001package apps;
003import apps.gui3.tabbedpreferences.TabbedPreferences;
004import apps.gui3.tabbedpreferences.TabbedPreferencesAction;
005import apps.plaf.macosx.Application;
006import apps.util.Log4JUtil;
008import edu.umd.cs.findbugs.annotations.SuppressFBWarnings;
010import java.awt.*;
011import java.awt.event.*;
012import java.beans.PropertyChangeEvent;
013import java.beans.PropertyChangeListener;
014import java.io.*;
015import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException;
016import java.net.*;
017import java.util.*;
018import javax.swing.*;
019import javax.swing.text.DefaultEditorKit;
020import javax.swing.text.JTextComponent;
022import jmri.*;
023import jmri.jmrit.jython.*;
024import jmri.jmrit.logixng.LogixNG_Manager;
025import jmri.jmrit.logixng.LogixNGPreferences;
026import jmri.jmrit.revhistory.FileHistory;
027import jmri.jmrit.throttle.ThrottleFrame;
028import jmri.jmrix.*;
029import jmri.profile.*;
030import jmri.script.JmriScriptEngineManager;
031import jmri.util.*;
032import jmri.util.iharder.dnd.URIDrop;
033import jmri.util.prefs.JmriPreferencesActionFactory;
034import jmri.util.swing.*;
037 * Base class for JMRI applications.
038 *
039 * @author Bob Jacobsen Copyright 2003, 2007, 2008, 2010
040 * @author Dennis Miller Copyright 2005
041 * @author Giorgio Terdina Copyright 2008
042 * @author Matthew Harris Copyright (C) 2011
043 */
044public class Apps extends JPanel implements PropertyChangeListener, WindowListener {
046    static String profileFilename;
047    private Action prefsAction;  // defer initialization until needed so that Bundle accesses translate
050            justification = "only one application at a time. The thread is only called to help improve user experiance when opening the preferences, it is not critical for it to be run at this stage")
051    public Apps() {
053        super(true);
054        long start = System.nanoTime();
055        log.trace("starting ctor at {}", start);
057        splash(false);
058        splash(true, true);
059        log.trace("splash screens up, about to setButtonSpace");
060        setButtonSpace();
061        log.trace("about to setJynstrumentSpace");
062        setJynstrumentSpace();
064        log.trace("setLogo");
065        jmri.Application.setLogo(logo());
066        log.trace("setURL");
067        jmri.Application.setURL(line2());
069        // Get configuration profile
070        log.trace("start to get configuration profile - locate files");
071        // Needs to be done before loading a ConfigManager or UserPreferencesManager
072        FileUtil.createDirectory(FileUtil.getPreferencesPath());
073        // Load permission manager
074        InstanceManager.getDefault(PermissionManager.class);
075        // Needs to be declared final as we might need to
076        // refer to this on the Swing thread
077        final File profileFile;
078        profileFilename = configFilename.replaceFirst(".xml", ".properties");
079        // decide whether name is absolute or relative
080        if (!new File(profileFilename).isAbsolute()) {
081            // must be relative, but we want it to
082            // be relative to the preferences directory
083            profileFile = new File(FileUtil.getPreferencesPath() + profileFilename);
084        } else {
085            profileFile = new File(profileFilename);
086        }
087        ProfileManager.getDefault().setConfigFile(profileFile);
088        // See if the profile to use has been specified on the command line as
089        // a system property org.jmri.profile as a profile id.
