Class TrainPrintUtilities

    • Method Detail

      • printReport

        public static void printReport​( file,
                                       java.lang.String name,
                                       boolean isPreview,
                                       java.lang.String fontName,
                                       boolean isBuildReport,
                                       java.lang.String logoURL,
                                       java.lang.String printerName,
                                       java.lang.String orientation,
                                       int fontSize,
                                       boolean isPrintHeader,
                                       java.awt.JobAttributes.SidesType sidesType)
        Print or preview a train Manifest, build report, or switch list.
        file - File to be printed or previewed
        name - Title of document
        isPreview - true if preview
        fontName - optional font to use when printing document
        isBuildReport - true if build report
        logoURL - optional pathname for logo
        printerName - optional default printer name
        orientation - Setup.LANDSCAPE, Setup.PORTRAIT, or Setup.HANDHELD
        fontSize - font size
        isPrintHeader - when true print page header
        sidesType - two sides long or short can be null
      • editReport

        public static void editReport​( file,
                                      java.lang.String name)
        Creates a new build report file with the print detail numbers replaced by indentations. Then calls open desktop editor.
        file - build file
        name - train name
      • editReport

        public static void editReport​( file,
        Creates a new build report file with the print detail numbers replaced by indentations.
        file - Raw file with detail level numbers
        fileOut - Formated file with indentations
      • getPrinterJComboBox

        public static javax.swing.JComboBox<java.lang.String> getPrinterJComboBox()