AbstractDCCppSerialConnectionConfig |
Abstract Configuration for a DCC++ Serial Connection.
Bundle |
DCCppClockControl |
Class providing Clock Control to the DCC-EX client.
DCCppCommandStation |
Defines the standard/common routines used in multiple classes related to the
DCC++ Command Station, on a DCC++ network.
DCCppConnectionTypeList |
Returns a list of valid DCC++ Connection Types
DCCppConstants |
Constants to represent values seen in DCC++ traffic
DCCppInitializationManager |
This class performs initialization for DCC++.
DCCppLight |
Implementation of the Light Object for DCC++
DCCppLightManager |
Implement LightManager for DCC++ systems.
DCCppMessage |
Represents a single command or response on the DCC++.
DCCppNetworkPortController |
Base for classes representing a DCCpp communications port
DCCppOpsModeProgrammer |
Provides an Ops mode programming interface for DCC++.
DCCppPacketizer |
Converts Stream-based I/O to/from DCC++ messages.
DCCppPowerManager |
DCCppPredefinedMeters |
Provide access to current and voltage meters from the DCC++ Base Station
Creates meters based on values sent from command station
User can create new meters in the sketch.
DCCppProgrammer |
Programmer support for DCC++.
DCCppProgrammerManager |
Extend DefaultProgrammerManager to provide ops mode programmers on DCC++
DCCppRegister |
DCCppRegisterManager |
Defines and Manages the Registers (~ slots) for DCC++ Base Station
DCCppReply |
Represents a single response from the DCC++ system.
DCCppSensor |
Extend jmri.AbstractSensor for DCC++ layouts.
DCCppSensorManager |
Implement SensorManager for DCC++ systems.
DCCppSerialPortController |
Abstract base for classes representing a DCC++ communications port.
DCCppSimulatorPortController |
Abstract base for classes representing a DCCpp communications port
DCCppStreamConnectionConfig |
Handle configuring an DCC++ layout connection via an DCCppStreamPortController
DCCppStreamPortController |
Abstract base for classes representing a DCCpp communications port
DCCppSystemConnectionMemo |
Lightweight class to denote that a system is active and provide general
DCCppThrottle |
An implementation of DccThrottle with code specific to a DCC++
DCCppThrottle.RequestMessage |
DCCppThrottleManager |
DCC++ implementation of a ThrottleManager based on the
DCCppTrafficController |
Abstract base class for implementations of DCCppInterface.
DCCppTurnout |
Extends jmri.AbstractTurnout for DCCpp layouts
DCCppTurnoutManager |
Implement TurnoutManager for DCC++ systems.
DCCppTurnoutReplyCache |
Implement a feedback message cache for DCC++ turnouts.