOptionPane.showMessageDialog(this,
581                    Bundle.getMessage("TrainModelService", model, type),
582                    Bundle.getMessage("CanNot", Bundle.getMessage("save")),
583                    JmriJOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE);
584            return false;
585        }
586        if (roadEngineBox.getItemCount() == 1) {
587            log.debug("No locos available that match the model selected!");
588            JmriJOptionPane.showMessageDialog(this,
589                    Bundle.getMessage("NoLocosModel", model),
590                    Bundle.getMessage("TrainWillNotBuild", _train.getName()),
591                    JmriJOptionPane.WARNING_MESSAGE);
592        }
593        return true;
594    }
596    private boolean checkEngineRoad() {
597        String road = (String) roadEngineBox.getSelectedItem();
598        if (numEnginesBox.getSelectedItem().equals("0") || road.equals(NONE)) {
599            return true;
600        }
601        if (!road.equals(NONE) && !_train.isLocoRoadNameAccepted(road)) {
602            JmriJOptionPane.showMessageDialog(this,
603                    Bundle.getMessage("TrainNotThisRoad", _train.getName(), road),
604                    Bundle.getMessage("TrainWillNotBuild", _train.getName()),
605                    JmriJOptionPane.WARNING_MESSAGE);
606            return false;
607        }
608        for (RollingStock rs : InstanceManager.getDefault(EngineManager.class).getList()) {
609            if (!_train.isTypeNameAccepted(rs.getTypeName())) {
610                continue;
611            }
612            if (rs.getRoadName().equals(road)) {
613                return true;
614            }
615        }
616        JmriJOptionPane.showMessageDialog(this,
617                Bundle.getMessage("NoLocoRoad", road),
618                Bundle.getMessage("TrainWillNotBuild", _train.getName()),
619                JmriJOptionPane.WARNING_MESSAGE);
620        return false; // couldn't find a loco with the selected road
621    }
623    private boolean checkCabooseRoad() {
624        String road = (String) roadCabooseBox.getSelectedItem();
625        if (!road.equals(NONE) && cabooseRadioButton.isSelected() && !_train.isCabooseRoadNameAccepted(road)) {
626            JmriJOptionPane.showMessageDialog(this,
627                    Bundle.getMessage("TrainNotCabooseRoad", _train.getName(), road),
628                    Bundle.getMessage("TrainWillNotBuild", _train.getName()),
629                    JmriJOptionPane.WARNING_MESSAGE);
630            return false;
631        }
632        return true;
633    }
635    private boolean checkRoute() {
636        if (_train.getRoute() == null) {
637            JmriJOptionPane.showMessageDialog(this, Bundle.getMessage("TrainNeedsRoute"), Bundle.getMessage("TrainNoRoute"),
638                    JmriJOptionPane.WARNING_MESSAGE);
639            return false;
640        }
641        return true;
643    }
645    private void reportTrainExists(String s) {
646        log.debug("Can not {}, train already exists", s);
647        JmriJOptionPane.showMessageDialog(this, Bundle.getMessage("TrainNameExists"),
648                Bundle.getMessage("CanNot", s), JmriJOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE);
649    }
651    private void enableButtons(boolean enabled) {
652        toolMenu.setEnabled(enabled);
653        editButton.setEnabled(enabled);
654        routeBox.setEnabled(enabled && _train != null && !_train.isBuilt());
655        clearButton.setEnabled(enabled);
656        resetButton.setEnabled(enabled);
657        setButton.setEnabled(enabled);
658        saveTrainButton.setEnabled(enabled);
659        deleteTrainButton.setEnabled(enabled);
660        numEnginesBox.setEnabled(enabled);
661        enableCheckboxes(enabled);
662        noneRadioButton.setEnabled(enabled);
663        fredRadioButton.setEnabled(enabled);
664        cabooseRadioButton.setEnabled(enabled);
665        roadOptionButton.setEnabled(enabled);
666        loadOptionButton.setEnabled(enabled);
667        // the inverse!