090        if (System.getProperties().containsKey(ProfileManager.SYSTEM_PROPERTY)) {
091            ProfileManager.getDefault().setActiveProfile(System.getProperty(ProfileManager.SYSTEM_PROPERTY));
092        }
093        log.trace("check if profile exists");
094        // @see jmri.profile.ProfileManager#migrateToProfiles Javadoc for conditions handled here
095        if (!profileFile.exists()) { // no profile config for this app
096            log.trace("profileFile {} doesn't exist", profileFile);
097            try {
098                if (ProfileManager.getDefault().migrateToProfiles(configFilename)) { // migration or first use
099                    // notify user of change only if migration occurred
100                    // TODO: a real migration message
101                    JmriJOptionPane.showMessageDialog(sp,
102                            Bundle.getMessage("ConfigMigratedToProfile"),
103                            jmri.Application.getApplicationName(),
104                            JmriJOptionPane.INFORMATION_MESSAGE);
105                }
106            } catch (IOException | IllegalArgumentException ex) {
107                JmriJOptionPane.showMessageDialog(sp,
108                        ex.getLocalizedMessage(),
109                        jmri.Application.getApplicationName(),
110                        JmriJOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE);
111                log.error("Exception migrating configuration to profiles: {}",ex.getMessage());
112            }
113        }
114        log.trace("about to try getStartingProfile");
115        try {
116            ProfileManagerDialog.getStartingProfile(sp);
117            // Manually setting the configFilename property since calling
118            // Apps.setConfigFilename() does not reset the system property
119            configFilename = FileUtil.getProfilePath() + Profile.CONFIG_FILENAME;
120            System.setProperty("org.jmri.Apps.configFilename", Profile.CONFIG_FILENAME);
121            Profile profile = ProfileManager.getDefault().getActiveProfile();
122            if (profile != null) {
123                log.info("Starting with profile {}", profile.getId());
124            } else {
125                log.info("Starting without a profile");
126            }
128            // rapid language set; must follow up later with full setting as part of preferences
129            jmri.util.gui.GuiLafPreferencesManager.setLocaleMinimally(profile);
130        } catch (IOException ex) {
131            log.info("Profiles not configurable. Using fallback per-application configuration. Error: {}", ex.getMessage());
132        }
134        // install a Preferences Action Factory.
135        InstanceManager.store(new AppsPreferencesActionFactory(), JmriPreferencesActionFactory.class);
137        // Install configuration manager and Swing error handler
138        // Constructing the AppsConfigurationManager also loads various configuration services
139        ConfigureManager cm = InstanceManager.setDefault(ConfigureManager.class, new AppsConfigurationManager());
141        // record startup
142        String appString = String.format("%s (v%s)", jmri.Application.getApplicationName(), Version.getCanonicalVersion());
143        InstanceManager.getDefault(FileHistory.class).addOperation("app", appString, null);
145        // Install abstractActionModel
146        InstanceManager.store(new apps.CreateButtonModel(), apps.CreateButtonModel.class);
148        // find preference file and set location in configuration manager
149        // Needs to be declared final as we might need to
150        // refer to this on the Swing thread
151        final File file;
152        File singleConfig;
153        File sharedConfig = null;
154        // decide whether name is absolute or relative
155        if (!new File(configFilename).isAbsolute()) {
156            // must be relative, but we want it to
157            // be relative to the preferences directory
158            singleConfig = new File(FileUtil.getUserFilesPath() + configFilename);
159        } else {
160            singleConfig = new File(configFilename);
161        }
162        try {
163            // get preferences file
164            sharedConfig = FileUtil.getFile(FileUtil.PROFILE + Profile.SHARED_CONFIG);
165            if (!sharedConfig.canRead()) {
166                sharedConfig = null;
167            }
168        } catch (FileNotFoundException ex) {
169            // ignore - sharedConfig will remain null in this case
170        }
171        // load config file if it exists
172        if (sharedConfig != null) {
173            file = sharedConfig;
174        } else {
175            file = singleConfig;
176        }
178        // ensure the UserPreferencesManager has loaded. Done on GUI
179        // thread as it can modify GUI objects
180        log.debug("*** About to getDefault(jmri.UserPreferencesManager.class) with file {}", file);
181        ThreadingUtil.runOnGUI(() -> {
182            InstanceManager.getDefault(jmri.UserPreferencesManager.class);
183        });
184        log.debug("*** Done");
186        // now (attempt to) load the config file
187        log.debug("Using config file(s) {}", file.getPath());
188        if (file.exists()) {
189            log.debug("start load config file {}", file.getPath());
190            try {
191                configOK = cm.load(file, true);
192            } catch (JmriException e) {
193                log.error("Unhandled problem loading configuration", e);
194                configOK = false;
195            }
196            log.debug("end load config file, OK={}", configOK);
197        } else {
198            log.info("No saved preferences, will open preferences window.  Searched for {}", file.getPath());
199            configOK = false;
200        }
202        // populate GUI
203        log.debug("Start UI");
204        setLayout(new BoxLayout(this, BoxLayout.Y_AXIS));
206        // done
207        long end = System.nanoTime();
209        long elapsedTime = (end - start) / 1000000;
210        /*
211         This ensures that the message is displayed on the screen for a minimum of 2.5seconds, if the time taken
212         to get to this point in the code is longer that 2.5seconds then the wait is not invoked.
