Class PositionableLabelXml

    • Method Detail

      • store

        public org.jdom2.Element store​(java.lang.Object o)
        Default implementation for storing the contents of a PositionableLabel
        o - Object to store, of type PositionableLabel
        Element containing the complete info
      • storeTextInfo

        protected void storeTextInfo​(Positionable p,
                                     org.jdom2.Element element)
        Store the text formatting information.

        This is always stored, even if the icon isn't in text mode, because some uses (subclasses) of PositionableLabel flip back and forth between icon and text, and want to remember their formatting.

        p - the icon to store
        element - the XML representation of the icon
      • storeCommonAttributes

        public void storeCommonAttributes​(Positionable p,
                                          org.jdom2.Element element)
        Default implementation for storing the common contents of an Icon
        p - the icon to store
        element - the XML representation of the icon
      • storeIcon

        public org.jdom2.Element storeIcon​(java.lang.String elemName,
                                           NamedIcon icon)
      • load

        public boolean load​(org.jdom2.Element shared,
                            org.jdom2.Element perNode)
        Description copied from class: AbstractXmlAdapter
        Create a set of configured objects from their XML description.
        Specified by:
        load in interface XmlAdapter
        load in class AbstractXmlAdapter
        shared - Top-level XML element containing the common, multi-node elements of the description
        perNode - Top-level XML element containing the private, single-node elements of the description
        true if successful
      • getNamedIcon

        protected NamedIcon getNamedIcon​(java.lang.String childName,
                                         org.jdom2.Element element,
                                         java.lang.String name,
                                         Editor ed)