Class BiDiBTrafficController

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public class BiDiBTrafficController
    extends java.lang.Object
    implements CommandStation
    The BiDiB Traffic Controller provides the interface for JMRI to the BiDiB Library (jbidibc) - it does not handle any protocol functions itself. Therefor it does not extend AbstractMRTrafficController. Instead, it delegates BiDiB handling to a BiDiB controller instance (serial, simulation, etc.) using BiDiBInterface.
    • Field Summary

      Modifier and Type Field Description
      static java.lang.String ASYNCCONNECTIONINIT  
      (package private) org.bidib.jbidibc.messages.Node debugSavedNode  
      static java.lang.String ISNETBIDIB  
      (package private) BiDiBSystemConnectionMemo mMemo
      Reference to the system connection memo.
      protected org.bidib.jbidibc.messages.enums.CommandStationState mSavedMode  
      protected java.util.TreeMap<java.lang.Long,​org.bidib.jbidibc.messages.Node> nodes  
    • Constructor Summary

      Constructor Description
      BiDiBTrafficController​(org.bidib.jbidibc.core.BidibInterface b)
      Create a new BiDiBTrafficController instance.
    • Method Summary

      All Methods Instance Methods Concrete Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      void accessoryState​(org.bidib.jbidibc.messages.Node node)  
      void addConnectionChangedListener​(java.awt.event.ActionListener l)
      Add/Remove an ActionListener to be called when the connection has changed.
      void addMessageListener​(org.bidib.jbidibc.core.MessageListener messageListener)
      Add a message Listener to the connection
      void addRawMessageListener​(org.bidib.jbidibc.messages.base.RawMessageListener rawMessageListener)
      Add a raw message Listener to the connection
      void allAccessoryState()  
      void allFeedback()
      Request Feedback Status (called BM status in BiDiB - BM (Belegtmelder) is german for "feedback") from all ports on all nodes of this connection.
      void allPortConfigX()
      Request CONFIGX from all ports on all nodes of this connection.
      void allPortLcStat()
      Request LC_STAT from all ports on all nodes of this connection.
      int checkProgMode​(boolean needProgMode, org.bidib.jbidibc.messages.Node node)
      Check if the command station is in the requested state (Normal, PT) If the command station is not in the requested state, a message is sent to BiDiB to switch to the requested state.
      void connectionLost()
      Set the connection to lost state.
      org.bidib.jbidibc.messages.helpers.Context connnectPort​(PortAdapter p)
      Opens the BiDiB connection in the jbidibc library, add listeners and initialize BiDiB.
      org.bidib.jbidibc.messages.LcConfigX convertConfig2ConfigX​(org.bidib.jbidibc.messages.Node node, org.bidib.jbidibc.messages.LcConfig lcConfig)
      Convert a CONFIG object to a CONFIGX object.
      void feedback​(org.bidib.jbidibc.messages.Node node)
      Request Feedback Status (called BM status in BiDiB - BM (Belegtmelder) is german for "feedback") from all ports on a given node.
      org.bidib.jbidibc.messages.Feature findNodeFeature​(org.bidib.jbidibc.messages.Node node, int requestedFeatureId)
      Find a feature for given node.
      java.util.List<org.bidib.jbidibc.messages.LcConfigX> getAllPortConfigX​(org.bidib.jbidibc.messages.Node node, org.bidib.jbidibc.messages.enums.LcOutputType type)
      Request CONFIGX from all ports on a given node and possibly only for a given type.
      org.bidib.jbidibc.core.BidibInterface getBidib()
      Get Bidib Interface
      org.bidib.jbidibc.messages.Node getCurrentGlobalProgrammerNode()
      Get the cached global programmer node.
      org.bidib.jbidibc.messages.Node getFirstBoosterNode()
      Get the first booster node.
      org.bidib.jbidibc.messages.Node getFirstCommandStationNode()
      Get the first and most probably only command station node (also used for Programming on the Main - POM) A cached value is returned here for performance reasons since the function is called very often.
      org.bidib.jbidibc.messages.Node getFirstGlobalProgrammerNode()
      Get the most probably only global programmer node (aka service mode node, used for prgramming track - PT, not for POM) If there are more than one suitable node, get the last one (reverse nodes list search).
      org.bidib.jbidibc.messages.Node getFirstOutputNode()
      Get the first output node - a node that can control LC ports.
      org.bidib.jbidibc.messages.Node getNodeByAddr​(byte[] addr)
      Get node by node address from nodelist
      org.bidib.jbidibc.messages.Node getNodeByUniqueID​(long uniqueId)
      Get node by unique id from nodelist
      org.bidib.jbidibc.messages.Node getNodeByUserName​(java.lang.String userName)
      Get node by node username from nodelist
      int getNodeFeature​(org.bidib.jbidibc.messages.Node node, int requestedFeatureId)
      Get the feature value of a node.
      java.util.Map<java.lang.Long,​org.bidib.jbidibc.messages.Node> getNodeList()
      Get the list of nodes found
      org.bidib.jbidibc.messages.LcConfigX getPortConfigX​(org.bidib.jbidibc.messages.Node node, int portAddr, org.bidib.jbidibc.messages.enums.LcOutputType type)
      Request CONFIGX if a given port on a given node and possibly only for a given type.
      org.bidib.jbidibc.messages.enums.PortModelEnum getPortModel​(org.bidib.jbidibc.messages.Node node)  
      org.bidib.jbidibc.messages.Node getRootNode()
      Get root node from nodelist
      BiDiBSystemConnectionMemo getSystemConnectionMemo()
      Get access to the system connection memo associated with this traffic controller.
      java.lang.String getSystemPrefix()
      java.lang.String getUserName()
      boolean hasAccessoryNode()
      Check if we have at least one node capable of Accessory functions
      boolean isConnectionReady()
      Check if the connection is ready to communicate.
      boolean isDetached()
      Check if the connection is detached i.e. it is opened, paired but the logon has been rejected.
      boolean isGlobalProgrammerNode​(org.bidib.jbidibc.messages.Node node)
      A node suitable as a global programmer must be - a command station, - must support service mode programming and - must be a booster
      boolean isNetBiDiB()
      Check of the connection is netBiDiB.
      void portLcStat​(org.bidib.jbidibc.messages.Node node, int typemask)
      Request LC_STAT from all ports on a given node.
      void removeConnectionChangedListener​(java.awt.event.ActionListener l)  
      void removeMessageListener​(org.bidib.jbidibc.core.MessageListener messageListener)
      Remove a message Listener from the connection
      void removeRawMessageListener​(org.bidib.jbidibc.messages.base.RawMessageListener rawMessageListener)
      Remove a raw message Listener from the connection
      void sendBiDiBMessage​(org.bidib.jbidibc.messages.message.BidibCommandMessage m, org.bidib.jbidibc.messages.Node node)
      Forward a preformatted BiDiBMessage to the actual interface.
      boolean sendPacket​(byte[] packet, int repeats)
      Send a specific packet to the rails.
      boolean setCurrentGlobalProgrammerNode​(org.bidib.jbidibc.messages.Node node)
      Set the global programmer node to use.
      void setLogon​(boolean logon)
      Set or remove the detached state.
      void setSystemConnectionMemo​(BiDiBSystemConnectionMemo m)
      Set the system connection memo associated with this traffic controller.
      void setWatchdogTimer​(boolean state)  
      void startLocalPing()
      Start jbidibc built-in local ping as a watchdog of the connection.
      protected void terminate()  
      void TEST​(boolean a)  
      • Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

        clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
    • Constructor Detail

      • BiDiBTrafficController

        public BiDiBTrafficController​(org.bidib.jbidibc.core.BidibInterface b)
        Create a new BiDiBTrafficController instance. Must provide a BidibInterface reference at creation time.
        b - reference to associated jbidibc object, preserved for later.
    • Method Detail

      • connnectPort

        public org.bidib.jbidibc.messages.helpers.Context connnectPort​(PortAdapter p)
        Opens the BiDiB connection in the jbidibc library, add listeners and initialize BiDiB.
        p - BiDiB port adapter (serial or simulation)
        a jbidibc context
      • isConnectionReady

        public boolean isConnectionReady()
        Check if the connection is ready to communicate. For netBiDiB this is the case only if the pairing was successful and the server has logged in. For all other connections the connection is ready if it has been successfully opened.
        true if the connection is ready
      • isNetBiDiB

        public boolean isNetBiDiB()
        Check of the connection is netBiDiB.
        true if this connection is netBiDiB
      • connectionLost

        public void connectionLost()
        Set the connection to lost state. All nodes will be removed and the components will be invalidated
      • isDetached

        public boolean isDetached()
        Check if the connection is detached i.e. it is opened, paired but the logon has been rejected.
        true if detached
      • setLogon

        public void setLogon​(boolean logon)
        Set or remove the detached state. If logoff is requested (detach), a logon reject is sent to the device and all nodes will be notified that they are no more reachable (lost node). The connection remains active, but other clients may request a logon from the connected device. If a logon is requested (attach), the connected device is asked for a new logon. When the logon is received, the nodes will be re-initialized by the traffic controller.
        logon - - true for logon (attach), false for logoff (detach)
      • addConnectionChangedListener

        public void addConnectionChangedListener​(java.awt.event.ActionListener l)
        Add/Remove an ActionListener to be called when the connection has changed.
        l - - an Object implementing the ActionListener interface
      • startLocalPing