668        addTrainButton.setEnabled(!enabled);
669    }
671    private void selectCheckboxes(boolean enable) {
672        for (int i = 0; i < typeCarCheckBoxes.size(); i++) {
673            JCheckBox checkBox = typeCarCheckBoxes.get(i);
674            checkBox.setSelected(enable);
675            if (_train != null) {
676                _train.removePropertyChangeListener(this);
677                if (enable) {
678                    _train.addTypeName(checkBox.getText());
679                } else {
680                    _train.deleteTypeName(checkBox.getText());
681                }
682                _train.addPropertyChangeListener(this);
683            }
684        }
685    }
687    @Override
688    public void comboBoxActionPerformed(java.awt.event.ActionEvent ae) {
689        if (_train == null) {
690            return;
691        }
692        if (ae.getSource() == numEnginesBox) {
693            modelEngineBox.setEnabled(!numEnginesBox.getSelectedItem().equals("0"));
694            roadEngineBox.setEnabled(!numEnginesBox.getSelectedItem().equals("0"));
695        }
696        if (ae.getSource() == modelEngineBox) {
697            updateEngineRoadComboBox();
698        }
699        if (ae.getSource() == routeBox) {
700            if (routeBox.isEnabled()) {
701                Route route = _train.getRoute();
702                if (route != null) {
703                    route.removePropertyChangeListener(this);
704                }
705                Object selected = routeBox.getSelectedItem();
706                if (selected != null) {
707                    route = (Route) selected;
708                    _train.setRoute(route);
709                    route.addPropertyChangeListener(this);
710                } else {
711                    _train.setRoute(null);
712                }
713                updateLocationCheckboxes();
714                updateDepartureTime();
715                pack();
716                repaint();
717            }
718        }
719    }
721    private void enableCheckboxes(boolean enable) {
722        for (int i = 0; i < typeCarCheckBoxes.size(); i++) {
723            typeCarCheckBoxes.get(i).setEnabled(enable);
724        }
725        for (int i = 0; i < typeEngineCheckBoxes.size(); i++) {
726            typeEngineCheckBoxes.get(i).setEnabled(enable);
727        }
728    }
730    private void addLocationCheckBoxAction(JCheckBox b) {
731        b.addActionListener(new java.awt.event.ActionListener() {
732            @Override
733            public void actionPerformed(java.awt.event.ActionEvent e) {
734                locationCheckBoxActionPerformed(e);
735            }
736        });
737    }
739    public void locationCheckBoxActionPerformed(java.awt.event.ActionEvent ae) {
740        JCheckBox b = (JCheckBox) ae.getSource();
741        log.debug("checkbox change {}", b.getText());
742        if (_train == null) {
743            return;
744        }
745        String id = b.getName();
746        if (b.isSelected()) {
747            _train.deleteTrainSkipsLocation(id);
748        } else {
749            // check to see if skipped location is staging
750            if (_train.getRoute().getLocationById(id).getLocation().isStaging()) {
751                int result = JmriJOptionPane.showConfirmDialog(this,
752                        Bundle.getMessage("TrainRouteStaging",
753                                _train.getName(), _train.getRoute().getLocationById(id).getName()),
754                        Bundle.getMessage("TrainRouteNotStaging"), JmriJOptionPane.OK_CANCEL_OPTION);
755                if (result != JmriJOptionPane.OK_OPTION ) {
756                    b.setSelected(true);
757                    return; // don't skip staging
758                }
759            }
760            _train.addTrainSkipsLocation(id);
761        }
762    }
764    private void updateRouteComboBox() {
765        routeBox.setEnabled(false);
766        routeManager.updateComboBox(routeBox);
767        if (_train != null) {
768            routeBox.setSelectedItem(_train.getRoute());
769        }
770        routeBox.setEnabled(true);
771    }
773    private void updateCarTypeCheckboxes() {
774        typeCarCheckBoxes.clear();
