Class RocoZ21CommandStation

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public class RocoZ21CommandStation
    extends RocoCommandStation
    Defines the standard/common routines used in multiple classes related to a Roco z21 Command Station.

    This class keeps track of the broadcast flags associated with the currently connected Roco Z21 Command Station.

    Brief descriptions of the flags are as follows (loosely translated from section 2.16 of the manual from the German with the aid of google translate).

    • 0x00000001 send XpressNet related information (track power on/off, programming mode, short circuit, broadcast stop, locomotive information, turnout information).
    • 0x00000002 send data changes that occur on the RMBUS.
    • 0x00000004 (deprecated by Roco) send Railcom Data
    • 0x00000100 send changes in system state (such as track voltage)
    • 0x00010000 send changes to locomotives on XpressNet (must also have 0x00000001 set.
    • 0x01000000 forward LocoNet data to the client. Does not send Locomotive or turnout data.
    • 0x02000000 send Locomotive specific LocoNet data to the client.
    • 0x04000000 send Turnout specific LocoNet data to the client.
    • 0x08000000 send Occupancy information from LocoNet to the client
    • 0x00040000 Automatically send updates for Railcom data to the client
    • 0x00080000 send CAN detector messages to the client
    • 0x00020000 send CAN booster status messages to the client.
    • 0x00000010 send Fast Clock time messages to the client.
    • Method Detail

      • getSerialNumber

        public int getSerialNumber()
        get the serial number.
        serial number of the connected Z21 command station
      • setSerialNumber

        public void setSerialNumber​(int sn)
        set the serial number associated with this Z21 command station.
        sn - serial number
      • getSoftwareVersion

        public float getSoftwareVersion()
        get the software version.
        software version of the connected Z21 command station
      • setSoftwareVersion

        public void setSoftwareVersion​(float sv)
        set the software version associated with this Z21 command station.
        sv - software version
      • getHardwareVersion

        public int getHardwareVersion()
        get the hardware version.
        hardware version of the connected Z21 command station
      • setHardwareVersion

        public void setHardwareVersion​(int hv)
        set the hardware version associated with this Z21 command station.
        hv - software version
      • getZ21BroadcastFlags

        public int getZ21BroadcastFlags()
        get the current value of the broadcast flags as an int
        value representing the broadcast flags.
      • setZ21BroadcastFlags

        public void setZ21BroadcastFlags​(int flags)
        set the current value of the broadcast flags as an int
        flags - representing the broadcast flags.
      • getZ21BroadcastFlagsString

        public java.lang.String getZ21BroadcastFlagsString()
        get the current value of the broadcast flags as a string
        string representing the broadcast flags.
      • getZ21BroadcastFlagsString

        public static java.lang.String getZ21BroadcastFlagsString​(int flags)
        Get the value of the specified broadcast flags as a string
        flags - the flags to be interpreted
        string representing the broadcast flags.
      • getXPressNetMessagesFlag

        public boolean getXPressNetMessagesFlag()
        Is flag bit 0x00000001 which tells the command station to send XpressNet related information (track power on/off, programming mode, short circuit, broadcast stop, locomotive information, turnout information) set?
        true if flag is set.
      • setXPressNetMessagesFlag

        public void setXPressNetMessagesFlag​(boolean flag)
        Set flag bit 0x00000001 which tells the command station to send XpressNet related information (track power on/off, programming mode, short circuit, broadcast stop, locomotive information, turnout information).
        flag - true if flag is to be set.
      • getRMBusMessagesFlag

        public boolean getRMBusMessagesFlag()
        Is flag bit 0x00000002 which tells the command station to send data changes on the RMBus to the client set?
        true if flag is set.
      • setRMBusMessagesFlag

        public void setRMBusMessagesFlag​(boolean flag)
        Set flag bit 0x00000002 which tells the command station to send data changes on the RMBus to the client set?
        flag - true if flag is to be set.
      • getRailComMessagesFlag

        public boolean getRailComMessagesFlag()
        Is flag bit 0x00000004, which tells the command station to send Railcom data to the client set (this flag may no longer be supported by Roco).
        true if flag is set.
      • setRailComMessagesFlag

        public void setRailComMessagesFlag​(boolean flag)
        Set flag bit 0x00000004, which tells the command station to send Railcom data to the client set (this flag may no longer be supported by Roco).
        flag - true if flag is to be set.
      • getRailComAutomaticFlag

        public boolean getRailComAutomaticFlag()
        Is flag bit 0x00040000, which tells the command station to automatically send Railcom data to the client set.
        true if flag is set.
      • setRailComAutomaticFlag

