Bundle |
Car |
Represents a car on the layout
CarColors |
Represents the colors that cars can have.
CarEditFrame |
Frame for user edit of car
CarLengths |
Represents the lengths that cars can have.
CarLoad |
Represents a car load, load's priority, and if
the load is hazardous.
CarLoads |
Represents the loads that cars can have.
CarManager |
Manages the cars.
CarManagerXml |
Loads and stores cars using xml files.
CarOwners |
Represents the owner names that cars can have.
CarRoads |
Represents the road names that cars can have.
CarRosterMenu |
Provides a context-specific menu for handling the Roster.
CarSetFrame |
Frame for user to place car on the layout
CarsTableAction |
Swing action to create and register a CarsTableFrame object.
CarsTableFrame |
Frame for adding and editing the car roster for operations.
CarsTableModel |
Table Model for edit of cars used by operations
CarTypes |
Represents the types of cars a railroad can have.
Kernel |
A Kernel is a group of cars that is managed as one car.
KernelManager |
Manages Kernels.
Xml |
A convenient place to access operations xml element and attribute names.