Bundle |
SprogCommandStation |
Control a collection of slots, acting as a soft command station for SPROG
SprogConnectionTypeList |
Returns a list of valid Sprog Connection Types.
SprogConstants |
Constants to represent values seen in SPROG traffic.
Create a Systems menu containing the Jmri SPROG-specific tools.
SprogCSStreamConnectionConfig |
Handle configuring an SPROG layout connection via an SprogCSStreamPortController
SprogCSStreamPortController |
Abstract base for classes representing an SPROG Command Station
communications port
SprogCSStreamPortController.RcvCheck |
SprogCSThrottle |
An implementation of DccThrottle with code specific to a SPROG Command
Station connection.
SprogCSThrottleManager |
SPROG Command Station implementation of a ThrottleManager.
SprogCSTurnout |
Sprog implementation of the Turnout interface.
Create a Systems menu containing the Jmri SPROG-specific tools.
SprogMessage |
Encode a message to an SPROG command station.
SprogOpsModeProgrammer |
Provide an Ops Mode Programmer via a wrapper what works with the SPROG
command station object.
SprogPortController |
SprogPowerManager |
PowerManager implementation for controlling SPROG layout power.
SprogProgrammer |
Implement the jmri.Programmer interface via commands for the Sprog
SprogProgrammerManager |
Extend DefaultProgrammerManager to provide programmers for SPROG systems.
SprogReply |
Carries the reply to a SprogMessage.
SprogSlot |
Represent information for a DCC Command Station Queue entry where each entry
is a DCC packet to be transmitted to the rails.
SprogSystemConnectionMemo |
Lightweight class to denote that a system is active, and provide general
SprogThrottle |
An implementation of DccThrottle with code specific to an SPROG connection.
SprogThrottleManager |
SPROG implementation of a ThrottleManager.
SprogTrafficController |
Converts Stream-based I/O to/from Sprog messages.
SprogTurnout |
Sprog implementation of the Turnout interface.
SprogTurnoutManager |
Implement turnout manager for Sprog systems.