213         */
214        long sleep = 2500 - elapsedTime;
215        if (sleep > 0) {
216            log.debug("Debug message was displayed for less than 2500ms ({}ms). Sleeping for {}ms to allow user sufficient time to do something.",
217                    elapsedTime, sleep);
218            try {
219                Thread.sleep(sleep);
220            } catch (InterruptedException e) {
221                log.error("uexpected ", e);
222            }
223        }
225        FileUtil.logFilePaths();
227        splash(false);
228        splash(true, false);
229        Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().removeAWTEventListener(debugListener);
230        while (debugmsg) {
231            /*The user has pressed the interupt key that allows them to disable logixs
232             at start up we do not want to process any more information until the user
233             has answered the question */
234            try {
235                Thread.sleep(1000);
236            } catch (InterruptedException e) {
237                log.error("Unexpected:",e);
238            }
239        }
240        // Now load deferred config items
241        if (file.exists()) {
242            if (file.equals(singleConfig)) {
243                // To avoid possible locks, deferred load should be
244                // performed on the Swing thread
245                if (SwingUtilities.isEventDispatchThread()) {
246                    configDeferredLoadOK = doDeferredLoad(file);
247                } else {
248                    try {
249                        // Use invokeAndWait method as we don't want to
250                        // return until deferred load is completed
251                        SwingUtilities.invokeAndWait(new Runnable() {
252                            @Override
253                            @SuppressFBWarnings(value = "ST_WRITE_TO_STATIC_FROM_INSTANCE_METHOD", justification = "configDeferredLoadOK write is semi-global")
254                            public void run() {
255                                configDeferredLoadOK = doDeferredLoad(file);
256                            }
257                        });
258                    } catch (InterruptedException | InvocationTargetException ex) {
259                        log.error("Exception creating system console frame", ex);
260                    }
261                }
262            } else {
263                // deferred loading is not done in the new config
264                configDeferredLoadOK = true;
265            }
266        } else {
267            configDeferredLoadOK = false;
268        }
269        // If preferences need to be migrated, do it now
270        if (sharedConfig == null && configOK == true && configDeferredLoadOK == true) {
271            log.info("Migrating preferences to new format...");
272            // migrate preferences
273            InstanceManager.getOptionalDefault(TabbedPreferences.class).ifPresent(tp -> {
274                // tp.init();
275                tp.saveContents();
276                cm.storePrefs();
277            });
278            // notify user of change
279            log.info("Preferences have been migrated to new format.");
280            log.info("New preferences format will be used after JMRI is restarted.");
281            if (!GraphicsEnvironment.isHeadless()) {
282                Profile profile = ProfileManager.getDefault().getActiveProfile();
283                JmriJOptionPane.showMessageDialog(sp,
284                        Bundle.getMessage("SingleConfigMigratedToSharedConfig", profile),
285                        jmri.Application.getApplicationName(),
286                        JmriJOptionPane.INFORMATION_MESSAGE);
287            }
288        }
290        // Before starting to load preferences, make sure some managers are created.
291        // This is needed because these aren't particularly well-behaved during
292        // creation.
293        InstanceManager.getDefault(jmri.LogixManager.class);
294        InstanceManager.getDefault(jmri.jmrit.display.layoutEditor.LayoutBlockManager.class);
296        // preload script engines if requested
297        if (Boolean.getBoolean("org.jmri.python.preload")) {
298            new Thread(() -> {
299                try {
300                    JmriScriptEngineManager.getDefault().initializeAllEngines();
301                } catch (RuntimeException ex) {
302                    log.error("Error in trying to initialize script interpreters {}", ex.getMessage());
303                }
304            }, "initialize python interpreter").start();
305        }
307        // kick off update of decoder index if needed
308        jmri.util.ThreadingUtil.runOnGUI(() -> {
309            try {
310                jmri.jmrit.decoderdefn.DecoderIndexFile.updateIndexIfNeeded();
311            } catch (org.jdom2.JDOMException| java.io.IOException e) {
312                log.error("Exception trying to pre-load decoderIndex", e);
313            }
314        });
316        // if the configuration didn't complete OK, pop the prefs frame and help
317        log.debug("Config OK? {}, deferred config OK? {}", configOK, configDeferredLoadOK);
318        if (!configOK || !configDeferredLoadOK) {
319            HelpUtil.displayHelpRef("package.apps.AppConfigPanelErrorPage");
