Package jmri

Interface Transit

  • All Superinterfaces:
    java.lang.Comparable<NamedBean>, NamedBean, PropertyChangeProvider
    All Known Implementing Classes:

    public interface Transit
    extends NamedBean
    A Transit is a group of Sections representing a specified path through a layout.

    A Transit may have the following states:

    available for assignment to a train
    linked to a train in an ActiveTrain

    When assigned to a Transit, options may be set for the assigned Section. The Section and its options are kept in a TransitSection object.

    To accommodate passing sidings and other track features, there may be multiple Sections connecting two other Sections in a Transit. If so, one Section is assigned as primary, and the other connecting Sections are assigned as alternates.

    A Section may be in a Transit more than once, for example if a train is to make two or more loops around a layout before going elsewhere.

    A Transit is normally traversed in the forward direction, that is, the direction of increasing Section Numbers. When a Transit traversal is started up, it is always started in the forward direction. However, to accommodate point-to-point (back and forth) route designs, the direction of travel in a Transit may be "reversed". While the Transit direction is "reversed", the direction of travel is the direction of decreasing Section numbers. Whether a Transit is in the "reversed" direction is kept in the ActiveTrain using the Transit.

    • Method Detail

      • getTransitSectionList

        Get the list of TransitSections.
        a copy of the internal list of TransitSections or an empty list
      • getMaxSequence

        int getMaxSequence()
        Get the maximum sequence number used in this Transit.
        the maximum sequence
      • removeAllSections

        void removeAllSections()
        Remove all TransitSections in this Transit.
      • containsSection

        boolean containsSection​(Section s)
        Check if a Section is in this Transit.
        s - the section to check for
        true if the section is present; false otherwise
      • getSectionListBySeq

        java.util.ArrayList<SectiongetSectionListBySeq​(int seq)
        Get a List of Sections with a given sequence number.
        seq - the sequence number
        the list of of matching sections or an empty list if none
      • getTransitSectionListBySeq

        java.util.ArrayList<TransitSectiongetTransitSectionListBySeq​(int seq)
        Get a List of TransitSections with a given sequence number.
        seq - the sequence number
        the list of of matching sections or an empty list if none
      • getSeqListBySection

        java.util.ArrayList<java.lang.Integer> getSeqListBySection​(Section s)
        Get a List of sequence numbers for a given Section.
        s - the section to match
        the list of matching sequence numbers or an empty list if none
      • containsBlock

        boolean containsBlock​(Block block)
        Check if a Block is in this Transit.
        block - the block to check for
        true if block is present; false otherwise
      • getBlockCount

        int getBlockCount​(Block block)
        Get the number of times a Block is in this Transit.
        block - the block to check for
        the number of times block is present; 0 if block is not present
      • getSectionFromBlockAndSeq

        Section getSectionFromBlockAndSeq​(Block b,
                                          int seq)
        Get a Section from one of its Blocks and its sequence number.
        b - the block within the Section
        seq - the sequence number of the Section
        the Section or null if no matching Section is present
      • getSectionFromConnectedBlockAndSeq

        Section getSectionFromConnectedBlockAndSeq​(Block b,
                                                   int seq)
        Get Section from one of its EntryPoint Blocks and its sequence number.
        b - the connecting block to the Section
        seq - the sequence number of the Section
        the Section or null if no matching Section is present
      • getDirectionFromSectionAndSeq

        int getDirectionFromSectionAndSeq​(Section s,
                                          int seq)
        Get the direction of a Section in the transit from its sequence number.
        s - the Section to check
        seq - the sequence number of the Section
        the direction of the Section (one of Section.FORWARD or Section.REVERSE or zero if s and seq are not in a TransitSection together
      • getTransitSectionFromSectionAndSeq

        TransitSection getTransitSectionFromSectionAndSeq​(Section s,
                                                          int seq)
        Get a TransitSection in the transit from its Section and sequence number.
        s - the Section to check
        seq - the sequence number of the Section
        the transit section or null if not found
      • getInternalBlocksList

        Get a list of all blocks internal to this Transit. Since Sections may be present more than once, blocks may be listed more than once. The sequence numbers of the Section the Block was found in are accumulated in a parallel list, which can be accessed by immediately calling getBlockSeqList().
        the list of all Blocks or an empty list if none are present
      • getBlockSeqList

        java.util.ArrayList<java.lang.Integer> getBlockSeqList()
        Get a list of sequence numbers in this Transit. This list is generated by calling getInternalBlocksList() or getEntryBlocksList().
        the list of all sequence numbers or an empty list if no Blocks are present
      • getEntryBlocksList

        Get a list of all entry Blocks to this Transit. These are Blocks that a Train might enter from and be going in the direction of this Transit. The sequence numbers of the Section the Block will enter are accumulated in a parallel list, which can be accessed by immediately calling getBlockSeqList().
        the list of all blocks or an empty list if none are present
      • getDestinationBlocksList

        java.util.ArrayList<BlockgetDestinationBlocksList​(Block startBlock,
                                                            boolean startInTransit)
        Get a list of all destination blocks that can be reached from a specified starting block. The sequence numbers of the Sections destination blocks were found in are accumulated in a parallel list, which can be accessed by immediately calling getDestBlocksSeqList().

        Note: A Train may not terminate in the same Section in which it starts.

        Note: A Train must terminate in a Block within the Transit.

        startBlock - the starting Block to find destinations for
        startInTransit - true if startBlock is within this Transit; false otherwise
        a list of destination Blocks or an empty list if none exist
      • getDestBlocksSeqList

        java.util.ArrayList<java.lang.Integer> getDestBlocksSeqList()
        Get a list of destination Block sequence numbers in this Transit. This list is generated by calling getDestinationBlocksList(jmri.Block, boolean).
        the list of all destination Block sequence numbers or an empty list if no destination Blocks are present
      • canBeResetWhenDone

        boolean canBeResetWhenDone()
        Check if this Transit is capable of continuous running.

        A Transit is capable of continuous running if, after an Active Train completes the Transit, it can automatically be restarted. To be restartable, the first Section and the last Section must be the same Section, and the first and last Sections must be defined to run in the same direction. If the last Section is an alternate Section, the previous Section is tested. However, if the Active Train does not complete its Transit in the same Section it started in, the restart will not take place.

        true if continuous running is possible; otherwise false
      • initializeBlockingSensors

        int initializeBlockingSensors()
        Initialize blocking sensors for Sections in this Transit. This should be done before any Sections are allocated for this Transit. Only Sections that are Section.FREE are initialized, so as not to interfere with running active trains. If any Section does not have blocking sensors, warning messages are logged.
        0 if no errors, number of errors otherwise.
      • setTransitType

        void setTransitType​(Transit.TransitType type)
        Set transit Type.
        • USERDEFINED - Default Save all the information.
        • DYNAMICADHOC - Created on an as required basis, not to be saved.
        type - constant of transit type.