        public void setRailComAutomaticFlag​(boolean flag)
        Set flag bit 0x00040000, which tells the command station to automatically send Railcom data to the client set.
        flag - true if flag is to be set.
      • getCanDetectorFlag

        public boolean getCanDetectorFlag()
        Is flag bit 0x00080000, which tells the command station to send CAN detector data to the client set.
        true if flag is set.
      • setCanDetectorFlag

        public void setCanDetectorFlag​(boolean flag)
        Set flag bit 0x00080000, which tells the command station to send CAN detector data to the client.
        flag - true if flag is to be set.
      • getCanBoosterFlag

        public boolean getCanBoosterFlag()
        Is flag bit 0x00020000, which tells the command station to send CAN booster data to the client set.
        true if flag is set.
      • setCanBoosterFlag

        public void setCanBoosterFlag​(boolean flag)
        Set flag bit 0x00020000, which tells the command station to send CAN detector data to the client.
        flag - true if flag is to be set.
      • getSystemStatusMessagesFlag

        public boolean getSystemStatusMessagesFlag()
        Is flag bit 0x00000100 which tells the command station to send changes in system state (such as track voltage) set?
        true if flag is set.
      • setSystemStatusMessagesFlag

        public void setSystemStatusMessagesFlag​(boolean flag)
        Set flag bit 0x00000100 which tells the command station to send changes in system state (such as track voltage).
        flag - true if flag is to be set.
      • getXPressNetLocomotiveMessagesFlag

        public boolean getXPressNetLocomotiveMessagesFlag()
        Is flag bit 0x00010000 which tells the command station to send XpressNet related locomoitve information to the client set?
        true if flag is set
      • setXPressNetLocomotiveMessagesFlag

        public void setXPressNetLocomotiveMessagesFlag​(boolean flag)
        Set flag bit 0x00010000 which tells the command station to send XpressNet related locomoitve information to the client.
        flag - true if flag is to be set.
      • getLocoNetMessagesFlag

        public boolean getLocoNetMessagesFlag()
        Is flag bit 0x01000000 which tells the command station to send LocoNet data,except Locomotive and Turnout data, to the client set?
        true if flag is set.
      • setLocoNetMessagesFlag

        public void setLocoNetMessagesFlag​(boolean flag)
        Set flag bit 0x01000000 which tells the command station to send LocoNet data,except Locomotive and Turnout data, to the client.
        flag - true if flag is to be set.
      • getLocoNetLocomotiveMessagesFlag

        public boolean getLocoNetLocomotiveMessagesFlag()
        Is flag bit 0x02000000 which tells the command station to send Locomotive specific LocoNet data to the client set?
        true if flag is set.
      • setLocoNetLocomotiveMessagesFlag

        public void setLocoNetLocomotiveMessagesFlag​(boolean flag)
        Set flag bit 0x02000000 which tells the command station to send Locomotive specific LocoNet data to the client.
        flag - true if flag is to be set.
      • getLocoNetTurnoutMessagesFlag

        public boolean getLocoNetTurnoutMessagesFlag()
        Is flag bit 0x04000000 which tells the command station to send Turnout specific LocoNet data to the client set?
        true if flag is set.
      • setLocoNetTurnoutMessagesFlag

        public void setLocoNetTurnoutMessagesFlag​(boolean flag)
        Set flag bit 0x04000000 which tells the command station to send Turnout specific LocoNet data to the client set?
        flag - true if flag is to be set.
      • getLocoNetOccupancyMessagesFlag

        public boolean getLocoNetOccupancyMessagesFlag()
        Is flag bit 0x08000000 which tells the command station to send Occupancy information from LocoNet to the client set?
        true if flag is set.
      • setLocoNetOccupancyMessagesFlag

        public void setLocoNetOccupancyMessagesFlag​(boolean flag)

        Set flag bit 0x08000000 which tells the command station to send Occupancy information from LocoNet to the client

        If this flag is set to true, the Z21 will format Transponding messages as described in section 9.5 of the Z21 Lan Protocol. This message format is currentlyunsupported by JMRI.

        flag - true if flag is to be set.
      • getFastClockFlag

        public boolean getFastClockFlag()
        Is flag bit 0x00000100 which tells the command station to send changes in system state (such as track voltage) set?
        true if flag is set.
      • setFastClockFlag

        public void setFastClockFlag​(boolean flag)
        Set flag bit 0x00000010 which tells the command station to send changes in the fast clock to.
        flag - true if flag is to be set.