Package jmri.jmrix.bachrus
Provides connections and GUI support for attached speedometers.
Originally implemented for the Bachrus speedometer.
This package is called `bachrus` for historical reasons, It would be better to call this jmri.jmrix.speedometer, as it now supports two types of attached speedometers.
Interface Summary Interface Description SpeedoInterface Define interface for receiving messages from the reader.SpeedoListener Defines the interface for listening to traffic on the NCE communications link. -
Class Summary Class Description Bundle DccSpeedProfile Class to represent a dimensionless speed profile of a DCC decoder.GraphPane Frame for graph of loco speed curvesKPFConnectionTypeList Returns a list of valid KPF-Zeller Connection TypesSpeed Useful stuff for speed conversionSpeedoConnectionTypeList Returns a list of valid Bachrus Connection TypesSpeedoConsoleAction Swing action to create and register a SpeedoConsoleFrame objectSpeedoConsoleFrame Frame for Speedo Console for Bachrus running stand reader interfaceSpeedoDial Creates a JPanel containing an Dial type speedo display.SpeedoMenu Create a "Systems" menu containing the bachrus-specific tools.SpeedoPortController Abstract base for classes representing a Bachrus speedo communications portSpeedoReply Carries the reply to an SprogMessage The format of a KPF-Zeller message is*0000;V3.0%\n
but because we terminate on ";", it comes across asV3.0%\n*0000;
SpeedoStartupActionFactory StartupActionFactory
for theSpeedoConsoleAction
.SpeedoSystemConnectionMemo Lightweight class to denote that a system is active, and provide general information.SpeedoTrafficController Converts Stream-based I/O to/from Speedo messages. -
Enum Summary Enum Description Speed.Unit SpeedoConsoleFrame.DisplayType TODO: Complete the help fileSpeedoConsoleFrame.ProfileDirection SpeedoConsoleFrame.ProfileState SpeedoConsoleFrame.ProgState