Class ConditionalListEdit

  • public class ConditionalListEdit
    extends ConditionalList
    The traditional list based conditional editor based on the original editor included in LogixTableAction.

    Conditionals now have two policies to trigger execution of their action lists:

    1. the previous policy - Trigger on change of state only
    2. the new default - Trigger on any enabled state calculation
    Jan 15, 2011 - Pete Cressman

    Two additional action and variable name selection methods have been added:

    1. Single Pick List
    2. Combo Box Selection
    The traditional tabbed Pick List with text entry is the default method. The Options menu has been expanded to list the 3 methods. Mar 27, 2017 - Dave Sand

    Add a Browse Option to the Logix Select Menu. This will display a window that creates a formatted list of the contents of the selected Logix with each Conditional, Variable and Action. The code is courtesy of Chuck Catania and is used with his permission. Apr 2, 2017 - Dave Sand

    Compare with the other Conditional Edit tool ConditionalTreeEdit

    • Constructor Detail

      • ConditionalListEdit

        public ConditionalListEdit​(java.lang.String sName)
        Create a new Conditional List View editor.
        sName - name of the Logix being edited
    • Method Detail

      • makeEditLogixWindow

        void makeEditLogixWindow()
        Create and/or initialize the Edit Logix pane.
      • newConditionalPressed

        void newConditionalPressed​(java.awt.event.ActionEvent e)
        Respond to the New Conditional Button in Edit Logix Window.
        e - The event heard
      • editConditionalPressed

        void editConditionalPressed​(int rx)
        Respond to Edit Button in the Conditional table of the Edit Logix Window.
        rx - index (row number) of Conditional to be edited
      • reorderPressed

        void reorderPressed​(java.awt.event.ActionEvent e)
        Respond to the Reorder Button in the Edit Logix pane.
        e - The event heard
      • calculatePressed

        void calculatePressed​(java.awt.event.ActionEvent e)
        Responds to the Calculate Button in the Edit Logix window.
        e - The event heard
      • donePressed

        void donePressed​(java.awt.event.ActionEvent e)
        Respond to the Done button in the Edit Logix window.

        Note: We also get here if the Edit Logix window is dismissed, or if the Add button is pressed in the Logic Table with an active Edit Logix window.

        e - The event heard
      • deletePressed

        void deletePressed​(java.awt.event.ActionEvent e)
        Respond to the Delete button in the Edit Logix window.
        e - The event heard
      • deleteConditionalPressed

        void deleteConditionalPressed()
        Respond to the Delete Conditional Button in the Edit Conditional window.
      • checkEditConditional

        boolean checkEditConditional()
        Check if edit of a conditional is in progress.
        true if this is the case, after showing dialog to user
      • makeEditConditionalWindow

        void makeEditConditionalWindow()
        Create and/or initialize the Edit Conditional window.

        Note: you can get here via the New Conditional button (newConditionalPressed) or via an Edit button in the Conditional table of the Edit Logix window.

      • makeBottomPanel

        javax.swing.JPanel makeBottomPanel()
        Make the bottom panel for _conditionalFrame to hold buttons for Update/Save, Cancel, Delete/FullEdit
        Specified by:
        makeBottomPanel in class ConditionalList
        the panel
      • updateConditional

        boolean updateConditional​(java.lang.String uName,
                                  Conditional.AntecedentOperator logicType,
                                  boolean trigger,
                                  java.lang.String antecedent)
        Description copied from class: ConditionalList
        Update _curConditional, the current Conditional. Checks for being well formed rules and registers its usage.
        Specified by:
        updateConditional in class ConditionalList
        uName - Conditiona's user name
        logicType - Logic type od antecedent
        trigger - Trigger on variablr change action choice
        antecedent - the antecedent
        true, if update is made
      • swapConditional

        void swapConditional​(int row)
        Respond to the First/Next (Delete/Reorder) Button in the ConditionalTableModel.
        row - index of the row to put as next in line (instead of the one that was supposed to be next)