320            doPreferences();
321        }
322        log.debug("Done with doPreferences, start statusPanel");
324        add(statusPanel());
325        log.debug("Done with statusPanel, start buttonSpace");
326        add(buttonSpace());
327        add(_jynstrumentSpace);
328        long eventMask = AWTEvent.MOUSE_EVENT_MASK;
330        Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().addAWTEventListener((AWTEvent e) -> {
331            if (e instanceof MouseEvent) {
332                JmriMouseEvent me = new JmriMouseEvent((MouseEvent) e);
333                if (me.isPopupTrigger() && me.getComponent() instanceof JTextComponent) {
334                    var tc = (JTextComponent)me.getComponent();
335                    // provide a pop up if one not already defined
336                    if (tc.getComponentPopupMenu() == null) {
337                        final JTextComponent component1 = (JTextComponent) me.getComponent();
338                        final JPopupMenu menu = new JPopupMenu();
339                        JMenuItem item;
340                        item = new JMenuItem(new DefaultEditorKit.CopyAction());
341                        item.setText("Copy");
342                        item.setEnabled(component1.getSelectionStart() != component1.getSelectionEnd());
343                        menu.add(item);
344                        item = new JMenuItem(new DefaultEditorKit.CutAction());
345                        item.setText("Cut");
346                        item.setEnabled(component1.isEditable() && component1.getSelectionStart() != component1.getSelectionEnd());
347                        menu.add(item);
348                        item = new JMenuItem(new DefaultEditorKit.PasteAction());
349                        item.setText("Paste");
350                        item.setEnabled(component1.isEditable());
351                        menu.add(item);
352                        menu.show(me.getComponent(), me.getX(), me.getY());
353                    }
354                }
355            }
356        }, eventMask);
358        // do final activation
359        InstanceManager.getDefault(jmri.LogixManager.class).activateAllLogixs();
360        InstanceManager.getDefault(jmri.jmrit.display.layoutEditor.LayoutBlockManager.class).initializeLayoutBlockPaths();
362        LogixNG_Manager logixNG_Manager = InstanceManager.getDefault(LogixNG_Manager.class);
363        logixNG_Manager.setupAllLogixNGs();
364        if (InstanceManager.getDefault(LogixNGPreferences.class).getStartLogixNGOnStartup()
365                && InstanceManager.getDefault(jmri.jmrit.logixng.LogixNG_Manager.class).isStartLogixNGsOnLoad()) {
366            logixNG_Manager.activateAllLogixNGs();
367        }
369        log.debug("End constructor");
370    }
372    private boolean doDeferredLoad(File file) {
373        boolean result;
374        log.debug("start deferred load from config");
375        try {
376            ConfigureManager cmOD = InstanceManager.getNullableDefault(jmri.ConfigureManager.class);
377            if (cmOD != null) {
378                result = cmOD.loadDeferred(file);
379            } else {
380                log.error("Failed to get default configure manager");
381                result = false;
382            }
383        } catch (JmriException e) {
384            log.error("Unhandled problem loading deferred configuration", e);
385            result = false;
386        }
387        log.debug("end deferred load from config file, OK={}", result);
388        return result;
389    }
391    /**
392     * Prepare the JPanel to contain buttons in the startup GUI. Since it's
393     * possible to add buttons via the preferences, this space may have
394     * additional buttons appended to it later. The default implementation here
395     * just creates an empty space for these to be added to.
396     */
397    @SuppressFBWarnings(value = "ST_WRITE_TO_STATIC_FROM_INSTANCE_METHOD",
398            justification = "only one application at a time")
399    protected void setButtonSpace() {
400        _buttonSpace = new JPanel();
401        _buttonSpace.setLayout(new FlowLayout());
402    }
403    static JComponent _jynstrumentSpace = null;
405    @SuppressFBWarnings(value = "ST_WRITE_TO_STATIC_FROM_INSTANCE_METHOD",
406            justification = "only one application at a time")
407    protected void setJynstrumentSpace() {
408        _jynstrumentSpace = new JPanel();
409        _jynstrumentSpace.setLayout(new FlowLayout());
410        new URIDrop(_jynstrumentSpace, (URI[] uris) -> {
411            for (URI uri : uris ) {
412                ynstrument(new File(uri).getPath());
413            }
414        });
415    }
417    public static void ynstrument(String path) {
418        Jynstrument it = JynstrumentFactory.createInstrument(path, _jynstrumentSpace);
419        if (it == null) {
420            log.error("Error while creating Jynstrument {}", path);
421            return;
422        }
423        ThrottleFrame.setTransparent(it);
424        it.setVisible(true);
425        _jynstrumentSpace.setVisible(true);
426        _jynstrumentSpace.add(it);
427    }
429    /**
430     * Create default menubar.
431     * <p>
432     * This does not include the development menu.
