AlternateTrackAction |
Action to launch selection of alternate track.
AlternateTrackFrame |
Frame that allows user to select alternate track and options.
Bundle |
ChangeTrackFrame |
Action to change the type of track.
ChangeTracksFrame |
Action to change all of tracks at a location to the same type of track.
ChangeTracksTypeAction |
Action to change all of tracks at a location to the same type of track.
ChangeTrackTypeAction |
Action to change the type of track.
EditCarTypeAction |
Swing action to create and register a LocationCopyFrame object.
ExportLocations |
Exports the location roster into a comma delimited file (CSV).
ExportLocationsRosterAction |
Starts the export locations action
IgnoreUsedTrackAction |
Action to allow a user to define how much used track space is to be ignored
by the program when placing new rolling stock to a track.
IgnoreUsedTrackFrame |
Planned Pick ups.
ImportLocations |
This routine will import Locations from a CSV file into the operations
ImportLocationsRosterAction |
Starts the Import Locations Thread
LocationCopyAction |
Swing action to create and register a LocationCopyFrame object.
LocationCopyFrame |
Frame for copying a location for operations.
LocationsByCarLoadFrame |
Frame to display which locations service certain car loads
LocationsByCarTypeFrame |
Frame to display which locations service certain car types
LocationTrackBlockingOrderAction |
Opens the location track blocking order window.
LocationTrackBlockingOrderFrame |
Frame for user edit of location
LocationTrackBlockingOrderTableModel |
Table Model for edit of tracks used by operations
ModifyLocationsAction |
Swing action to create and register a LocationsByCarTypeFrame object.
ModifyLocationsCarLoadsAction |
Swing action to create and register a LocationsByCarTypeFrame object.
PoolTrackAction |
Action to create a track pool and place a track in that pool.
PoolTrackFrame |
Things to test with this frame:
- Adding a new Pool name to the available pools list
- What happens when a null track is passed to the frame
- Selecting an existing pool and saving it to the track
- Selecting a minimum length and saving it to the track
- Not sure if we want to test the status display panel, as it doesn't do
PrintLocationsAction |
Action to print a summary of the Location Roster contents
PrintLocationsByCarTypesAction |
Action to print a summary of locations and tracks that service specific car
PrintLocationsFrame |
Frame to print a summary of the Location Roster contents
PrintSwitchListAction |
Swing action to preview or print a switch list for a location.
PrintTrainsServingLocation |
PrintTrainsServingLocationAction |
Swing action to preview or print trains serving a location.
SetPhysicalLocationAction |
Swing action to create a SetPhysicalLocation dialog.
SetPhysicalLocationFrame |
Frame for setting train physical location coordinates for a location.
ShowCarsByLocationAction |
Swing action to create and register a CarsTableFrame object.
ShowTrackMovesAction |
Track tool to enable the display of track moves.
ShowTrainsServingLocationAction |
Action to create the ShowTrainsServingLocationFrame.
ShowTrainsServingLocationFrame |
Frame to show which trains can service this location
TrackCopyAction |
Swing action to create and register a TrackCopyFrame object.
TrackCopyFrame |
Frame for copying a track for operations.
TrackDestinationEditAction |
Action to create the TrackDestinationEditFrame.
TrackDestinationEditFrame |
Frame for user edit of track destinations
TrackEditCommentsAction |
Action to launch edit of track comments.
TrackEditCommentsFrame |
TrackLoadEditAction |
Action to create the TrackLoadEditFrame.
TrackLoadEditFrame |
Frame for user edit of track loads
TrackRoadEditAction |
Action to create the TrackRoadEditFrame.
TrackRoadEditFrame |
Frame for user edit of track roads