775        typeCarPanelCheckBoxes.removeAll();
776        loadCarTypes();
777        enableCheckboxes(_train != null);
778        typeCarPanelCheckBoxes.revalidate();
779        repaint();
780    }
782    private void loadCarTypes() {
783        int numberOfCheckboxes = getNumberOfCheckboxesPerLine(); // number per line
784        int x = 0;
785        int y = 1; // vertical position in panel
786        for (String type : InstanceManager.getDefault(CarTypes.class).getNames()) {
787            JCheckBox checkBox = new javax.swing.JCheckBox();
788            typeCarCheckBoxes.add(checkBox);
789            checkBox.setText(type);
790            addTypeCheckBoxAction(checkBox);
791            addItemLeft(typeCarPanelCheckBoxes, checkBox, x++, y);
792            if (_train != null && _train.isTypeNameAccepted(type)) {
793                checkBox.setSelected(true);
794            }
795            if (x > numberOfCheckboxes) {
796                y++;
797                x = 0;
798            }
799        }
801        JPanel p = new JPanel();
802        p.add(clearButton);
803        p.add(setButton);
804        GridBagConstraints gc = new GridBagConstraints();
805        gc.gridwidth = getNumberOfCheckboxesPerLine() + 1;
806        gc.gridy = ++y;
807        typeCarPanelCheckBoxes.add(p, gc);
809    }
811    private void updateEngineTypeCheckboxes() {
812        typeEngineCheckBoxes.clear();
813        typeEnginePanelCheckBoxes.removeAll();
814        loadEngineTypes();
815        enableCheckboxes(_train != null);
816        typeEnginePanelCheckBoxes.revalidate();
817        repaint();
818    }
820    private void loadEngineTypes() {
821        int numberOfCheckboxes = getNumberOfCheckboxesPerLine(); // number per line
822        int x = 0;
823        int y = 1;
824        for (String type : InstanceManager.getDefault(EngineTypes.class).getNames()) {
825            JCheckBox checkBox = new javax.swing.JCheckBox();
826            typeEngineCheckBoxes.add(checkBox);
827            checkBox.setText(type);
828            addTypeCheckBoxAction(checkBox);
829            addItemLeft(typeEnginePanelCheckBoxes, checkBox, x++, y);
830            if (_train != null && _train.isTypeNameAccepted(type)) {
831                checkBox.setSelected(true);
832            }
833            if (x > numberOfCheckboxes) {
834                y++;
835                x = 0;
836            }
837        }
838    }
840    private void updateRoadComboBoxes() {
841        updateCabooseRoadComboBox();
842        updateEngineRoadComboBox();
843    }
845    // update caboose road box based on radio selection
846    private void updateCabooseRoadComboBox() {
847        roadCabooseBox.removeAllItems();
848        roadCabooseBox.addItem(NONE);
849        if (noneRadioButton.isSelected()) {
850            roadCabooseBox.setEnabled(false);
851            return;
852        }
853        roadCabooseBox.setEnabled(true);
854        List<String> roads;
855        if (cabooseRadioButton.isSelected()) {
856            roads = InstanceManager.getDefault(CarManager.class).getCabooseRoadNames();
857        } else {
858            roads = InstanceManager.getDefault(CarManager.class).getFredRoadNames();
859        }
860        for (String road : roads) {
861            roadCabooseBox.addItem(road);
862        }
863        if (_train != null) {
864            roadCabooseBox.setSelectedItem(_train.getCabooseRoad());
865        }
866        OperationsPanel.padComboBox(roadCabooseBox);
867    }
869    private void updateEngineRoadComboBox() {
870        String engineModel = (String) modelEngineBox.getSelectedItem();
871        if (engineModel == null) {
872            return;
873        }
874        InstanceManager.getDefault(EngineManager.class).updateEngineRoadComboBox(engineModel, roadEngineBox);
875        if (_train != null) {
876            roadEngineBox.setSelectedItem(_train.getEngineRoad());
877        }
878    }
880    private void addTypeCheckBoxAction(JCheckBox b) {
881        b.addActionListener(new java.awt.event.ActionListener() {
882            @Override
883            public void actionPerformed(java.awt.event.ActionEvent e) {
884                typeCheckBoxActionPerformed(e);