433     *
434     * @param menuBar Menu bar to be populated
435     * @param wi      WindowInterface where this menu bar will appear
436     */
437    protected void createMenus(JMenuBar menuBar, WindowInterface wi) {
438        if (SystemType.isMacOSX()) {
439            Application.getApplication().setQuitHandler((EventObject eo) -> handleQuit());
440        }
442        AppsMainMenu.createMenus(menuBar, wi, this, mainWindowHelpID());
443    }
445    /**
446     * Open Preferences action. Often done due to error
447     */
448    public void doPreferences() {
449        if (prefsAction == null) {
450            prefsAction = new TabbedPreferencesAction();
451        }
452        prefsAction.actionPerformed(null);
453    }
455    /**
456     * Set the location of the window-specific help for the preferences pane.
457     * Made a separate method so if can be overridden for application specific
458     * preferences help
459     *
460     * @param frame    The frame being described in the help system
461     * @param location The location within the JavaHelp system
462     */
463    protected void setPrefsFrameHelp(JmriJFrame frame, String location) {
464        frame.addHelpMenu(location, true);
465    }
467    /**
468     * Returns the ID for the main window's help, which is application specific
469     *
470     * @return help identifier for main window
471     */
472    protected String mainWindowHelpID() {
473        return "package.apps.Apps";
474    }
476    protected String line1() {
477        return Bundle.getMessage("DefaultVersionCredit", jmri.Version.name());
478    }
480    protected String line2() {
481        return "http://jmri.org/";
482    }
484    protected String line3() {
485        return " ";
486    }
487    // line 4
488    JLabel cs4 = new JLabel();
490    protected void buildLine4(JPanel pane) {
491        if (connection[0] != null) {
492            buildLine(connection[0], cs4, pane);
493        }
494    }
495    // line 5 optional
496    JLabel cs5 = new JLabel();
498    protected void buildLine5(JPanel pane) {
499        if (connection[1] != null) {
500            buildLine(connection[1], cs5, pane);
501        }
502    }
503    // line 6 optional
504    JLabel cs6 = new JLabel();
506    protected void buildLine6(JPanel pane) {
507        if (connection[2] != null) {
508            buildLine(connection[2], cs6, pane);
509        }
510    }
511    // line 7 optional
512    JLabel cs7 = new JLabel();
514    protected void buildLine7(JPanel pane) {
515        if (connection[3] != null) {
516            buildLine(connection[3], cs7, pane);
517        }
518    }
520    protected void buildLine(ConnectionConfig conn, JLabel cs, JPanel pane) {
521        if (conn.name().equals(JmrixConfigPane.NONE)) {
522            cs.setText(" ");
523            return;
524        }
526        log.debug("conn.name() is {} ", conn.name()); // eg CAN via MERG Network Interface
527        log.debug("conn.getConnectionName() is {} ", conn.getConnectionName()); // eg MERG2
528        log.debug("conn.getManufacturer() is {} ", conn.getManufacturer()); // eg MERG
530        ConnectionStatus.instance().addConnection(conn.getConnectionName(), conn.getInfo());
531        cs.setFont(pane.getFont());
532        updateLine(conn, cs);
533        pane.add(cs);
534    }
536    protected void updateLine(ConnectionConfig conn, JLabel cs) {
537        if (conn.getDisabled()) {
538            return;
539        }
540        String name = conn.getConnectionName();
541        if (name == null) {
542            name = conn.getManufacturer();
543        }
544        if (ConnectionStatus.instance().isConnectionOk(name, conn.getInfo())) {
545            cs.setForeground(Color.black);
546            String cf = Bundle.getMessage("ConnectionSucceeded", name, conn.name(), conn.getInfo());
547            cs.setText(cf);
548        } else {
549            cs.setForeground(Color.red);
550            String cf = Bundle.getMessage("ConnectionFailed", name, conn.name(), conn.getInfo());
551            cs.setText(cf);
552        }
554        this.revalidate();
555    }
557    protected String line8() {
558        return " ";
559    }
561    protected String line9() {
562        return Bundle.getMessage("JavaVersionCredit",
563                System.getProperty("java.version", "<unknown>"),
564                Locale.getDefault());
565    }
567    protected String logo() {
568        return "resources/logo.gif";
569    }
571    /**