        public void startLocalPing()
        Start jbidibc built-in local ping as a watchdog of the connection. If there is no response from the device, the connection will be closed.
      • TEST

        public void TEST​(boolean a)
      • getBidib

        public org.bidib.jbidibc.core.BidibInterface getBidib()
        Get Bidib Interface
        Bidib Interface
      • getNodeList

        public java.util.Map<java.lang.Long,​org.bidib.jbidibc.messages.Node> getNodeList()
        Get the list of nodes found
        list of nodes
      • getNodeByUniqueID

        public org.bidib.jbidibc.messages.Node getNodeByUniqueID​(long uniqueId)
        Get node by unique id from nodelist
        uniqueId - search for this
      • getNodeByAddr

        public org.bidib.jbidibc.messages.Node getNodeByAddr​(byte[] addr)
        Get node by node address from nodelist
        addr - input to search
      • getNodeByUserName

        public org.bidib.jbidibc.messages.Node getNodeByUserName​(java.lang.String userName)
        Get node by node username from nodelist
        userName - input to search
      • getRootNode

        public org.bidib.jbidibc.messages.Node getRootNode()
        Get root node from nodelist
      • isGlobalProgrammerNode

        public boolean isGlobalProgrammerNode​(org.bidib.jbidibc.messages.Node node)
        A node suitable as a global programmer must be - a command station, - must support service mode programming and - must be a booster. - for other nodes than the global command station the local DCC generator must be switched on (MSG_BOOST_STAT returns this as "control")
        node - to check
        true if the node is suitable as a global progreammer
      • getFirstGlobalProgrammerNode

        public org.bidib.jbidibc.messages.Node getFirstGlobalProgrammerNode()
        Get the most probably only global programmer node (aka service mode node, used for prgramming track - PT, not for POM) If there are more than one suitable node, get the last one (reverse nodes list search). In this case the command station (probably the root node and first entry in the list) should probably not be used as a global programmer and the other have been added just for that purpose. TODO: the user should select the global programmer node if there multiple nodes suitable as a global programmer.
        programmer node or null if none available
      • setCurrentGlobalProgrammerNode

        public boolean setCurrentGlobalProgrammerNode​(org.bidib.jbidibc.messages.Node node)
        Set the global programmer node to use.
        node - to be used as global programmer node or null to remove the currentGlobalProgrammerNode
        true if node is a suitable global programmer node, currentGlobalProgrammerNode is set to that node. false if it is not.
      • getCurrentGlobalProgrammerNode

        public org.bidib.jbidibc.messages.Node getCurrentGlobalProgrammerNode()
        Get the cached global programmer node. If there is no, try to find a suitable node. Note that the global programmer node may dynamically change by user settings. Be sure to update or invalidate currentGlobalProgrammerNode.
        the current global programmer node or null if none available.
      • getFirstCommandStationNode

        public org.bidib.jbidibc.messages.Node getFirstCommandStationNode()
        Get the first and most probably only command station node (also used for Programming on the Main - POM) A cached value is returned here for performance reasons since the function is called very often. We don't expect the command station to change.
        command station node
      • getFirstBoosterNode

        public org.bidib.jbidibc.messages.Node getFirstBoosterNode()
        Get the first booster node. There may be more booster nodes, so prefer the command station and then try the others
        booster node
      • getFirstOutputNode

        public org.bidib.jbidibc.messages.Node getFirstOutputNode()
        Get the first output node - a node that can control LC ports. TODO: the method does not make much sense and its only purpose is to check if we have an output node at all. Therefor it should be converted to "hasOutputNode" or similar.
        output node
      • hasAccessoryNode

        public boolean hasAccessoryNode()
        Check if we have at least one node capable of Accessory functions
        true or false
      • findNodeFeature

        public org.bidib.jbidibc.messages.Feature findNodeFeature​(org.bidib.jbidibc.messages.Node node,
                                                                  int requestedFeatureId)
        Find a feature for given node.
        node - selected node
        requestedFeatureId - as integer
        a Feature object or null if the node does not have the feature at all
      • getNodeFeature

        public int getNodeFeature​(org.bidib.jbidibc.messages.Node node,
                                  int requestedFeatureId)
        Get the feature value of a node.
        node - selected node
        requestedFeatureId - feature to get
        the feature value as integer or 0 if the node does not have the feature
      • getPortModel

        public org.bidib.jbidibc.messages.enums.PortModelEnum getPortModel​(org.bidib.jbidibc.messages.Node node)
      • addMessageListener

        public void addMessageListener​(org.bidib.jbidibc.core.MessageListener messageListener)
        Add a message Listener to the connection
        messageListener - to be added
      • removeMessageListener