885            }
886        });
887    }
889    public void typeCheckBoxActionPerformed(java.awt.event.ActionEvent ae) {
890        JCheckBox b = (JCheckBox) ae.getSource();
891        log.debug("checkbox change {}", b.getText());
892        if (_train == null) {
893            return;
894        }
895        if (b.isSelected()) {
896            _train.addTypeName(b.getText());
897        } else {
898            _train.deleteTypeName(b.getText());
899        }
900    }
902    // the train's route shown as locations with checkboxes
903    private void updateLocationCheckboxes() {
904        updateRouteStatus();
905        locationCheckBoxes.clear();
906        locationPanelCheckBoxes.removeAll();
907        int y = 0; // vertical position in panel
908        Route route = null;
909        if (_train != null) {
910            route = _train.getRoute();
911        }
912        if (route != null) {
913            List<RouteLocation> routeList = route.getLocationsBySequenceList();
914            for (RouteLocation rl : routeList) {
915                JCheckBox checkBox = new javax.swing.JCheckBox();
916                locationCheckBoxes.add(checkBox);
917                checkBox.setText(rl.toString());
918                checkBox.setName(rl.getId());
919                addItemLeft(locationPanelCheckBoxes, checkBox, 0, y++);
920                Location loc = InstanceManager.getDefault(LocationManager.class).getLocationByName(rl.getName());
921                // does the location exist?
922                if (loc != null) {
923                    // need to listen for name and direction changes
924                    loc.removePropertyChangeListener(this);
925                    loc.addPropertyChangeListener(this);
926                    boolean services = false;
927                    // does train direction service location?
928                    if ((rl.getTrainDirection() & loc.getTrainDirections()) != 0) {
929                        services = true;
930                    } // train must service last location or single location
931                    else if (_train.isLocalSwitcher() || rl == _train.getTrainTerminatesRouteLocation()) {
932                        services = true;
933                    }
934                    // check can drop and pick up, and moves > 0
935                    if (services && (rl.isDropAllowed() || rl.isPickUpAllowed()) && rl.getMaxCarMoves() > 0) {
936                        checkBox.setSelected(!_train.isLocationSkipped(rl.getId()));
937                    } else {
938                        checkBox.setEnabled(false);
939                    }
940                    addLocationCheckBoxAction(checkBox);
941                } else {
942                    checkBox.setEnabled(false);
943                }
944            }
945        }
946        locationPanelCheckBoxes.revalidate();
947    }
949    private void updateRouteStatus() {
950        Route route = null;
951        textRouteStatus.setText(NONE); // clear out previous status
952        if (_train != null) {
953            route = _train.getRoute();
954        }
955        if (route != null) {
956            if (!route.getStatus().equals(Route.OKAY)) {
957                textRouteStatus.setText(route.getStatus());
958                textRouteStatus.setForeground(Color.RED);
959            }
960        }
961    }
963    RouteEditFrame ref;
965    private void editAddRoute() {
966        log.debug("Edit/add route");
967        if (ref != null) {
968            ref.dispose();
969        }
970        ref = new RouteEditFrame();
971        setChildFrame(ref);
972        Route route = null;
973        Object selected = routeBox.getSelectedItem();
974        if (selected != null) {
975            route = (Route) selected;
976        }
977        // warn user if train is built that they shouldn't edit the train's route
978        if (route != null && route.getStatus().equals(Route.TRAIN_BUILT)) {
979            // list the built trains for this route
980            StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer(Bundle.getMessage("DoNotModifyRoute"));
981            for (Train train : InstanceManager.getDefault(TrainManager.class).getTrainsByIdList()) {
