Class SpeedUtil

  • public class SpeedUtil
    extends java.lang.Object
    All speed related method transferred from Engineer and Warrant classes. Until June 2017, the problem of determining the actual track speed of a model train in millimeters per millisecond (same as meters/sec) from the throttle setting was usually done with an ad hoc "throttle factor". When created, the RosterSpeedProfile provides this needed conversion but generally is not done by users for each of their locos. Methods to dynamically determine a RosterSpeedProfile for each loco are implemented in this class.
    • Constructor Summary

      Modifier Constructor Description
      protected SpeedUtil()  
    • Method Detail

      • getRosterId

        public java.lang.String getRosterId()
        Set the key identifier for the Speed Profile If a RosterEntry exists, _rosterId is the RosterEntry id or possibly is the RosterEntrytitle. Otherwise it may be just the decoder address
        key to speedProfile
      • setRosterId

        public boolean setRosterId​(java.lang.String id)
        Set a key to a loco's roster and speed info. If there is no RosterEntry, the id still locates a session SpeedProfile for the loco. Called from: SpeedUtil.setDccAdress(String) - main parser WarrantFrame.setup() - edit existing warrant WarrantManagerXml - load warrant
        id - key to speedProfile
        true if RosterEntry exists for id
      • setDccAddress

        protected void setDccAddress​(DccLocoAddress dccAddr)
        Called by: Warrant.setRunMode() about to run a warrant WarrantFrame.setup() for an existing warrant WarrantTableModel.cloneWarrant() when cloning an existing warrant
        dccAddr - DccLocoAddress
      • setDccAddress

        public boolean setDccAddress​(int number,
                                     java.lang.String type)
      • setAddress

        public boolean setAddress​(java.lang.String id)
        Sets dccAddress and key for a speedProfile. Will fetch RosterEntry if one exists. If _rosterEntry exists, _rosterId set to RosterEntry Id (which may or not be "id") else _rosterId set to "id" or decoder address. Called from: DefaultConditional.takeActionIfNeeded() - execute a setDccAddress action SpeedUtil.makeSpeedTree() - need to use track speeds WarrantFrame.checkTrainId() - about to run, assures address is set Warrantroute.getRoster() - selection form _rosterBox WarrantRoute.setAddress() - whatever is in _dccNumBox.getText() WarrantRoute.setTrainPanel() - whatever in _dccNumBox.getText() WarrantTableModel.setValue() - whatever address is put into the ADDRESS_COLUMN
        id - address as a String, either RosterEntryTitle or decoder address
        true if address found for id
      • getMomentumTime

        protected float getMomentumTime​(float fromSpeed,
                                        float toSpeed)
        ms momentum time to change speed for a throttle amount
        fromSpeed - throttle change
        toSpeed - throttle change
        momentum time
      • getThrottleSpeedStepIncrement

        protected float getThrottleSpeedStepIncrement()
        throttle's minimum speed change amount
        speed step amount
      • setIsForward

        protected void setIsForward​(boolean direction)
      • secondGreaterThanFirst

        protected boolean secondGreaterThanFirst​(java.lang.String speed1,
                                                 java.lang.String speed2)
      • modifySpeed

        protected float modifySpeed​(float tSpeed,
                                    java.lang.String sType)
        Modify a throttle setting to match a speed name type Modification is done according to the interpretation of the speed name
        tSpeed - throttle setting (current)
        sType - speed type name
        modified throttle setting
      • modifyTime

        protected static long modifyTime​(float speed,
                                         long time,
                                         float modifiedSpeed)
        A a train's speed at a given throttle setting and time would travel a distance. return the time it would take for the train at another throttle setting to travel the same distance.
        speed - a given throttle setting
        time - a given time
        modifiedSpeed - a different speed setting
        the time to travel the same distance at the different setting
      • getTrackSpeed

        protected float getTrackSpeed​(float throttleSetting)
        Get the track speed in millimeters per millisecond (= meters/sec) If SpeedProfile has no speed information an estimate is given using the WarrantPreferences throttleFactor. NOTE: Call profileHasSpeedInfo() first to determine if a reliable speed is known. for a given throttle setting and direction. SpeedProfile returns 0 if it has no speed information
        throttleSetting - throttle setting
        track speed in millimeters/millisecond (not mm/sec)
      • getThrottleSettingForSpeed

        protected float getThrottleSettingForSpeed​(float trackSpeed)
        Get the throttle setting needed to achieve a given track speed track speed is mm/ms. SpeedProfile wants mm/s SpeedProfile returns 0 if it has no speed information
        trackSpeed - in millimeters per millisecond (m/s)
        throttle setting or 0
      • getDistanceTraveled

        protected float getDistanceTraveled​(float speedSetting,
                                            java.lang.String speedtype,
                                            float time)
        Get distance traveled at a constant speed. If this is called at a speed change the throttleSetting should be modified to reflect the average speed over the time interval.
        speedSetting - Recorded (Normal) throttle setting
        speedtype - speed name to modify throttle setting to get modified speed
        time - milliseconds
        distance in millimeters
      • getTimeForDistance

        protected int getTimeForDistance​(float throttleSetting,
                                         float distance)
        Get time needed to travel a distance at a constant speed.
        throttleSetting - Throttle setting
        distance - in millimeters
        time in milliseconds
      • getBlockSpeedTimes

        protected void getBlockSpeedTimes​(java.util.List<ThrottleSetting> commands,
                                          java.util.List<BlockOrder> orders)
        build map of BlockSpeedInfo's for the route. Map corresponds to list of BlockOrders of a Warrant
        commands - list of script commands
        orders - list of BlockOrders
      • getRampForSpeedChange

        protected RampData getRampForSpeedChange​(float fromSpeed,
                                                 float toSpeed)
        Get the ramp for a speed change from Throttle settings
        fromSpeed - - starting speed setting
        toSpeed - - ending speed setting
        ramp data
      • getRampLengthForEntry

        protected float getRampLengthForEntry​(float fromSpeed,
                                              float toSpeed)
        Get the ramp length for a speed change from Throttle settings
        fromSpeed - - starting speed setting
        toSpeed - - ending speed setting
        ramp length
      • getDistanceOfSpeedChange

        protected float getDistanceOfSpeedChange​(float fromSpeed,
                                                 float toSpeed,
                                                 long speedTime)
        Return the distance traveled at current speed after a speed change was made. Takes into account the momentum configured for the decoder to change from the previous speed to the current speed. Assumes the velocity change is linear. Does not return a distance greater than that needed by momentum time.
        fromSpeed - throttle setting when speed changed to toSpeed
        toSpeed - throttle setting being set
        speedTime - elapsed time from when the speed change was made to now
        distance traveled
      • leavingBlock

        protected void leavingBlock​(int blkIdx)
        Just entered a new block at 'toTime'. Do the calculation of speed of the previous block from when the previous block block was entered. Throttle changes within the block will cause different speeds. We attempt to accumulate these time and distances to calculate a weighted speed average. See method speedChange() below.
        blkIdx - BlockOrder index of the block the engine just left. (not train) The lead engine just entered the next block after blkIdx.
      • speedChange

        protected void speedChange​(float throttleSetting)
        The engineer makes this notification before setting a new speed. Calculate the distance traveled since the last speed change.
        throttleSetting - the new Speed of the Throttle.