001package jmri.jmrit.display.layoutEditor;
003import javax.annotation.Nonnull;
007 * A LayoutTurnout corresponds to a turnout on the layout. A LayoutTurnout is an
008 * extension of the standard Turnout object with drawing and connectivity
009 * information added.
010 * <p>
011 * Six types are supported: right-hand, left-hand, wye, double crossover,
012 * right-handed single crossover, and left-handed single crossover. Note that
013 * double-slip turnouts can be handled as two turnouts, throat to throat, and
014 * three-way turnouts can be handles as two turnouts, left-hand and right-hand,
015 * arranged throat to continuing route.
016 * <p>
017 * A LayoutTurnout has three or four connection points, designated A, B, C, and
018 * D. For right-handed or left-handed turnouts, A corresponds to the throat. At
019 * the crossing, A-B (and C-D for crossovers) is a straight segment (continuing
020 * route). A-C (and B-D for crossovers) is the diverging route. B-C (and A-D for
021 * crossovers) is an illegal condition.
022 * <br>
023 * <pre>
024 *           Turnouts
025 * Right-hand       Left-hand
026 *
027 *                        C
028 *                       //
029 * A ==**== B       A ==**== B
030 *      \\
031 *       C
032 *
033 *    Wye           Three-way
034 *
035 *       B                D
036 *      //               //
037 * A ==**           A ==**== B
038 *      \\               \\
039 *       C                C
040 *
041 *           Crossovers
042 * Right-hand            left-hand
043 * A ==**===== B      A ====**== B
044 *      \\                 //
045 *       \\               //
046 *  D ====**== C     D ==**===== C
047 *
048 *             Double
049 *        A ==**==**== B
050 *             \\//
051 *              XX
052 *             //\\
053 *        D ==**==**== C
054 * </pre>
055 * <p>
056 * A LayoutTurnout carries Block information. For right-handed, left-handed, and
057 * wye turnouts, the entire turnout is in one block, however, a block border may
058 * occur at any connection (A,B,C,D). For a double crossover turnout, up to four
059 * blocks may be assigned, one for each connection point, but if only one block
060 * is assigned, that block applies to the entire turnout.
061 * <p>
062 * For drawing purposes, each LayoutTurnout carries a center point and
063 * displacements for B and C. For right-handed or left-handed turnouts, the
064 * displacement for A = - the displacement for B, and the center point is at the
065 * junction of the diverging route and the straight through continuing route.
066 * For double crossovers, the center point is at the center of the turnout, and
067 * the displacement for A = - the displacement for C and the displacement for D
068 * = - the displacement for B. The center point and these displacements may be
069 * adjusted by the user when in edit mode. For double crossovers, AB and BC are
070 * constrained to remain perpendicular. For single crossovers, AB and CD are
071 * constrained to remain parallel, and AC and BD are constrained to remain
072 * parallel.
073 * <p>
074 * When LayoutTurnouts are first created, a rotation (degrees) is provided. For
075 * 0.0 rotation, the turnout lies on the east-west line with A facing east.
076 * Rotations are performed in a clockwise direction.
077 * <p>
078 * When LayoutTurnouts are first created, there are no connections. Block
079 * information and connections may be added when available.
080 * <p>
081 * When a LayoutTurnout is first created, it is enabled for control of an
082 * assigned actual turnout. Clicking on the turnout center point will toggle the
083 * turnout. This can be disabled via the popup menu.
084 * <p>
085 * Signal Head names are saved here to keep track of where signals are.
086 * LayoutTurnout only serves as a storage place for signal head names. The names
087 * are placed here by tools, e.g., Set Signals at Turnout, and Set Signals at
088 * Double Crossover. Each connection point can have up to three SignalHeads and one SignalMast.
089 * <p>
090 * A LayoutTurnout may be linked to another LayoutTurnout to form a turnout
091 * pair. Throat-To-Throat Turnouts - Two turnouts connected closely at their
092 * throats, so closely that signals are not appropriate at the their throats.
093 * This is the situation when two RH, LH, or WYE turnouts are used to model a
094 * double slip. 3-Way Turnout - Two turnouts modeling a 3-way turnout, where the
095 * throat of the second turnout is closely connected to the continuing track of
096 * the first turnout. The throat will have three heads, or one head. A link is
097 * required to be able to correctly interpret the use of signal heads.
098 *
099 * @author Dave Duchamp Copyright (c) 2004-2007
100 * @author George Warner Copyright (c) 2017-2019
101 */
102public class LayoutRHTurnout extends LayoutTurnout {
104    public LayoutRHTurnout(@Nonnull String id,
105            @Nonnull LayoutEditor layoutEditor) {
106        this(id, layoutEditor, 1);
107    }
109    /**
110     * Main constructor method.
111     * @param id turnout ID string.
112     * @param layoutEditor main layout editor.
113     * @param v version, unused.
114     */
115    public LayoutRHTurnout(@Nonnull String id, 
116            @Nonnull LayoutEditor layoutEditor, int v) {
117        super(id, TurnoutType.RH_TURNOUT, layoutEditor, 1);
118    }
120    // private final static org.slf4j.Logger log = org.slf4j.LoggerFactory.getLogger(LayoutRHTurnout.class);