982                if (train.getRoute() == route && train.isBuilt()) {
983                    buf.append(NEW_LINE +
984                            Bundle.getMessage("TrainIsBuilt",
985                                    train.getName(), route.getName()));
986                }
987            }
988            JmriJOptionPane.showMessageDialog(this, buf.toString(), Bundle.getMessage("BuiltTrain"),
989                    JmriJOptionPane.WARNING_MESSAGE);
990        }
991        ref.initComponents(route, _train);
992    }
994    private void updateDepartureTime() {
995        hourBox.setSelectedItem(_train.getDepartureTimeHour());
996        minuteBox.setSelectedItem(_train.getDepartureTimeMinute());
997        // check to see if route has a departure time from the 1st location
998        RouteLocation rl = _train.getTrainDepartsRouteLocation();
999        if (rl != null && !rl.getDepartureTime().equals(NONE)) {
1000            hourBox.setEnabled(false);
1001            minuteBox.setEnabled(false);
1002        } else {
1003            hourBox.setEnabled(true);
1004            minuteBox.setEnabled(true);
1005        }
1006    }
1008    private void updateRoadAndLoadStatus() {
1009        if (_train != null) {
1010            // road options
1011            if (_train.getCarRoadOption().equals(Train.INCLUDE_ROADS)) {
1012                roadOptionButton.setText(Bundle.getMessage(
1013                        "AcceptOnly") + " " + _train.getCarRoadNames().length + " " + Bundle.getMessage("RoadsCar"));
1014            } else if (_train.getCarRoadOption().equals(Train.EXCLUDE_ROADS)) {
1015                roadOptionButton.setText(Bundle.getMessage(
1016                        "Exclude") + " " + _train.getCarRoadNames().length + " " + Bundle.getMessage("RoadsCar"));
1017            } else if (_train.getCabooseRoadOption().equals(Train.INCLUDE_ROADS)) {
1018                roadOptionButton.setText(Bundle.getMessage(
1019                        "AcceptOnly") +
1020                        " " +
1021                        _train.getCabooseRoadNames().length +
1022                        " " +
1023                        Bundle.getMessage("RoadsCaboose"));
1024            } else if (_train.getCabooseRoadOption().equals(Train.EXCLUDE_ROADS)) {
1025                roadOptionButton.setText(Bundle.getMessage(
1026                        "Exclude") +
1027                        " " +
1028                        _train.getCabooseRoadNames().length +
1029                        " " +
1030                        Bundle.getMessage("RoadsCaboose"));
1031            } else if (_train.getLocoRoadOption().equals(Train.INCLUDE_ROADS)) {
1032                roadOptionButton.setText(Bundle.getMessage(
1033                        "AcceptOnly") + " " + _train.getLocoRoadNames().length + " " + Bundle.getMessage("RoadsLoco"));
1034            } else if (_train.getLocoRoadOption().equals(Train.EXCLUDE_ROADS)) {
1035                roadOptionButton.setText(Bundle.getMessage(
1036                        "Exclude") + " " + _train.getLocoRoadNames().length + " " + Bundle.getMessage("RoadsLoco"));
1037            } else {
1038                roadOptionButton.setText(Bundle.getMessage("AcceptAll"));
1039            }
1040            // load options
1041            if (_train.getLoadOption().equals(Train.ALL_LOADS)) {
1042                loadOptionButton.setText(Bundle.getMessage("AcceptAll"));
1043            } else if (_train.getLoadOption().equals(Train.INCLUDE_LOADS)) {
1044                loadOptionButton.setText(Bundle.getMessage(
1045                        "AcceptOnly") + " " + _train.getLoadNames().length + " " + Bundle.getMessage("Loads"));
1046            } else {
1047                loadOptionButton.setText(Bundle.getMessage(
1048                        "Exclude") + " " + _train.getLoadNames().length + " " + Bundle.getMessage("Loads"));
1049            }
1050            if (!_train.getCarRoadOption().equals(Train.ALL_ROADS) ||
1051                    !_train.getCabooseRoadOption().equals(Train.ALL_ROADS) ||
1052                    !_train.getLocoRoadOption().equals(Train.ALL_ROADS) ||
1053                    !_train.getLoadOption().equals(Train.ALL_LOADS)) {