572     * Fill in the logo and status panel
573     *
574     * @return Properly-filled out JPanel
575     */
576    protected JPanel statusPanel() {
577        JPanel pane1 = new JPanel();
578        pane1.setLayout(new BoxLayout(pane1, BoxLayout.X_AXIS));
579        log.debug("Fetch main logo: {}", logo());
580        pane1.add(new JLabel(new ImageIcon(getToolkit().getImage(FileUtil.findURL(logo(), FileUtil.Location.ALL)), "JMRI logo"), JLabel.LEFT));
581        pane1.add(Box.createRigidArea(new Dimension(15, 0))); // Some spacing between logo and status panel
583        log.debug("start labels");
584        JPanel pane2 = new JPanel();
586        pane2.setLayout(new BoxLayout(pane2, BoxLayout.Y_AXIS));
587        pane2.add(new JLabel(line1()));
588        pane2.add(new JLabel(line2()));
589        pane2.add(new JLabel(line3()));
591        String name = ProfileManager.getDefault().getActiveProfileName();
592        pane2.add(new JLabel(Bundle.getMessage("ActiveProfile", name)));
594        // add listener for Com port updates
595        ConnectionStatus.instance().addPropertyChangeListener(this);
596        int i = 0;
597        for (ConnectionConfig conn : InstanceManager.getDefault(ConnectionConfigManager.class)) {
598            if (!conn.getDisabled()) {
599                connection[i] = conn;
600                i++;
601            }
602            if (i > 3) {
603                break;
604            }
605        }
606        buildLine4(pane2);
607        buildLine5(pane2);
608        buildLine6(pane2);
609        buildLine7(pane2);
611        pane2.add(new JLabel(line8()));
612        pane2.add(new JLabel(line9()));
613        pane1.add(pane2);
614        return pane1;
615    }
616    //int[] connection = {-1,-1,-1,-1};
617    ConnectionConfig[] connection = {null, null, null, null};
619    /**
620     * Closing the main window is a shutdown request.
621     *
622     * @param e the event triggering the close
623     */
624    @Override
625    public void windowClosing(WindowEvent e) {
626        if (!InstanceManager.getDefault(ShutDownManager.class).isShuttingDown()
627                && JmriJOptionPane.YES_OPTION == JmriJOptionPane.showConfirmDialog(
628                        null,
629                        Bundle.getMessage("MessageLongCloseWarning"),
630                        Bundle.getMessage("MessageShortCloseWarning"),
631                        JmriJOptionPane.YES_NO_OPTION)) {
632            handleQuit();
633        }
634        // if get here, didn't quit, so don't close window
635    }
637    @Override
638    public void windowActivated(WindowEvent e) {
639    }
641    @Override
642    public void windowClosed(WindowEvent e) {
643    }
645    @Override
646    public void windowDeactivated(WindowEvent e) {
647    }
649    @Override
650    public void windowDeiconified(WindowEvent e) {
651    }
653    @Override
654    public void windowIconified(WindowEvent e) {
655    }
657    @Override
658    public void windowOpened(WindowEvent e) {
659    }
661    static protected void setJmriSystemProperty(String key, String value) {
662        try {
663            String current = System.getProperty("org.jmri.Apps." + key);
664            if (current == null) {
665                System.setProperty("org.jmri.Apps." + key, value);
666            } else if (!current.equals(value)) {
667                log.warn("JMRI property {} already set to {}, skipping reset to {}", key, current, value);
668            }
669        } catch (RuntimeException e) {
670            log.error("Unable to set JMRI property {} to {} due to exception", key, value, e);
671        }
672    }
674    /**
675     * Provide access to a place where applications can expect the configuration
676     * code to build run-time buttons.
677     *
678     * @see apps.startup.CreateButtonModelFactory
679     * @return null if no such space exists
680     */
681    static public JComponent buttonSpace() {
682        return _buttonSpace;
683    }
684    static JComponent _buttonSpace = null;
685    static SplashWindow sp = null;
686    static AWTEventListener debugListener = null;
688    // TODO: Remove the "static" nature of much of the initialization someday.
689    //       It exits to allow splash() to be called first-thing in main(), see
690    //       apps.DecoderPro.DecoderPro.main(...)
691    //       Or maybe, just not worry about this here, in the older base class,
692    //       and address it in the newer apps.gui3.Apps3 as that's the base class of the future.
