Package jmri.jmrix.mqtt
Class MqttReporter
- java.lang.Object
- jmri.implementation.AbstractNamedBean
- jmri.implementation.AbstractReporter
- jmri.implementation.AbstractIdTagReporter
- jmri.jmrix.mqtt.MqttReporter
- All Implemented Interfaces:
class MqttReporter extends AbstractIdTagReporter implements MqttEventListener
Provide a Reporter implementation for MQTT communications
Nested Class Summary
Nested classes/interfaces inherited from interface jmri.NamedBean
NamedBean.BadNameException, NamedBean.BadSystemNameException, NamedBean.BadUserNameException, NamedBean.DisplayOptions, NamedBean.DuplicateSystemNameException
Nested classes/interfaces inherited from interface jmri.PhysicalLocationReporter
Field Summary
Fields inherited from class jmri.implementation.AbstractReporter
_currentReport, _lastReport
Fields inherited from class jmri.implementation.AbstractNamedBean
listenerRefs, mSystemName, register
Fields inherited from interface jmri.NamedBean
Constructor Summary
Constructors Constructor Description MqttReporter(MqttAdapter ma, java.lang.String systemName, java.lang.String rcvTopic)
Requires, but does not check, that the system name and topic be consistent
Method Summary
All Methods Instance Methods Concrete Methods Modifier and Type Method Description void
Deactivate this object, so that it releases as many resources as possible and no longer effects others.void
notifyMqttMessage(java.lang.String receivedTopic, java.lang.String message)
Methods inherited from class jmri.implementation.AbstractIdTagReporter
describeState, getDirection, getLocoAddress, getPhysicalLocation, getPhysicalLocation, getState, notify, setState
Methods inherited from class jmri.implementation.AbstractReporter
getBeanType, getCurrentReport, getLastReport, setReport
Methods inherited from class jmri.implementation.AbstractNamedBean
addPropertyChangeListener, addPropertyChangeListener, addPropertyChangeListener, addPropertyChangeListener, compareSystemNameSuffix, equals, firePropertyChange, getComment, getDisplayName, getDisplayName, getListenerRef, getListenerRefs, getNumPropertyChangeListeners, getProperty, getPropertyChangeListeners, getPropertyChangeListeners, getPropertyChangeListenersByReference, getPropertyKeys, getSystemName, getUserName, hashCode, removeProperty, removePropertyChangeListener, removePropertyChangeListener, setComment, setProperty, setUserName, toString, toStringSuffix, updateListenerRef, vetoableChange
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, finalize, getClass, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait
Methods inherited from interface jmri.NamedBean
addPropertyChangeListener, addPropertyChangeListener, compareSystemNameSuffix, compareTo, getComment, getDisplayName, getDisplayName, getListenerRef, getListenerRefs, getNumPropertyChangeListeners, getProperty, getPropertyChangeListenersByReference, getPropertyKeys, getRecommendedToolTip, getSystemName, getUsageReport, getUserName, removeProperty, setComment, setProperty, setUserName, toString, updateListenerRef, vetoableChange
Methods inherited from interface jmri.beans.PropertyChangeProvider
addPropertyChangeListener, addPropertyChangeListener, getPropertyChangeListeners, getPropertyChangeListeners, removePropertyChangeListener, removePropertyChangeListener
Constructor Detail
MqttReporter(MqttAdapter ma, java.lang.String systemName, java.lang.String rcvTopic)
Requires, but does not check, that the system name and topic be consistent- Parameters:
- Adapter to specific connectionsystemName
- System Name for this SensorrcvTopic
- Topic string to be used when receiving by JMRI
Method Detail
public void notifyMqttMessage(java.lang.String receivedTopic, java.lang.String message)
- Specified by:
in interfaceMqttEventListener
public void dispose()
Description copied from class:AbstractNamedBean
Deactivate this object, so that it releases as many resources as possible and no longer effects others.For example, if this object has listeners, after a call to this method it should no longer notify those listeners. Any native or system-wide resources it maintains should be released, including threads, files, etc.
It is an error to invoke any other methods on this object once dispose() has been called. Note, however, that there is no guarantee about behavior in that case.
Afterwards, references to this object may still exist elsewhere, preventing its garbage collection. But it's formally dead, and shouldn't be keeping any other objects alive. Therefore, this method should null out any references to other objects that this NamedBean contained.
- Specified by:
in interfaceNamedBean
- Overrides:
in classAbstractNamedBean