Class SerialTurnoutManager

    • Method Detail

      • createNewTurnout

        protected Turnout createNewTurnout​(@Nonnull
                                           java.lang.String systemName,
                                           java.lang.String userName)
                                    throws java.lang.IllegalArgumentException
        Internal method to invoke the factory, after all the logic for returning an existing Turnout has been invoked.
        Specified by:
        createNewTurnout in class AbstractTurnoutManager
        systemName - the system name to use for the new Turnout
        userName - the user name to use for the new Turnout
        the new Turnout or
        java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if unsuccessful
      • askNumControlBits

        public int askNumControlBits​(@Nonnull
                                     java.lang.String systemName)
        Get from the user, the number of addressed bits used to control a turnout.

        Normally this is 1, and the default routine returns 1 automatically. Turnout Managers for systems that can handle multiple control bits should override this method with one which asks the user to specify the number of control bits. If the user specifies more than one control bit, this method should check if the additional bits are available (not assigned to another object). If the bits are not available, this method should return 0 for number of control bits, after informing the user of the problem. This function is called whenever a new turnout is defined in the Turnout table. It can also be used to set up other turnout control options, such as pulsed control of turnout machines.

        Specified by:
        askNumControlBits in interface TurnoutManager
        askNumControlBits in class AbstractTurnoutManager
        systemName - the turnout system name
        the bit length for turnout control
      • askControlType

        public int askControlType​(@Nonnull
                                  java.lang.String systemName)
        Get from the user, the type of output to be used bits to control a turnout.

        Normally this is 0 for 'steady state' control, and the default routine returns 0 automatically. Turnout Managers for systems that can handle pulsed control as well as steady state control should override this method with one which asks the user to specify the type of control to be used. The routine should return 0 for 'steady state' control, or n for 'pulsed' control, where n specifies the duration of the pulse (normally in seconds).

        Specified by:
        askControlType in interface TurnoutManager
        askControlType in class AbstractTurnoutManager
        systemName - the turnout system name
        0 for steady state or the number of seconds for a pulse control
      • selectNumberOfControlBits

        public int selectNumberOfControlBits()
        Public method to allow user to specify one or two output bits for turnout control.
        JmriJOptionPane.CLOSED_OPTION if the user cancelled without selecting. 0 if the user selected BitOption1, 1 if the user selected BitOption2.
      • selectOutputType

        public int selectOutputType()
        Public method to allow user to specify pulsed or steady state for two output bits for turnout control.
        JmriJOptionPane.CLOSED_OPTION if the user cancelled without selecting. 0 if the user selected PulsedOptionSteady, 1 if the user selected PulsedOptionPulsed.
      • notifySecondBitConflict

        public void notifySecondBitConflict​(java.lang.String conflict,
                                            int bitNum)
        Public method to notify user when the second bit of a proposed two output bit turnout has a conflict with another assigned bit.
        conflict - human readable name of turnout with conflict.
        bitNum - conflict bit number.
      • allowMultipleAdditions

        public boolean allowMultipleAdditions​(@Nonnull
                                              java.lang.String systemName)
        Turnout format is more than a simple format.
        systemName - the system name to check against; appears to be ignored in all implementations
        true if possible; false otherwise
      • createSystemName

        public java.lang.String createSystemName​(@Nonnull
                                                 java.lang.String curAddress,
                                                 java.lang.String prefix)
                                          throws JmriException
        Default Turnout ensures a numeric only system name. Create a System Name from hardware address and system letter prefix. AbstractManager performs no validation.
        Specified by:
        createSystemName in interface TurnoutManager
        createSystemName in class AbstractTurnoutManager
        curAddress - hardware address, no system prefix or type letter.
        prefix - - just system prefix, not including Type Letter.
        full system name with system prefix, type letter and hardware address.
        JmriException - if unable to create a system name.
      • validateSystemNameFormat

        public java.lang.String validateSystemNameFormat​(@Nonnull
                                                         java.lang.String systemName,
                                                         java.util.Locale locale)
                                                  throws NamedBean.BadSystemNameException
        Validate the format of name, returning it unchanged if valid.

        Although further restrictions may be added by system-specific implementations, at a minimum, the implementation must consider a name that does not start with the System Name prefix for this manager to be invalid, and must consider a name that is the same as the System Name prefix to be invalid.

        Overriding implementations may rely on Manager.validSystemNameFormat(java.lang.String), however they must provide an actionable message in the thrown exception if that method does not return Manager.NameValidity.VALID. When overriding implementations of this method rely on validSystemNameFormat(), implementations of that method must not throw an exception, log an error, or otherwise disrupt the user.

        systemName - the system name to validate
        locale - the locale for a localized exception; this is needed for the JMRI web server, which supports multiple locales
        the unchanged value of the name parameter
        NamedBean.BadSystemNameException - if provided name is an invalid format