Class MqttConsist

    • Method Detail

      • isAddressAllowed

        public boolean isAddressAllowed​(DccLocoAddress address)
        Is this address allowed? On MQTT systems, all addresses but 0 can be used in a consist. Is this address allowed? Since address 00 is an analog locomotive, we can't program CV19 to include it in a consist, but all other addresses are ok.
        Specified by:
        isAddressAllowed in interface Consist
        isAddressAllowed in class DccConsist
        address - the address
        true if allowed; false otherwise
      • sizeLimit

        public int sizeLimit()
        Is there a size limit for this consist?
        Specified by:
        sizeLimit in interface Consist
        sizeLimit in class DccConsist
        -1 for Controller Consists (no limit), 0 for any other consist type
      • contains

        public boolean contains​(DccLocoAddress address)
        Does the consist contain the specified address? Does the consist contain the specified locomotive address?
        Specified by:
        contains in interface Consist
        contains in class DccConsist
        address - the address to check
        true if in consist; false otherwise
      • getLocoDirection

        public boolean getLocoDirection​(DccLocoAddress address)
        Get the relative direction setting for a specific locomotive in the consist. Get the relative direction setting for a specific locomotive in the consist.
        Specified by:
        getLocoDirection in interface Consist
        getLocoDirection in class DccConsist
        address - the address to check
        true if locomotive is in consist in its normal direction of travel; false otherwise
      • add

        public void add​(DccLocoAddress locoAddress,
                        boolean directionNormal)
        Add a Locomotive to a Consist.
        Specified by:
        add in interface Consist
        add in class DccConsist
        locoAddress - is the Locomotive address to add to the locomotive
        directionNormal - is True if the locomotive is traveling the same direction as the consist, or false otherwise.
      • restore

        public void restore​(DccLocoAddress locoAddress,
                            boolean directionNormal)
        Restore a Locomotive to Consist, but don't write to the command station. This is used for restoring the consist from a file or adding a consist read from the command station.
        Specified by:
        restore in interface Consist
        restore in class DccConsist
        locoAddress - is the Locomotive address to add to the locomotive
        directionNormal - is True if the locomotive is traveling the same direction as the consist, or false otherwise.
      • remove

        public void remove​(DccLocoAddress locoAddress)
        Remove a Locomotive from this Consist.
        Specified by:
        remove in interface Consist
        remove in class DccConsist
        locoAddress - is the Locomotive address to add to the locomotive
      • activate

        public void activate()
        Activates the consist for use with a throttle
      • deactivate

        public void deactivate()
        Deactivates and removes the consist from a throttle