        public void removeMessageListener​(org.bidib.jbidibc.core.MessageListener messageListener)
        Remove a message Listener from the connection
        messageListener - to be removed
      • addRawMessageListener

        public void addRawMessageListener​(org.bidib.jbidibc.messages.base.RawMessageListener rawMessageListener)
        Add a raw message Listener to the connection
        rawMessageListener - to be added
      • removeRawMessageListener

        public void removeRawMessageListener​(org.bidib.jbidibc.messages.base.RawMessageListener rawMessageListener)
        Remove a raw message Listener from the connection
        rawMessageListener - to be removed
      • allPortConfigX

        public void allPortConfigX()
        Request CONFIGX from all ports on all nodes of this connection. Returns after all data has been received. Received data is delivered to registered Message Listeners.
      • getAllPortConfigX

        public java.util.List<org.bidib.jbidibc.messages.LcConfigX> getAllPortConfigX​(org.bidib.jbidibc.messages.Node node,
                                                                                      org.bidib.jbidibc.messages.enums.LcOutputType type)
        Request CONFIGX from all ports on a given node and possibly only for a given type.
        node - requested node
        type - - if null, request all port types
        Note: always returns null, since data is not collected synchroneously but delivered to registered Message Listeners.
      • getPortConfigX

        public org.bidib.jbidibc.messages.LcConfigX getPortConfigX​(org.bidib.jbidibc.messages.Node node,
                                                                   int portAddr,
                                                                   org.bidib.jbidibc.messages.enums.LcOutputType type)
        Request CONFIGX if a given port on a given node and possibly only for a given type.
        node - requested node
        portAddr - as an integer
        type - - if null, request all port types
        Note: always returns null, since data is not collected synchroneously but delivered to registered Message Listeners.
      • convertConfig2ConfigX

        public org.bidib.jbidibc.messages.LcConfigX convertConfig2ConfigX​(org.bidib.jbidibc.messages.Node node,
                                                                          org.bidib.jbidibc.messages.LcConfig lcConfig)
        Convert a CONFIG object to a CONFIGX object. This is a convenience method so the JMRI components need only to handle the CONFIGX format
        node - context node
        lcConfig - the LcConfig object
        a new LcConfigX object
      • allPortLcStat

        public void allPortLcStat()
        Request LC_STAT from all ports on all nodes of this connection. Returns immediately. Received data is delivered to registered Message Listeners.
      • portLcStat

        public void portLcStat​(org.bidib.jbidibc.messages.Node node,
                               int typemask)
        Request LC_STAT from all ports on a given node. Returns immediately. Received data is delivered to registered Message Listeners. The differences for the addressing model an the old LC_STAT handling are hidden to the caller.
        node - selected node
        typemask - a 16 bit type mask where each bit represents a type, Bit0 is SWITCHPORT, Bit1 is LIGHTPORT and so on. Bit 15 is INPUTPORT. Return LC_STAT only for ports which are selected on the type mask (the correspondend bit is set).
      • accessoryState

        public void accessoryState​(org.bidib.jbidibc.messages.Node node)
      • allFeedback

        public void allFeedback()
        Request Feedback Status (called BM status in BiDiB - BM (Belegtmelder) is german for "feedback") from all ports on all nodes of this connection. Returns immediately. Received data is delivered to registered Message Listeners.
      • feedback

        public void feedback​(org.bidib.jbidibc.messages.Node node)
        Request Feedback Status (called BM status in BiDiB - BM (Belegtmelder) is german for "feedback") from all ports on a given node. Returns immediately. Received data is delivered to registered Message Listeners.
        node - selected node
      • sendBiDiBMessage

        public void sendBiDiBMessage​(org.bidib.jbidibc.messages.message.BidibCommandMessage m,
                                     org.bidib.jbidibc.messages.Node node)
        Forward a preformatted BiDiBMessage to the actual interface.
        m - Message to send;
        node - BiDiB node to send the message to
      • checkProgMode

        public int checkProgMode​(boolean needProgMode,
                                 org.bidib.jbidibc.messages.Node node)
        Check if the command station is in the requested state (Normal, PT) If the command station is not in the requested state, a message is sent to BiDiB to switch to the requested state.
        needProgMode - true if we request the command station to be in programming state, false if normal state is requested
        node - selected node
        0 if nothing to do, 1 if state has been changed, -1 on error
      • sendPacket

        public boolean sendPacket​(byte[] packet,
                                  int repeats)
        Send a specific packet to the rails. Not supported! We probably don't need the command station interface at all... ... besides perhaps consist control or DCC Signal Mast / Head ??
        Specified by:
        sendPacket in interface CommandStation
        packet - Byte array representing the packet, including the error-correction byte.
        repeats - Number of times to repeat the transmission.
        true if the operation succeeds, false otherwise.