Bundle |
MrcClockControl |
Implementation of the Hardware Fast Clock for Mrc
MrcConnectionTypeList |
Returns a list of valid MRC Connection Types
MrcMessage |
Encodes and decoders messages to an MRC command station.
MrcOpsModeProgrammer |
Provide an Ops Mode Programmer via a wrapper what works with the MRC command
station object.
MrcPacketizer |
Converts Stream-based I/O to/from Mrc messages.
MrcPacketizer.Echo |
MrcPacketizer.Failed |
MrcPackets |
Some of the message formats used in this class are Copyright MRC, Inc. and
used with permission as part of the JMRI project.
MrcPortController |
Abstract base for classes representing a MRC communications port
MrcPowerManager |
PowerManager implementation for controlling layout power
MrcProgrammer |
Convert the jmri.Programmer interface into commands for the MRC power house.
MrcProgrammerManager |
Extend DefaultProgrammerManager to provide ops mode programmers for MRC
MrcSystemConnectionMemo |
Lightweight class to denote that a system is active, and provide general
MrcThrottle |
An implementation of DccThrottle with code specific to an MRC connection.
MrcThrottleManager |
MRC implementation of a ThrottleManager.
MrcTrafficController |
Converts Stream-based I/O to/from MRC messages.
MrcTrafficListenerFilter |
MrcTrafficListenerFilter is a helper class used to suppress notifications a
client is not interested in.
MrcTurnout |
New MRC implementation of the Turnout interface From Xpa+Modem implementation
of the Turnout interface.
MrcTurnoutManager |
New MRC TurnoutManager