Package jmri.jmrix.bidib.swing
Interface Summary Interface Description BiDiBPanelInterface JPanel interface to handle providing system connection information to a panel. -
Class Summary Class Description BiDiBComponentFactory Provide access to Swing components for the BiDiB subsystem.BiDiBMenu Create a "Systems" menu containing the Jmri BiDiB-specific tools.BiDiBMenu.Item BiDiBNamedPaneAction Action to create and load a JmriPanel from just its name.BiDiBSignalMastAddPane A pane for configuring BiDiBSignalMast objectsBiDiBSignalMastAddPane.BiDiBAspectPanel JPanel to define properties of an Aspect for a DCC Signal Mast.BiDiBSignalMastAddPane.SignalMastAddPaneProvider BiDiBTableModel not used so far...Bundle