Package jmri.jmrit.symbolicprog
Basic support for advanced programming, primarily used by DecoderPro.
Tasks left to add Qualifiers
- Need more types, and support in VariableTableModel reading
- Put those types in schema qualification
- Add tooltip setting for the qual, so user knows why gone? I8N
- More types need setAppearance(boolean) code for appearance. Probably, method needs to appear in all *Var* classes.
- More types need isToRead code
Interface Summary Interface Description Qualifier Define capability to watch other things and "Qualify" CVs and Variables. -
Class Summary Class Description AbstractQualifier Watches a specific Variable to qualify another object, e.g. another Variable or a Pane.AbstractValue Define common base class methods for CvValue and VariableValue classesArithmeticQualifier Mechanism to qualify on the value of a number.Bundle CombinedLocoSelListPane Provide GUI controls to select a known loco and/or new decoder.CombinedLocoSelPane Provide GUI controls to select a known loco and/or new decoder.CombinedLocoSelTreePane Provide GUI controls to select a known loco and/or new decoder.CombinedLocoSelTreePane.DecoderTreeNode CombinedLocoSelTreePane.InvisibleTreeModel The following has been taken from an example given in..ComboCheckBox ComboOffRadioButton ComboOnRadioButton ComboRadioButtons CompositeVariableValue Extends EnumVariableValue to represent a composition of variable values.CompositeVariableValue.Setting Define objects to save and manipulate a particular setting.CompositeVariableValue.SettingList Defines a list of Setting objects.ConstantValue Extends VariableValue to represent a constant enum-like-thing.CsvExportAction Action to export the CV values to a Comma Separated Variable (CSV) data file.CsvExportModifiedAction Action to export modified CV values to a Comma Separated Variable (CSV) data file.CsvExportVariablesAction Action to export the CV values to a Comma Separated Variable (CSV) data file.CsvImportAction Action to import the CV values from a CSV format file.CsvImporter Import CV values from a generic CSV format CV list file such as those written by the CsvExportAction class.CVNameComparator CvTableModel Table data model for display of CvValues in symbolic programmer.CvValue Encapsulate a single CV value and provide programming access to the decoder.CvValueRenderer Specialization of ValueRenderer to add CV-usage tooltips and handle Integer valuesDccAddressPanel Provide a graphical representation of the DCC address, either long or shortDccAddressVarHandler Encapulates DCC address handling logic in one placeDecVariableValue Decimal representation of a value.DecVarSlider EnumVariableValue Extends VariableValue to represent an enumerated variable.EnumVariableValue.TreeLeafNode EnumVariableValue.VarComboBox ExtraMenuAction Action to create a dialog so that the user can select an extra menu item to execute.ExtraMenuTableModel Holds a table of the extra menu items available for a particular decoder.FactoryResetAction Action to create a dialog so that the user can select a factory reset to execute.FnMapPanel Provide a graphical representation of the NMRA Standard mapping between cab functions and physical outputs.FnMapPanelESU Provide a graphical representation of the ESU mapping table.GenericImportAction Action to import the CV values from a LokProgrammer CV list file.HexVariableValue LikeDecVariableValue
, except that the string representation is in hexadecimal.KnownLocoSelPane Provide GUI controls to select a known loco via the Roster.LocoSelPane Base class for GUI to select a locomotive (or create a new one in some cases)LocoSelTreePane Provide GUI controls to select a new decoder.LokProgImportAction Action to import the CV values from a LokProgrammer CV list file.LokProgImporter Import CV values from a LokProgrammer CV list file written by the ESU LokProgrammer software.LongAddrVariableValue Extends VariableValue to represent an NMRA long address.NameFile Represents a set of standard names and aliases in memory.NameFile.Initializer NewLocoSelPane Provide GUI controls to select a decoder for a new loco and/or copy an existing config.Pr1ExportAction Action to export the CV values to a PR1DOS data file.Pr1ImportAction Action to import the CV values from a PR1WIN/PR1DOS data file.Pr1Importer Import CV values from a "PR1" file written by PR1DOS or PR1WIN.Pr1WinExportAction Action to export the CV values to a PR1WIN data file.PrintAction Action to print the information in a VariableTable.PrintCvAction Action to print the information in the CV table.ProgDefault Functions for use with programmer files, including the default file name.ProgrammerConfigManager ProgrammerConfigPane Provide GUI to configure symbolic programmer defaults.QualifierAdder Abstract base for adding qualifiers to objectsQualifierCombiner Force a set of Qualifiers to work in an AND relationship.QuantumCvMgrImportAction Action to import the CV values from a Quantum CV Manager .qcv file.QuantumCvMgrImporter Import CV values from a .qcv file written by the QSI Quantum CV Manager software.ResetTableModel Holds a table of the available factory resets available for a particular decoder.ShortAddrVariableValue Representation of a short address (CV1).SpeedTableVarValue Represent an entire speed table as a single Variable.SplitDateTimeVariableValue LikeSplitVariableValue
, except that the string representation is a date and time relative to a given epoch start date.SplitEnumVariableValue Extends VariableValue to represent a variable split across multiple CVs with values from a pre-selected range each of which is associated with a text name (aka, a drop down)
attribute represents the part of the value that's present in each CV; higher-order bits are loaded to subsequent CVs.
It is possible to assign a specific mask for each CV by providing a space separated list of masks, starting with the lowest, and matching the order of CVs
The original use was for addresses of stationary (accessory) decoders.SplitEnumVariableValue.CvItem Class to hold CV parameters for CVs used.SplitEnumVariableValue.TreeLeafNode SplitEnumVariableValue.VarComboBox SplitHexVariableValue LikeSplitVariableValue
, except that the string representation is in hexadecimal
All the attributes ofSplitVariableValue
are inherited.SplitHundredsVariableValue LikeSplitVariableValue
, except that the string representation is split out into 100's in each CV (up to two in this first implementation)
All the attributes ofSplitVariableValue
are inherited.SplitTextVariableValue LikeSplitVariableValue
, except that the string representation is text.SplitVariableValue Extends VariableValue to represent a variable split across multiple CVs.SplitVariableValue.CvItem Class to hold CV parameters for CVs used.SymbolicProgBundle Common access to the SymbolicProgBundle of properties.TcsDownloadAction Action to download the function labels from a TCS CS-105 to a roster entryTcsExportAction Action to export the RosterEntry values to a TCS-format data file.TcsImportAction Action to import the RosterEntry values from a TCS data file.TcsImporter Import CV values from a TCS backup file (from a CDI backup) directly into a RosterEntry.TcsUploadAction Action to upload the function labels from a roster entry to a TCS CS-105.ValueEditor JTable editor for cells representing CV values.ValueQualifier Qualify a variable on greater than or equal a numberValueRenderer Renders enum table cells.VariableTableModel Table data model for display of variables in symbolic programmer.VariableValue Represents a single Variable value; abstract base class. -
Enum Summary Enum Description AbstractValue.ValueState ArithmeticQualifier.Test SpeedTableNumbers Enum for which numbers should be shown on the speed table.