693    static boolean debugFired = false;  // true if we've seen F8 during startup
694    static boolean debugmsg = false;    // true while we're handling the "No Logix?" prompt window on startup
696    static protected void splash(boolean show) {
697        splash(show, false);
698    }
700    static protected void splash(boolean show, boolean debug) {
701        Log4JUtil.initLogging();
702        if (debugListener == null && debug) {
703            // set a global listener for debug options
704            debugFired = false;
705            Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().addAWTEventListener(
706                    debugListener = (AWTEvent e) -> {
707                        if (!debugFired) {
708                            /*We set the debugmsg flag on the first instance of the user pressing any button
709                            and the if the debugFired hasn't been set, this allows us to ensure that we don't
710                            miss the user pressing F8, while we are checking*/
711                            debugmsg = true;
712                            if (e.getID() == KeyEvent.KEY_PRESSED && e instanceof KeyEvent && ((KeyEvent) e).getKeyCode() == 119) {     // F8
713                                startupDebug();
714                            } else if (e.getID() == KeyEvent.KEY_PRESSED && e instanceof KeyEvent && ((KeyEvent) e).getKeyCode() == 120) {  // F9
715                                InstanceManager.getDefault(LogixNG_Manager.class).startLogixNGsOnLoad(false);
716                            } else {
717                                debugmsg = false;
718                            }
719                        }
720                    },
721                    AWTEvent.KEY_EVENT_MASK);
722        }
724        // bring up splash window for startup
725        if (sp == null) {
726            if (debug) {
727                sp = new SplashWindow(splashDebugMsg());
728            } else {
729                sp = new SplashWindow();
730            }
731        }
732        sp.setVisible(show);
733        if (!show) {
734            sp.dispose();
735            Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().removeAWTEventListener(debugListener);
736            debugListener = null;
737            sp = null;
738        }
739    }
741    static protected JPanel splashDebugMsg() {
742        JLabel panelLabelDisableLogix = new JLabel(Bundle.getMessage("PressF8ToDebug"));
743        panelLabelDisableLogix.setFont(panelLabelDisableLogix.getFont().deriveFont(9f));
744        JLabel panelLabelDisableLogixNG = new JLabel(Bundle.getMessage("PressF9ToInactivateLogixNG"));
745        panelLabelDisableLogixNG.setFont(panelLabelDisableLogix.getFont().deriveFont(9f));
746        JPanel panel = new JPanel();
747        panel.setLayout(new BoxLayout(panel, BoxLayout.PAGE_AXIS));
748        panel.add(panelLabelDisableLogix);
749        panel.add(panelLabelDisableLogixNG);
750        return panel;
751    }
753    static protected void startupDebug() {
754        debugFired = true;
755        debugmsg = true;
757        Object[] options = {"Disable", "Enable"};
759        int retval = JmriJOptionPane.showOptionDialog(null,
760                Bundle.getMessage("StartJMRIwithLogixEnabledDisabled"),
761                Bundle.getMessage("StartJMRIwithLogixEnabledDisabledTitle"),
762                JmriJOptionPane.DEFAULT_OPTION,
763                JmriJOptionPane.QUESTION_MESSAGE, null, options, options[0]);
765        if (retval != 0) {
766            debugmsg = false;
767            return;
768        }
769        InstanceManager.getDefault(jmri.LogixManager.class).setLoadDisabled(true);
770        InstanceManager.getDefault(LogixNG_Manager.class).setLoadDisabled(true);
771        log.info("Requested loading with Logixs and LogixNGs disabled.");
772        debugmsg = false;
773    }
775    /**
776     * The application decided to quit, handle that.
777     *
778     * @return always returns false
779     */
780    static public boolean handleQuit() {
781        AppsBase.handleQuit();
782        return false;
783    }
785    /**
786     * The application decided to restart, handle that.
787     */
788    static public void handleRestart() {
789        AppsBase.handleRestart();
790    }
792    /**
793     * Set up the configuration file name at startup.
794     * <p>
795     * The Configuration File name variable holds the name used to load the
796     * configuration file during later startup processing. Applications invoke
797     * this method to handle the usual startup hierarchy:
798     * <ul>
799     * <li>If an absolute filename was provided on the command line, use it
800     * <li>If a filename was provided that's not absolute, consider it to be in
801     * the preferences directory
802     * <li>If no filename provided, use a default name (that's application
803     * specific)
804     * </ul>
805     * This name will be used for reading and writing the preferences. It need
806     * not exist when the program first starts up. This name may be proceeded
807     * with <em>config=</em> and may not contain the equals sign (=).