1054                roadAndLoadStatusPanel.setVisible(true);
1055            }
1056        }
1057    }
1059    List<Frame> children = new ArrayList<>();
1061    public void setChildFrame(Frame frame) {
1062        if (children.contains(frame)) {
1063            return;
1064        }
1065        children.add(frame);
1066    }
1068    @Override
1069    public void dispose() {
1070        InstanceManager.getDefault(LocationManager.class).removePropertyChangeListener(this);
1071        InstanceManager.getDefault(EngineTypes.class).removePropertyChangeListener(this);
1072        InstanceManager.getDefault(EngineModels.class).removePropertyChangeListener(this);
1073        InstanceManager.getDefault(CarTypes.class).removePropertyChangeListener(this);
1074        InstanceManager.getDefault(CarRoads.class).removePropertyChangeListener(this);
1075        routeManager.removePropertyChangeListener(this);
1076        for (Frame frame : children) {
1077            frame.dispose();
1078        }
1079        if (_train != null) {
1080            _train.removePropertyChangeListener(this);
1081            Route route = _train.getRoute();
1082            if (route != null) {
1083                for (RouteLocation rl : route.getLocationsBySequenceList()) {
1084                    Location loc = rl.getLocation();
1085                    if (loc != null) {
1086                        loc.removePropertyChangeListener(this);
1087                    }
1088                }
1089            }
1090        }
1091        super.dispose();
1092    }
1094    @Override
1095    public void propertyChange(java.beans.PropertyChangeEvent e) {
1096        if (Control.SHOW_PROPERTY) {
1097            log.debug("Property change ({}) old: ({}) new: ({})", e.getPropertyName(), e.getOldValue(),
1098                    e.getNewValue()); // NOI18N
1099        }
1100        if (e.getPropertyName().equals(CarTypes.CARTYPES_CHANGED_PROPERTY) ||
1101                e.getPropertyName().equals(Train.TYPES_CHANGED_PROPERTY)) {
1102            updateCarTypeCheckboxes();
1103        }
1104        if (e.getPropertyName().equals(EngineTypes.ENGINETYPES_CHANGED_PROPERTY)) {
1105            updateEngineTypeCheckboxes();
1106        }
1107        if (e.getPropertyName().equals(RouteManager.LISTLENGTH_CHANGED_PROPERTY)) {
1108            updateRouteComboBox();
1109        }
1110        if (e.getPropertyName().equals(Route.LISTCHANGE_CHANGED_PROPERTY) ||
1111                e.getPropertyName().equals(LocationManager.LISTLENGTH_CHANGED_PROPERTY) ||
1112                e.getPropertyName().equals(Location.NAME_CHANGED_PROPERTY) ||
1113                e.getPropertyName().equals(Location.TRAIN_DIRECTION_CHANGED_PROPERTY)) {
1114            updateLocationCheckboxes();
1115            pack();
1116            repaint();
1117        }
1118        if (e.getPropertyName().equals(CarRoads.CARROADS_CHANGED_PROPERTY)) {
1119            updateRoadComboBoxes();
1120        }
1121        if (e.getPropertyName().equals(EngineModels.ENGINEMODELS_CHANGED_PROPERTY)) {
1122            InstanceManager.getDefault(EngineModels.class).updateComboBox(modelEngineBox);
1123            modelEngineBox.insertItemAt(NONE, 0);
1124            modelEngineBox.setSelectedIndex(0);
1125            if (_train != null) {
1126                modelEngineBox.setSelectedItem(_train.getEngineModel());
1127            }
1128        }
1129        if (e.getPropertyName().equals(Train.DEPARTURETIME_CHANGED_PROPERTY)) {
1130            updateDepartureTime();
1131        }
1132        if (e.getPropertyName().equals(Train.TRAIN_ROUTE_CHANGED_PROPERTY) && _train != null) {
1133            routeBox.setSelectedItem(_train.getRoute());
1134        }
1135        if (e.getPropertyName().equals(Route.ROUTE_STATUS_CHANGED_PROPERTY)) {
1136            enableButtons(_train != null);
1137            updateRouteStatus();
1138        }
1139        if (e.getPropertyName().equals(Train.ROADS_CHANGED_PROPERTY) ||
1140                e.getPropertyName().equals(Train.LOADS_CHANGED_PROPERTY)) {
1141            updateRoadAndLoadStatus();
1142        }
1143    }
1145    private static final org.slf4j.Logger log = org.slf4j.LoggerFactory.getLogger(TrainEditFrame.class);