808     *
809     * @param def  Default value if no other is provided
810     * @param args Argument array from the main routine
811     */
812    static protected void setConfigFilename(String def, String[] args) {
813        // skip if org.jmri.Apps.configFilename is set
814        if (System.getProperty("org.jmri.Apps.configFilename") != null) {
815            return;
816        }
817        // save the configuration filename if present on the command line
818        if (args.length >= 1 && args[0] != null && !args[0].contains("=")) {
819            def = args[0];
820            log.debug("Config file was specified as: {}", args[0]);
821        }
822        for (String arg : args) {
823            String[] split = arg.split("=", 2);
824            if (split[0].equalsIgnoreCase("config")) {
825                def = split[1];
826                log.debug("Config file was specified as: {}", arg);
827            }
828        }
829        Apps.configFilename = def;
830        setJmriSystemProperty("configFilename", def);
831    }
833    static public String getConfigFileName() {
834        return configFilename;
835    }
837    static protected void createFrame(Apps containedPane, JmriJFrame frame) {
838        // create the main frame and menus
839        // Create a WindowInterface object based on the passed-in Frame
840        JFrameInterface wi = new JFrameInterface(frame);
841        // Create a menu bar
842        containedPane.menuBar = new JMenuBar();
844        // Create menu categories and add to the menu bar, add actions to menus
845        containedPane.createMenus(containedPane.menuBar, wi);
846        // connect Help target now that globalHelpBroker has been instantiated
847        containedPane.attachHelp();
849        frame.setJMenuBar(containedPane.menuBar);
850        frame.getContentPane().add(containedPane);
852        // handle window close
853        frame.setDefaultCloseOperation(WindowConstants.DO_NOTHING_ON_CLOSE);
854        frame.addWindowListener(containedPane);
856        // pack and center this frame
857        frame.pack();
858        Dimension screen = frame.getToolkit().getScreenSize();
859        Dimension size = frame.getSize();
861        // first set a default position and size
862        frame.setLocation((screen.width - size.width) / 2, (screen.height - size.height) / 2);
864        // then attempt set from stored preference
865        frame.setFrameLocation();
867        // and finally show
868        frame.setVisible(true);
869    }
871    static protected void loadFile(String name) {
872        ConfigureManager cmOD = InstanceManager.getNullableDefault(jmri.ConfigureManager.class);
873        if (cmOD != null) {
874            URL pFile = cmOD.find(name);
875            if (pFile != null) {
876                try {
877                    cmOD.load(pFile);
878                } catch (JmriException e) {
879                    log.error("Unhandled problem in loadFile", e);
880                }
881            } else {
882                log.warn("Could not find {} config file", name);
883            }
884        } else {
885            log.error("Failed to get default configure manager");
886        }
887    }
889    static String configFilename = System.getProperty("org.jmri.Apps.configFilename", "jmriconfig2.xml");  // usually overridden, this is default
890    // The following MUST be protected for 3rd party applications
891    // (such as CATS) which are derived from this class.
892    @SuppressFBWarnings(value = "MS_PKGPROTECT",
893            justification = "The following MUST be protected for 3rd party applications (such as CATS) which are derived from this class.")
894    protected static boolean configOK;
895    @SuppressFBWarnings(value = "MS_PKGPROTECT",
896            justification = "The following MUST be protected for 3rd party applications (such as CATS) which are derived from this class.")
897    protected static boolean configDeferredLoadOK;
898    // GUI members
899    private JMenuBar menuBar;
901    static String nameString = "JMRI program";
903    protected static void setApplication(String name) {
904        try {
905            jmri.Application.setApplicationName(name);
906        } catch (IllegalArgumentException | IllegalAccessException ex) {
907            log.warn("Unable to set application name", ex);
908        }
909    }
911    /**
912     * Set and log some startup information. This is intended to be the central
913     * connection point for common startup and logging.
914     *
915     * @param name Program/application name as known by the user
916     */
917    @SuppressFBWarnings(value = "SLF4J_SIGN_ONLY_FORMAT",justification = "info message contains context information")
918    protected static void setStartupInfo(String name) {
919        // Set the application name
920        try {
921            jmri.Application.setApplicationName(name);
922        } catch (IllegalArgumentException | IllegalAccessException ex) {
923            log.warn("Unable to set application name", ex);
924        }
926        // Log the startup information
927        log.info("{}",Log4JUtil.startupInfo(name));
928    }
930    @Override
931    public void propertyChange(PropertyChangeEvent ev) {
932        log.debug("property change: comm port status update");
933        if (connection[0] != null) {
934            updateLine(connection[0], cs4);
935        }
937        if (connection[1] != null) {
938            updateLine(connection[1], cs5);
939        }
941        if (connection[2] != null) {
942            updateLine(connection[2], cs6);
943        }
945        if (connection[3] != null) {
946            updateLine(connection[3], cs7);
947        }
949    }
951    /**
952     * Attach Help target to Help button on Main Screen.
953     */
954    protected void attachHelp() {
955    }
957    private final static org.slf4j.Logger log = org.slf4j.LoggerFactory.getLogger(Apps.class);